Chapter 484

Sarah woke up and turned around. "Are you leaving?"

'What do you want to eat?"

Sarah opened her eyes to look at him, before wrapping her arms around his waist from behind. "I thought you were running away."

Indeed, Nigel did not quite know how to face her, but there was not a point to run from something that he did

"I won't mention this to anyone. This will be our secret.” Sarah rubbed her face against his back. "Just come here to keep me company from time to time. I want US to be like what we used to be." “Sarah..."

'I know what you want to say.” Sarah interrupted her. "Why don't you think about what Dorothy did to you back then? Does she think she’s on the moral high ground here? Your marriage exists for the sake of Bianca only. What kind of a marriage is that? You wouldn't spend the night with me if you have feelings for her. I know you."

Exposed, Nigel's expression darkened as he remained quiet.

Sarah got out of bed to stand in front of him, before helping to adjust his collar and button his shirt. "Just consider having fun every once in a while when you are lonely. Don't worry about me. I'm okay with this. I'm single anyway."

"I've done this.” Nigel didn't know how he could ever make it up for Sarah and their daughter Anne. “Don't pressure yourself. What's the point of thinking about that if I don't care? Anne won't blame you. She cares a lot about you!" Sarah said with a smile.

Nigel couldn't help but think that he, Sarah and Anne would have been one happy family if he hadn't broken up with Sarah; unfortunately, one couldn't go back in time and he couldn't even think of a way to handle the current situation as it was.

'Are you leaving today?" She asked. "Spend one more night with me, okay? One last night..."

Before he could respond, she pulled him into the bathroom to wash up.

Nigel stayed the night that day. He didn't want to admit it, but it was so relaxing to be with Sarah that he even slept better.

Everything seemed to have gone back in time, but eventually, he needed to leave.

In the morning of the third day, he left quietly while Sarah was sleeping, fearing that he might not be able to leave if he had stayed any longer.

During his flight, he thought back to all the things that happened between him and Sarah, his heart fluttering every time he remembered the first time they met.

He couldn't hurt Sarah again when he had already done so nce, so he decided to confess to Dorothy and file a divorce since Bianca was old enough to marry and their divorce would not affect her any longer.

“What did you say?" Dorothy had welcomed her husband home cheerfully, but was surprised when she heard what he had to say after dinner.

"I went to Santa Nila to see Sarah." 1

Dorothy's nails dug into her palms as she tried her best to control her expression. "Are... are you joking? Why did you go there to see her?" Terrified that Nigel would admit to cheating, she blurted out before he had the chance to explain, “she is alone there and her daughter can't visit her. Anne is your daughter, so I guess it makes sense for you to go to her place.” "Dorothy, let's get a divorce,” Nigel said.

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