Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies
Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies Chapter 410

Chapter 410

Anne startled, her mother!!!

She recalled Sarah, who was not home for the whole day, and the contraceptive pills in her bag. The person Sarah was seeing was...

How did...

"Anyway, Bianca doesn’t want to be the one who starts trouble. She's really a conniving b*tch.

said Michelle. “This is my sincerity, so the rest is up to you to figure it out.”


Sarah did not forget to fill Anne’s bowl with the best meat while eating. “The dishes will get cold if you don't eat them. What was the call about that took you so long...”

“Is the man you seeing my father?” Anne's voice appeared behind Sarah.

Sarah dropped the piece of meat she had picked up with her chopstick onto the dining table. She looked guilty when she turned around and saw Anne's inquisitive stare. “Did someone call you to tell you about it?”

"What were you thinking? Don’t you know that Dad was married? What would others think of you if they found out what you have done?” Anne was mad at Sarah.

Sarah was mad as well. “Why are you asking me? Why don't you ask your father? You make it sound as though I had sex with myself.”

Anne held her forehead and nearly passed out.

“Then you tell me, what's going on between the two of you?” Anne could not comprehend. While her mother was a loose woman, what about her father?

Her father was not such a man!

What were they thinking?

"We didn't think much. Perhaps it was in the heat of the moment...”

"What?" Anne could not comprehend.

“I was playing blackjack at a club and got tricked into losing four hundred thousand USD. I was barred from leaving, and it just so happened that your father was present, and he paid four hundred thousand USD on my behalf. As a way of saying “thank you’, I treat him to a meal. After dinner, we sat in the car, and old love somehow rekindled...” Sarah said while her gaze shifted.

Anne was speechless from the beginning because she was so shocked by it.

Was this what ordinary people would do?

She could not believe that her father could do such a thing. Could he still have feelings for her mother?

However, even if he did, he was married and had a daughter. Shouldn't he restrain himself? Moreover, her father was not the type to lose control easily.

"Anyway, it was a one-off thing, so don't worry, as it won't happen again,” Sarah said, nearly swearing in god's name.

"Once was enough.” Anne, with a poker face

“Was it discovered? Who called you to tell you

about it?"


"H-How did she find out about it? Nigel wouldn't be that stupid to confess to his family, would he?” Anne was also surprised as to how did Bianca find out about it. Why would she have Michelle be an eyewitness if she saw them going to a hotel with her own eyes?

"Oh, dear. Why am I so unfortunate? We only did it once and were caught. Nigel was engaged in what?" Sarah whined and became irate.

Anne was trying to figure out how to deal with the crisis.

Bianca was aware of it and even had Michelle serve as an eyewitness. She must be planning something to stir up trouble again.

Whatever she was going to do, it would be known to Anthony.

What would Bianca do first? Cry in front of Anthony.

Seeing how badly his fiancee was being bullied, would he not defend her? 1

“Do you think Dorothy and Bianca will come here to make a ruckus?” Sarah asked.

“I have no idea either...” Anne frowned. “That's why I always tell you to think before you act!” Given that Michelle was an eyewitness and there was CCTV evidence from the hotel, there was no defense.

Could she take a step ahead by acquiring the hotel?

Impossible. Anne must first be capable of doing so.

It only required a phone call, and only Anthony, who was influential and powerful, could make it happen.

Anne snapped out of it when her phone rang, and the caller ID showed Bianca's number. Although she did not save Bianca's contact, she remembered it.

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