Owning Her Innocence (Innocence #1)
Owning Her Innocence: Chapter 3

“Daddy William, I don’t understand.” Shifting so my back rests against the headboard, I look for something to cover my very naked body.

“It’s just Daddy now, Haley.” His voice sounds deeper than it normally does and I can’t help the smile that breaks across my face. I like the idea of just calling him Daddy. It feels so…right. “You want to call me Daddy don’t you, my precious little girl?” he asks.

A shiver runs though me. “Of course I do. I just don’t understand why.” Reaching for the sheet I see lying next to me I pull it up to cover myself, causing him to frown.

“I know there’s a lot we need to talk about. But right now Daddy wants to play with you. Do you want me to play with you, Haley? Do you want me to show you how good I can make you feel?”

I’m confused by his words. He isn’t making any sense to me. “Daddy, what did you mean when you said you wanted me to rub my kitty on you? I don’t have a kitty. I’ve alwa—” He cuts me off with a laugh that sounds so deep It must have come all the way from his tummy, and I can’t help but giggle in response.

“God, Haley, your innocence is going to be the death of me.” He grips the corner of the sheet I used to cover myself and slowly starts pulling it from me. I snap my hand out in response to stop him, but the hard look he shoots me has me instantly letting go. “You trust me, don’t you?” he asks.

My response is instant because it’s the truth. “More than anything.”

He seems to like my quick answer because his shoulders drop, making him seem more relaxed. “Then let Daddy show you. Let me give you what you need and, god fucking knows, what I need.”

Daddy! You just said a very bad word.” I giggle.

“Daddy can say and do whatever he wants, little one. It’s best you learn that now. It will save you from some spankings that will make it hard for you to sit for a few days.”

Pouting I scrunch my nose up and giving him the sweetest look I can muster up. “You wouldn’t really do that to me, now would you?”

He licks his lips causing my eyes to focus on them as he responds. “Haley, you have no idea what the thought of turning you over my lap and spanking that full, lush ass of yours does to me. In fact, my palm is twitching just thinking about it. “

My eyes grow wide at the idea. The pulse I felt the previous day down in my girl parts was back in full force. But this was nothing like before—this was way worse. It’s like a second heartbeat right between my legs.

“I can tell by you wiggling all around that you like the idea of that too, little Haley. You want your Daddy to help you with the ache that’s building in your sweet, tight cunt?”

His words shock me but all I can do is nod.

“That’s good, Haley, real good.” He slides the sheet the rest of the way off, baring me to him.

“Perfect…so fucking perfect,” he whispers so softly I barely hear him. I reach to cover my breasts but he grabs both my wrists, halting my movement. “You don’t hide from your Daddy. You let me enjoy your body, and it just so happens I love looking at you.” Slowly moving my hands and placing them beside me, he leans closer and says, “Will you give your Daddy a kiss?”

I lean into him and place a quick kiss on his lips. Before I can lean back against the headboard his hands grab on to the back of my hair, pulling it tight in his fists. Tilting my head back, he whispers against my lips. “I think you can give me a better kiss than that, don’t you?”

I lick my lips and my tongue brushes his bottom lip. I can taste a hint of what I think is scotch.

“Now I think you’re just teasing me. Are you a cock tease, little girl? Do you like the idea of making your Daddy cum in his pants? Wouldn’t you rather I cum all over those beautiful tits of yours again?”

Before I can respond his mouth is on mine, causing me to gasp in shock. He took advantage of the opening to slide his tongue into my mouth, and this was nothing like the kiss I had with Tim. This was rough and desperate, making it hard to catch my breath. Then I was kissing him back with just as much vigor. This kiss was doing all kinds of crazy things to me. My nipples were growing harder and they started to ache.

Suddenly Daddy pulled away and I lunged for him. Grabbing onto his shoulders, trying to bring him back into my body, but he was quicker, flipping me so I landed on my back in the middle of the bed. “Seems someone is a little greedy.”

“Daddy, please, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I ache all over,” I pled to him.

“Don’t worry, my little one, I’m going to take care of that for you. Be still and let me take care of you. I want to get a real nice look at your kitty.”

“My kitty?” I question.

Sliding his hands to the inside on my thighs he slowly spreads my legs open, adjusting himself so he’s right between them. “Yes, your kitty.” Taking his middle finger, he runs it along my lower lips, causing me to moan. “Jesus, you’re so fucking wet, its everywhere. Looks like Daddy is going to have to clean up this mess you made. Take your ache away.”

Oh fudge, this is just too much. I can’t handle this. I feel like my whole body is on fire.

“You want that, don’t you? You want Daddy to take care of your kitty?” he asks.

I close my eyes, trying to get a handle on what’s happening to me…to my body. I feel like something inside of me is trying to get out. I’ve never felt like this before. This can’t be normal.

I feel Daddy move and slide his body up mine. His hard chest presses against my stiff nipples and I can’t help but remember how naked I am and how fully dressed he is. The feeling is causing me to squeeze me eyes shut even tighter. “Haley, closing your eyes won’t make this go away. Maybe I should just leave…”

My eyes spring open at the thought of him leaving. “No, Daddy, please don’t go anywhere,” I rush to say.

“Then say it, Haley. I need to hear you to say it for me.”

Releasing the breath I didn’t realize I was holding at the thought of him leaving the room, I respond. “What do you want me to say? I’ll say anything for you.”

At my words he rocks against me, releasing a little grunt.

“Ask me to clean that greedy kitty for you. “

Taking a deep breath, I say, “Daddy, will you clean my kitty for me?”

A smirk plays across his lips. “Manners, Haley.”

Glaring up at him, I give him my sweetest voice. “Daddy, will you pretty please, with a cherry on top, clean my kitty for me?”

He rocks harder against me and I feel something poking into my tummy.

“Daddy, you’re poking me with something.”

“I can’t help that, sweetheart. You smell like my cum and you’re just so fucking beautiful I can’t stand it. Let Daddy show you.” Leaning back so he’s on his knees between my legs, he pulls out his button-down shirt from his jeans and starts to unbutton it. Next he goes for his belt, sliding it free and pulling it off. I notice a giant bulge inside his pants. That’s the thing that must have been poking me. He slowly pulls his pants down his hips. “Unzip me and find out what you do to me,” he commands.

When I lean forward I notice my hands are shaky, but I do as Daddy asked. Sliding the zipper down, I gasp.

“That’s Daddy’s cock. Go on, wrap your little hand around it. You liked when Daddy touched you down there, didn’t you?”

God, yes, I liked it—a little too much. “I loved it. No one has ever touched me there before.”

“That’s what I like to hear. It’s better that you let Daddy do it. Those boys don’t know what they’re doing. You understand me, Haley? Only Daddy touches you here. This tight little virgin pussy belongs to me and me alone. I’ll teach you how to cum with a man inside you.”

Nodding, I reach for Daddy’s cock and I can’t help but slide one of my fingers across the wetness at the tip. I want to lick it off. Where this thought comes from, I have no idea. I bring the finger to my lips and taste it. “I like the way you taste. Its salty-sweet.”

Growling, he pushes me back down on the bed so I’m lying flat once again.

“It that so? I’ll just have to take your word for that.” He pauses for a moment as if contemplating something. “Or maybe I don’t have to take your word for it.”

Holding the head of his cock he slides it between my kitty’s lips, using one hand to guide it back and forth. “That’s your clit, baby girl,” he informs me.

“So you like the way your Daddy tastes? Do you want more of my cum? Do you think your kitty wants some too?”

God, it feels so good. My only response is a moan. I can’t believe the sounds I am making.

“That’s good,” he grunts. “Let Daddy hear that you like what he’s doing to your little pussy.”

At that, my body locks up and I feel my back come off the bed. Overwhelming sensations shoot down to my toes. The ache that had been haunting my body leaves and I feel like I’m floating. With one last flick of Daddy’s cock against my clit my whole body jerks and I hear Daddy grunt my name. I feel warm liquid coating me, and it makes me shiver with excitement.

I open my eyes to see Daddy smiling down at me. “We’ve really made a mess of your little kitty, now haven’t we?”

I feel the blush hit my face once again and use my hands to try and cover it. “Oh, no.” He moves, gripping my hands and pulling them away from my face. “There isn’t going to be any hiding from me, my little Haley,” he says, placing a kiss on the end of my nose.

“Now, about this mess. I guess I get to see what I taste like, after all. Your sweetness dripping with my cum. I bet it’s going to be the best thing I’ve ever feasted on.”

Slowly moving down my body, he gives a quick pull to my nipples causing me to squirm. Daddy’s face moves lower so he is hovering over my kitty. I lean up on my arms to try to see what he is doing. Taking two fingers he rubs his cum all over my clit, giving it a light coating. He leans in further. He isn’t going to put his mouth there is he? No! People don’t do that…do they?

Then I feel his breath on me.

“You can’t mean—” Before I can finish Daddy takes one long lick between my lips, making me drop back down on the bed. His hands slide under my butt, lifting me into his mouth. It’s like he can’t get enough of me. “Daddy, please. I can’t take it.” I thrash around, trying to break free from his mouth, but he only seems to lock on harder. I hear him growl something I can’t understand into my clit, only making me thrash more. “Fuck!” I scream.

Slap! One of the hands that was gripping my butt lets loose to smack the side of my thigh, causing me to scream from the shock of the pain.

“Watch that dirty fucking mouth. That’s not how little girls talk. You’ll pay for that later. Now be still and let me enjoy this delicious dinner I made.”

“I’m sorry. I just can’t. It-It’s just…” I ramble, not seeming to be able to find words or even make a complete sentence.

“I know, baby. Daddy’s got you. Lay back and spread your thighs wider for me and let me finish taking care of you. I’ve never had virgin pussy before, and I’m going to enjoy every drop of juice that leaks out of this little cunt.”

Shamelessly, I open them as wide as I can, and Daddy starts his assault on me again. This time he’s slowly dragging his tongue back and forth. I’m not sure which way I like more, but this one is going to cause me to go mad. “Please. Please, I can’t take much more,” I beg.

When I feel him lift his mouth from me, I look down at him. “Now how can I say no to a sweet little plea like that?” Latching onto my clit, he sucks hard. Instantly my lower body clenches up and I feel the explosion blow through me.

I feel him shift, then he slides up beside me on the bed. A little fear rises in my chest that he might be leaving. I can’t go back to the way things were before. If he starts acting like he has these past few years, I don’t think I’ll survive it. I roll to my side when I feel him lift off the bed and watch him retreat from the room. A lump lodges itself in my throat and my eyes start to water.

Suddenly, I hear the sound of running water in the distance. Moments later, he’s back and lifting me into his arms, and the lump lessens a bit.

“I tried to clean you the best I could, but it looks like you’re going to have to have a bath.”

Carrying me into the bathroom, he sits me down in a giant bathtub already filled with water. I look around the bathroom, searching for any trace that another woman has been here. I can’t seem to help myself. Luckily, I don’t see anything.

Daddy moves his hands between my legs and gives my pubic hair a little tug. “I need to shave your kitty. I want her nice and bare so she can feel every touch.”

Lying back against the tub he brushes some of my hair out of my face, studying me for a moment. “What’s wrong, baby? You don’t like what we did? You didn’t like letting me play with your pretty little pussy?”

I drop my gaze, not wanting him to see that I’m about to cry, but I sniffle anyways. “It’s just… I can’t go back to the way things were.”

“Shh, Haley. You’re not going anywhere.” Taking a deep breath, he says, “I’m glad to hear you say you want this, because I wasn’t planning on letting you go. Your agreement will make things a lot easier. I really didn’t want to have to put bars on the windows. But I don’t want to think about all this right now. We have an uphill battle coming and I think you’ve been through enough today.”

His words make me relax and give me some reassurance.

Grabbing the body wash and a soft cloth, he starts soaping up my body and washing away the bubbles. Then he gets the shampoo and starts to lather my hair. “Lean your head back. I don’t want to get soap in your eyes.” Sitting up, I tilt my head back, letting him take care of me. I can’t remember the last time I felt this loved—almost cherished.

When all of the soap is out of my hair he picks me up, placing me on the bathroom counter next to the sink. “I want you to lean back on the mirror, scoot your ass to the edge, and spread those legs for me.” Doing as Daddy says, I position myself for him. Stepping in between my legs he lowers himself to his knees so his face is level with my kitty.

“Hand me that razor and cream next to you, sweetheart,” he says.

Looking to my left I grab them both, handing them to him.

Daddy slides his finger across my lower lips and my hips rise, trying to get his touch to go deeper.

“Now’s not the time for you to be getting greedy, little girl. You get what Daddy gives you. If you’re good and hold still, maybe I won’t give you that spanking you have coming after you shouted ‘fuck’ earlier.”

Pouting I retort, “Son of a biscuit. I was hoping you forgot. I thought old people forgot stuff,” I tease.

He raised an eyebrow and had a playful look on his face.

“Is that so, little brat?”

Grabbing my sides, he starts tickling me until I think I might pee. I scream, “I’m sorry, Daddy! I’ll be good, I promise. Please stop!”

“All right, little one, hold still this time. And it’s probably best you keep those lips sealed for now.”

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