Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies
Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies Chapter 419

Chapter 419 Most importantly, they had to stop Sarah from leaving Luton. “Don’t worry. I'll look for Anthony immediately. Just wait for my update.” Nigel hung up after saying that.

Anne stood outside, feeling anxious and helpless.

Anthony was really ruthless, and he would not show any sympathy!

Since Anthony was not answering Anne's calls, she sent him a text instead, (Please have mercy on my mom and let her stay in Luton. I can do anything as long as it makes you happy.) However, there was no reply.

She only had this advantage over Anthony, if this could not work, what else could she do?

After waiting for almost an hour, Nigel still did not call. Anne wondered what was going on, but she was getting impatient. Later, she noticed that Anthony had changed location and was now at the Archduke Group, so she immediately took a cab over.

After entering the Archduke Group, Anne wanted to go directly to the elevator but was stopped by the uniformed security guard.

“You can't get in unless you're authorized. May I know who you are looking for?”

“I'm looking for Anthony Marwood.”

“Please make an appointment at the front desk.”

Anne looked at the security guard, not believing that he could not recognize her as she had been there a few times before, and he never stopped her. Yet, she suddenly needed to make an appointment? It was obvious that the higher-ups had ordered them to make it difficult for her purposely. It was not that she could not make an appointment, but she was running out of time! "Okay, fine. Can you just give me a pass? I'll bear the consequences.” Anne thought that as long as she saw Anthony, all problems would be solved.

“No way," the security refused, “you should leave. Don’t make it hard for us.”

Anne was certainly not leaving just like that. She wanted to meet Anthony, so she forced her way to the elevator.

The security guard blocked her path and said, “Ms. Vallois, please leave.”

"Just let me meet Anthony. I won't let him put you in a bad spot,” Anne said.

Before the security guard spoke, Bianca walked over gracefully, carrying a limited-edition handbag. “Aren“t you blowing your own horn? You're saying as if the person in charge of the Archduke Group will listen to you.”

Anne's heart froze when she saw Bianca. If Bianca were around, she would not be able to do anything

“Bianca, the things you're worried about won't happen again. I hope you won't go too far in bullying others.” Anne calmed down. “Who the hell is bullying who? Would this happen if it weren't for your mom's stupid action?” “Only you know the truth of the matter.” Although Anne had no evidence, she could tell from Michelle that it was definitely related to Bianca.

"What truth? i know nothing.” Bianca played dumb. “I guessed you'd come here, so I waited here to watch you accept the reality! Anthony is determined to let Sarah leave Luton. He didn't even answer your calls in the morning. Can't you accept the fact?”

Anne gritted her teeth, unable to find the words.

However, she could only beg Anthony... “Throw her out, and don't show her mercy,” Bianca ordered the security guard.

Then, the security guard walked over, ready to drag Anne out. “I'll leave on my own...ah!” On the stairs, Anne missed her step and fell. Soon, she felt a piercing pain in her elbow and palm. Anne looked at her palm and found she had scraped her skin off. Without looking, she knew that she had grazed her elbow too.

When Anne looked up, she saw Bianca smiling smugly and viciously. Anne knew her idea to meet Anthony was down the drain, and she could only leave.

Bianca watched as Anne left embarrassingly, and she felt pleased, thinking that her plan this time was just too perfect. She loved to see Anne miserable, being trampled on the soles of her feet and unable to struggle.

Trying to snatch Anthony away from her? How naive!

Suddenly, Bianca's phone rang. She took it out of her handbag and found that it was Nigel.

Bianca answered the phone, “Dad, what's the matter? I'm at the Archduke Group!”

“Come to the Gordon Restaurant.”

Bianca became a little worried. “What are we doing there? It's not even lunchtime.”

“I have something to ask you. I'll be waiting.” Nigel hung up after saying that. An hour later, Bianca entered the private room and saw Nigel sitting alone with a stern expression. Bianca walked over and asked, “Dad, what do you want to ask me? I still have to go to the studio, and I'm very busy. Can't you ask me when I'm home?” "Did you ask the restaurant owner to add aphrodisiacs to our food?” Nigel asked straight to the point.

“Dad, what are you talking about? How could I do such a thing? Did you really come over and check after listening to Anne“s nonsense? In the end, you still believe her and not me!” “I don't believe in anyone, and I only trust my instincts.” Nigel's face was cold. “The restaurant owner told me everything, so are you still going to deny it?”

Bianca froze. The restaurant owner had told Nigel everything? So that was why he called her


“Bianca!” Nigel slapped the table hard, shocking Bianca that even her earrings were swaying.

"Yes! I did it!” Bianca simply admitted, “I don't like Sarah, so I want to drive her away! Dad, I think you've changed since you came to Luton. If she causes you and Mom to fight every day, leading to your divorce, it's better to get rid of her now!"

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