Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies
Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies Chapter 418

Chapter 418

Anne fiddled with her phone, swiping to Anthony's number now and then.

Should she call him?

Anthony's location showed that he was in the Archduke Group, so Bianca should not be there, right? However, what should she say over the phone? Beg him for mercy?

Then again, why would Anthony accept an unjustified plea for mercy?

Would he accept it if it were justified? After all, he was calling the shots for Bianca! If that happened, how would he explain it to Bianca?

Anne let her thoughts run wild and fell asleep in a daze.

The next morning, instead of Dorothy and Bianca coming over and disturbing them, Anthony's bodyguards were the ones knocking on their door.

Sarah and Anne were terrified, and they hid in the corner.

The bodyguards confronted Anne, and it seemed no one would take a step back.

“Please leave, or I'll call the police!” Anne said coldly. “Mr. Marwood ordered that Madam Vallois will have to leave Luton immediately,” the bodyguard said sternly.

Anne knew it was useless to call the police as their so-called power was just on the surface. She just did not expect this to happen so soon. Why was Anthony so cruel? “Wait a minute. I'll make a call!” Then, Anne nudged Sarah. “Go and take out my phone.” Sarah went inside while watching the three bodyguards vigilantly.

Anne said, “Don’t move until I call Anthony.”

The bodyguards did not move or speak. Sarah quickly brought Anne’s phone out. Anne first checked Anthony's location and found that he was at the Royal Mansion. She did not care whether Bianca was beside him and immediately called him. The phone rang a few times and was immediately hung up. Anne called again, but no one picked up. Anne became anxious. If Anthony did not answer her call, how could she beg for mercy? Coincidentally, Anthony was having breakfast with Bianca when Anne called. Anthony saw the first call and knew it was from Anne, but he hung up and even set his phone on mute, putting it in his pocket and ignoring it.

“Is something wrong?” Bianca asked as usual. “It's just a spam call.” Bianca smiled gently. She suspected that the caller was Anne

No...not suspected. She knew it was Anne.

However, Bianca did not ask more. After all, she could not be as unreasonable as her mother or Anthony would be disgusted

Anyway, Anthony's heart was with her now, and he even punished Sarah for her.

Since she had achieved her goal, Bianca was not in a hurry and did not mind taking her time. "When is Sarah leaving Luton?” Bianca asked.


Bianca finally understood why Anthony's phone was ringing. It could be seen that he was determined to ignore Anne.

This made Bianca happy.

She knew it was impossible for a woman to win a man’s heart with her body, and Anne was destined to suffer miserably.

Anne made several calls that went unanswered, and she became more and more anxious,

The bodyguards went straight to pull Sarah. Sarah screamed in fear, “What are you doing? Who the hell do you think you are? How can you force me to leave Luton? Anne!” “Let her go!” Anne pushed the bodyguards and could not even be bothered about her phone dropping to the ground. However, two weak women could not fight against three burly bodyguards. Anne was carried aside, and the other two bodyguards dragged Sarah away. “Mom!” Anne was distressed. No matter how she tried, she could not go past the bodyguard.” Move! I'll talk to Anthony later. Can't you wait? He'll show us mercy!”

“We're only following his orders,” the bodyguard said and left.

Anne wanted to take the opportunity to pass him, but the bodyguard quickly stopped her. Sarah had been brought downstairs, dragged by the bodyguard with one hand “Anne, save me! I don't want to leave Luton. This is my home! Who do you think you are?! Asking me to leave just like this? Anthony doesn’t have the right to do this!” “Mom...” Anne watched helplessly as Sarah was taken away. It was impossible to save Sarah on her own.

Then, Anne hurriedly looked for her phone and called Anthony again, but he still did not answer. “B*stard!” Anne cursed. Since Anthony was not answering her call, she called Nigel, thinking that Anthony would at least accept Nigel's persuasion. “Dad, Mom was taken away by

Anthony's men!” “Did they just leave?” Nigel asked.

Ithey just left with the car. I tried to call Anthony, but there was no answer. He's doing this on purpose to make sure Mom leaves Luton. Dad, if Mom leaves Luton, I'll never see her again. “Anne was freaking out. She had yet to tell him that she was now an unregistered resident.

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