Chapter 321

That's right. 1 don't plan to get married.*!

Sarah touched Anne's forehead and asked ly child, did something traumatize you?"

Anne dodged. "I'm good.” Then, she added after hesitating, "Mom, why don't you leave Luton with me?"

"Why?" Sarah was puzzled. "Are you worried about the Faye family? I'm not afraid of anything! But if you want to leave, I'll follow you.”

Anne looked at her in surprise. "I thought you wouldn't want to."

"I'm not afraid of them, but they disgust me,” Sarah said, "out of sight, out of mind!

There was only one concern left in Anne's mind, her children. First, she would need to find the right time to tell Sarah...

Anne waited until Sarah took a nap, and she texted Anthony when she thought of something, [ I talked to Nigel when he came to the hospital. He told me he was divorced when he met my mom. So, she was never a homewrecker.)

No matter what, Anne did not want to be misunderstood, especially by Anthony. If his fiancee was upset, he should stop coming and trouble her!

Bianca went to Anti, .y in the afternoon to discuss the venue for their engagement banquet, but Anthony was away from the office.

However, his phone was on the coffee table, just in front of Bianca. When she heard the message notification, she picked up the phone, and her eyes widened in anger when she read the message! Not only did Anne secretly hook up with Anthony, but even Nigel went to find Sarah!

What the hell was going on?!

Were they a family of batches?

Anne never thought that Bianca would read the message she sent. When she saw the incoming call and remembered it was Bianca's number, she had a bad premonition.

She went out to answer the call, and Bianca's angry tone sounded, "I bet you didn't expect Anthony's phone would be with me, right? Anne, you're such a b*tch! If you really need a man, just go and sell yourself!"

Anne's eyes became cold. "I'm just stating the facts. My mom was not a homewrecker. Instead, your mom couldn't stand being poor and wanted to be rich, yet she ended up wanting your dad back. She even used her daughter to win back her husband's heart. No wonder she said that children are women's best bargaining chip. She was right, and she even used the trick to perfection!"

Bianca's gaze was burning with anger. "Who do you think you are? How dare you insult my parents’ relationship?! You're digging your own grave!"

"Let me leave Luton as soon as possible so I won't be an eyesore Tor you anymore.”

"Trying to leave? You can't go anywhere without my permission unless you leave Luton as a corpse!” Bianca hung up the call

Anne frowned, and her beautiful face ! a hint of gloominess.

What a bunch of lunatics!

She was not afraid of Bianca but worried that Bianca would sway Anthony to do something. At that time, it would surely be difficult for Anne to leave.

How would she know that Bianca would read that message?

It could be seen how close Bianca and Anthony were, and there was no privacy between them.

At night, Anne got her bandage changed in the treatment room. When she looked up, she saw Tommy leaning against the door.

Anne looked away and waited for the nurse tc remove the bandage around her arm, revealing the hideous scar. Then, the nurse left aftei sh< as d jne replacing the bandage.

Tommy walked over, grabbed Anne's hand, an J joked, "You're quite scary when you go crazy."

Anne pulled away her hand and rolled down her sleeve. “Why are you here?"

“To have dinner ++'th you."

“I've eaten.” Just as Anne said that, Tommy's face got closer, causing her to freeze in fright, and her heart skipped a beat

Tommy stopped 2 few millimeters from his lips and sniffed, “Liar. It doesn't smell like you've had your dinner.”

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