Chapter 483

She knew that Nigel had not forgotten as well.

At night, Nigel sent Sarah back to her hotel and stopped outside the door for her own safety. "Aren't you coming in for a drink?" Sarah asked. "Anne is not around, so can you just keep me company in her place?"

Nigel hesitated, and Sarah pulled him into her room, closing the door behind them.

She took out two glasses and poured wine into them at the bar table, and Nigel went to set his briefcase to sit down.

He felt uncomfortable that Sarah had sat down next to him, he wanted to move away, but did not want to appear like he was avoiding her as Sarah seemed like she really just wanted to talk and drink.

They clicked glasses and the crisp sound echoed throughout the room. He drank his wine and felt the burning sensation down his throat.

Sarah observed Nigel and felt more and more drawn to him. She turned around sorrowfully and said, "I wonder when I can see Anne and share a meal with her. I would be happy to just see her..." 'l was going to talk to Anthony about this after finding Anne. It's been long enough,” Nigel said. Sarah did not seem overjoyed and filled their glasses, the air was filled with the bitter-sweet taste of the wine. "If I get to go back to Luton, we probably won't be able to drink and chat like this again, will we?"

Nigel felt his composure. "..With Anne by your side, you won't need me anymore."

Sarah smiled bitterly and gulped her wine down.

"Careful. Don't get drunk," Nigel reminded her.

"Why not? I'm already in my room, anyway." Sarah looked at him. "I have nothing to worry about if I get drunk with you. Even if you were to do

something to me, I'm more than happy to accept.”

Nigel picked up his glass and sipped on his wine to conceal his feelings.

Sarah poured herself another glass and filled his glass as well. She set the bottle down and asked, "Do you remember where we first met?"

Nigel nodded. "I do.”

"You are so charming when you are working hard for your goals. I used to think to myself that I would be the luckiest girl if my first love would be someone like you, not expecting that you really ended up being my boyfriend..." She reached out to tilt his face toward her, before moving closer to kiss him.

Nigel stopped her by holding her shoulder. "Sarah, you are drunk.”

"I will only fall asleep if I'm drunk. I want to kiss you because that's what my heart desires.” Sarah knew perfectly well if she was drunk.

"I'm a married man. You know that. I don't want to do anything immoral.”

"Every day since we broke up, I have lived with the knowledge that you belong to another woman and share your bed with another woman. I cried myself to sleep for nights. Do you know that?” She asked as tears welled up her eyes.

Nigel remained silent in misery.

"I don't mean to tear your marriage apart. Just warm me up from time to time, okay?" She stared into his eyes lovingly. "Nigel, just 2 little bit.."

She inched in closer, and the hand on her shoulder that was stopping her moved away.

Nigel could not figure out what was the point of acting so recklessly, but he had chosen to forget about his wife for the moment, and carried Sarah to the bed.

In the morning, he jolted awake and his heart sank when he saw Sarah asleep leaning against him.

He tip-toed out of the bed and grabbed his clothes.

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