Owning Her Innocence (Innocence #1)
Owning Her Innocence: Chapter 2

As I sit here in my leather chair, I can’t help but wonder how the fuck I got in this situation.

Years. I’ve tried for years to stop these feelings. I’ve gone through the guilt, depression, self-hatred, and disgust to come back to one feeling I can’t shake…need. What I need most in the entire world is in the next room, tied to my bed, covered in my cum.


Tonight was her party to celebrate her graduation, her turning into a woman, but those big blue eyes looking up at me with all the need and want of a young girl tells me she isn’t as inclined to grow up as her father would like to think. No, Haley is innocent, pure, untouched, and everything inside me wants to own her. My 20 year friendship to Roger, be damned.

In one night I’ve cast aside all my morals, along with the trust of her father, to bathe in my own darkest desires. I went to her party to watch over her, to celebrate the passage into her adult life. A life that doesn’t include playing board games and late night bedtime stories. But what I witnessed was her total ignorance to the danger right in front of her.

I keep patting myself on the back for saving her from the piece of shit kid that drugged and almost raped her. Watching him follower her around all night had me on edge, but her seeming to like the attention made me livid. I wanted to pick her up and throw her over my shoulder like a Neanderthal. Every time I tried to get close to her, just to hear what they were talking about, that Jane bitch would only cackle in my ear, adding to the headache her perfume had already given me.

I cheer myself on for beating his punk ass within an inch of his life and having him hauled off to jail. Hell, Roger actually did pat me on the back for that one. In fact, convincing myself that Haley needed to come home with me to be watched over was harder than convincing Roger. He trusts me with his little girl. Probably because she has always been my little girl too. Only Roger and I have very different views of how we want to treat our little girl.

I made my deal with the devil the moment I brought her back to my home.

I stripped her naked and tied her to my bed. What the fuck did I think was going to happen? I said goodbye to all my morals the moment I saw her bare for the first time. Juicy. Her whole body was just so juicy. Wide hips and thick thighs that led to the most perfect cunt I’d ever seen. Barely any hair and totally natural.

I knew she was a virgin, and it took all the power in my body not to spread those delicious thighs and look at her hymen. I needed to see the evidence of her innocence, but I wanted her to be the one to show me.

Instead, my eyes went back to her huge breasts that overfilled any top and bra she’d ever worn. Rosy nipples taunting me, making me angry that after all these years I couldn’t cum without thinking of them. I’d seen them once two summers ago when her too-small bathing suit top came off after she jumped into the pool. For two goddamn years I couldn’t so much as let loose a single drop of cum without seeing those perfect nipples in my mind.

Today I completed the fantasy and marked what was mine. I unbuckled my belt and unzipped my pants. I pulled down my boxer briefs just enough to let the monster out of the cage. This beast was too wild to let loose on her just yet.

I straddled her stomach and knelt up, positioning myself above those perfect tits. I licked my palm and stroked myself hard in a punishing rhythm. I looked into her sweet face and at that moment she licked her fucking lips. It was like she was sending me a sign and telling me to mark her as mine. To claim her virgin pussy for whatever my dick desired.

I beat my cock harder as pre-cum wept onto her chest. This was no gentle jerkoff session, this was an angry stroking for all those years I couldn’t touch her. I looked at her sweet lips and I swear I could hear her say Daddy in that shy voice. I could almost see that pink tongue licking out, begging for a drop of what only Daddy’s dick could give her.

I came with a heavy grunt all over her nipples while my hips kept thrusting like a rutting animal trying to mate. I even ran the tip of my dick around her areola, rubbing out the last of my orgasm against her skin, not wanting her to miss a drop.

My pact with the devil was complete. I climbed off my beautiful little girl and stuffed my still rock-hard cock back in my pants. I smiled as I tied the blindfold on Haley and left the room. She was finally mine.

Setting my tumbler on the low table beside me, I knew it was time to wake Haley. I’d been checking on her every hour since I brought her to my home. Now it was time to explain our new relationship. Daddy William needs his little girl.

I opened the door to my bedroom and I can feel right away that Haley is awake. She is lying on my bed, tied and completely naked. I can practically see her heart beating from across the room. I can see that her breathing is rapid and she’s trying to keep calm. My sweet little girl is so brave.


She stiffens for just a moment before responding.

“Da…W-William. Is that you?”

It breaks my fucking heart that I made her stop calling me Daddy William, but it was for her own good. For both of us, really.

“Yes, Haley. It’s Daddy William.”

I can see her cum-covered nipples tighten when she hears my voice. Her huge tits don’t belong on an 18-year-old and they always had nipples that pointed straight at me any time I spoke to her. They were like beacons of sin and sex, taunting me. Now, laid out before me with my jizz covering those sweet mounds, I can’t help but put my hand over my pants-covered dick and feel how hard it still is.

“Daddy William, I’m scared. Why am I tied up, and blindfolded…and…and naked.”

I walk closer to the bed and sit down beside her. I reach down and stroke her arm lightly.

“Shhh. It’s okay, little Haley. I tied you up so you wouldn’t hurt yourself, and I blindfolded you so that you would get some sleep. Stay calm, and I’ll untie you. Okay?”

She nodded her head and I began to loosen the soft ribbons around her wrists and ankles. I rubbed her arms and legs lightly as I went, to ease some circulation and blood flow back into her limbs. Her arms went directly to her breasts to try to cover up. Her gorgeous tits were impossible to corral and I smiled at her efforts.

“Now be a good girl for Daddy William and I’ll remove the blindfold.”

I slipped the blindfold off and saw her scared little eyes blink at the lamp light.

“Where am I, Daddy William? What’s going on?”

“Here, Haley. Drink some water and I’ll explain.”

I handed her the glass of water I’d set on the bedside table along with some ibuprofen that she took without question. I pet her soft brown hair, wrapping one of her curls around my fingers, then releasing it to watch it bounce. God, I loved her fucking hair. I always wanted to bury my hands in it.

Watching her drink the water, I could smell her skin and how sweet it was. Hours ago, at the party, when I had her caged like an animal, I couldn’t help but take a taste of her. She smelled like cinnamon and tasted like innocence. I’m never going to be able to eat French toast without getting a fucking hard-on.

“You’ve always been Daddy’s good girl, Haley,” I said as I placed the glass back on the table.

“Last night that little shit Tim slipped you a roofie—that’s a drug—and he intended to use it to knock you out and rape you.”

I see her eyes get big as tears start to form at the corners.

“Shh. Everything is okay, little Haley. I was there in time. Tim is taken care of. I talked to Roger afterward and told him that I would bring you to my house and take care of you while the drugs wore off. While you were still drugged you struggled and tried to fight me. I decided you needed to be stripped of your clothes and restrained for your own safety. I put a blindfold on you so that you could sleep and hopefully stave off the worst of the drug-induced hangover.”

Haley looked at me with wide eyes. Still trying to cover up those massive tits and turn her body so that she could shield everything I wanted to look at.

“Oh, and while you were sleeping I jerked off on top of you and came all over your beautiful nipples.”

The red blush started at those rosy nipples and worked its way up her neck and to her cheeks. I hadn’t meant to be so straightforward, but the look on her innocent face was worth it.

“Now tell me, little Haley. Would you like Daddy to return the favor and let you rub your kitty all over me?”

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