Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies
Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies Chapter 411

Chapter 411

Anne hesitated before answering the call, and she heard Bianca saying, “Anne, come to the Archduke Group!”

She was snuffling slightly, and it was apparent that she had just cried.

Anne became anxious. Bianca's call to ask her to go to the Archduke Group could only mean one thing — Bianca was at the Archduke Group, and Anne would have to face the pressure from Anthony After hanging up the call, Anne's mind became foggy. When Sarah noticed that, she asked,” What's wrong? Who called you? What did the person say?” “It was Bianca. I have to go to the Archduke Group.”

Sarah grabbed her arm. “You're going to the Archduke Group? Isnt that Anthony's company? What are they trying to do to you? You have nothing to do with the incident! Why didn’t they find me? I'll go with you.” “No. Bianca only asked for my presence. Besides, Anthony will be there, and you'll only add fuel to the fire,” Anne said.

Sarah flinched when she heard Anthony's name.

“Don’t worry. I'll be fine,” Anne comforted.

"Actually... Nigel and I both regretted it afterward. We were completely reckless at that time. Just tell them that such a thing will not happen in the future, and say I said it.”

Anne nodded and left.

Sarah was still anxious. She could not help but think of the worst possible outcomes, and she felt more hopeless.

It was already nighttime when Anne got off at the Archduke Group's entrance. Her phone rang once again, and it was Bianca. However, Anne did not answer as she was busy walking into the majestic skyscraper. The entire skyscraper belonged to the Archduke Group. Every time Anne came here, she felt strong pressure before entering the door. 1

As Anne had an “appointment’, no one stopped her. Besides, she had been here before, so she went to Anthony's office without difficulty.

The Archduke Group could even be argued as the place of authority for Luton. Anne knocked on the door, and Anthony's deep and intimidating voice sounded, “Come in.”

Anne entered the office and saw Bianca leaning against Anthony's chest with red eyes.

It was obvious that Bianca had been aggrieved.

Bianca sat up from Anthony's embrace, hiding the vicious gleam in her eyes. “Anne, I've been waiting for you for nearly forty minutes. Even if the traffic were bad, it wouldn't have taken thirty minutes! I can wait, but do you think Anthony's time can be wasted?” Anne was speechless. She did not ask Anthony to wait for her. Moreover, was Bianca not

wasting his time by lying in his embrace?

“Sorry, but I had an upset stomach when I was about to get out, causing the delay.” Anne covered her stomach. “I think it was indigestion. An upset stomach is really uncomfortable.” Anthony looked at her quietly with his keen, obsidian eyes.

Bianca became vigilant. Was there any other meaning in Anne's words that she did not know?

Then, with a puzzled look, Anne continued, “Why are you looking for me in such a hurry?”

"Anne, I'm honestly not targeting your mom, but your actions and words are contradictory, and I'm really upset!” Bianca commented as if she had a moral high ground on this issue. After that, she thought of something, sobbing as she said, “Someone found out that your mom and my dad...booked a hotel room.”

It was difficult for Bianca to say the last four words.

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