Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 40

Chapter 40 

Josie’s POV 

“Yes, more…” I whispered in ecstasy, opening up my thighs as I received more amazing shove of his member inside. 

  1. me. 

Dammit, Ashton’s doing something crazy to my body.  me like a savage beast and I couldn’t stop moaning his name. 

“You love it like this?” He asked and I gazed up at him, taking in the layer of sweat on his face. 

“Yes, just like that…” I belt out as he swung to a new angle, holding my leg up and prowling so beautifully into my 


My eyes roll as my muscles tighten his huge dick. I found myself in sixty heaven, writhing in bliss and moaning out his name. 

Ahh…” His baritone grunts assailed by ears and I brought my arms up, circling them at his back to push him deeper into me. 

“Oh….yes….yes…keep going…keep going…” I sang, welcoming every unyielding thrust of bliss. My canal walls holding 

him like a vise. 

“You’ve always wanted this right…?” His  voice bounced into my ears. I only found myself nodding. ” yes, I’ve wanted 

this…“1 crooned, digging my fingers into his ass cheeks, making him sheath himself entirely inside me. 

The coat of my wetness over his dick made the movement slippery. 

“I love it when it’s this slippery, Josie…makes me want to live in this glorious pussy forever…” He grunted in my ear, as he slipped out before diving back in again. 

My eyes turned skyward and a smile splintered across my lips. “Then don’t leave it. Take it and make it yours forever…” I replied in a daze, whispering sweet nothings into his ear before fastening his lobe into my mouth. 

“Oh, trust me. That’s what I plan on doing it, Josie. I plan on making this…” He eased back and slapped my wet pussy lightly before ramming inside again. “Mine!” 

As he whisper that last word into my car I started crumbling down from climax, clenching his shaft as I came… 

A moan escaped my lips as I propped up from the bed… 

My sleepy eyes tried to adjust under the glorious beam of the sunlight. 

What kind of a dream was that? I thought, remembering it vividly as if it happened real. Wait, did it? 

Dread pooled inside me as I pushed the blanket covering me and found the wetness that drenched my thighs. It was sticky and had a milky color. 

I actually came. How was that possible? I got  by my number one enemy in the dream and came shamelessly on the bed? 

11:19 Sat, 20 Apr Mo 

Chapter 40 

Wajt…the bed? 

The strange sheets told me something was wrong and that was the moment I cruised my gaze around the room, noticing it was strange. 

Where am I? I thought with dread, wracking my mind to remember how I ended up here… 

“Mr. Chaldeans.” The name danced off my lips, leaving a bitter taste behind. 

I frown as my warped mind begins throwing images of last night before my eyes. 

I remembered the wine he gave me. His words, which were twisted and strange, made my brows deepen more in a frown. 

Then I remembered the familiar voice of Ashton and when I had questioned his presence. 

“He’s a professional rapist!” 

The last words did it, unraveling the complete bloody scene before my eyes, reminding me I murdered someone in cold blood and I clasped my hands over my ears, an ear–splitting scream left my lips. 

Fear held my neck like a vise as I sprouted from the strange bed in haste, panting and tearing up. 

Where am I? 

Is it really true I killed someone? 

Frantic words escaped my lips, my heart Jack hammering over my chest. 



Fist against fist… 

Claws against claws… 

What the heck did I do? 

Before I could get clear pointers on what I did, the door burst open, revealing Ashton, bare–chested with his face creased in concern. 

“Ms. Rosel?” He called, stepping across the room to me. 

“Let me go! You lied to me!” I scream, jumping onto the bed, wanting to inch away from me. 

With effort, I tried not to focus on his pectorals, the V–line that dropped into that part of him I loved to watch. I tried to not focus on the fact that he looked handsome this morning with hair scattered as if he had raced this morning

“You lied about Mr. Chaldeans. You made me…” The last word hung in the air between me, too heavy for my mouth to spill. 

Rapist?” Ashton croaked, stopping at the foot of the bed. He snorted at the horror expression on my face. 

11:19 Sat, 20 Apr 

Chapter 40 

“Don’t go about pitying him. He’s a rapist and murderer. You don’t need to shrink into depression.” His last words mellowed, as he took me in. 

“What you 

did was self–defense, Ms. Rose. If you hadn’t done that, Mr. Chaldeans would have had your head.” He stated matter–of–factly. 

“How did you know?” I asked, barely finding the strength in my voice again. 

“I had my way. Ms. Rose. I dug his darkest secret and brought it to light.” He said. 

I found it hard to meet his accusing gaze. He warned me earlier not to leave with Mr. Chaldeans but I refused to listen. 

What would have happened to me if he didn’t show up? 

Shit. I would have been dead. I would have left my daughter without a mother. A complete orphan. 

“That’s sad. I once knew him as a good man.” I stated, refusing to acknowledge the guilt roping my insides. 

“Definitely it is.” Silence. Then. “Do you mean to tell me you knew him before this shit went down?” He asked. 

“Of course. It wasn’t a one time thing.” 

I guess Ashton read a different meaning into my last word as a growl escaped his lips. So low and dangerous. 

“How many men have you been with since or…” 

“Rejection?” I cut him off with my words. 

Ashton head barely moved and I smiled inwardly, loving the experience on his face. 

He was the one that rejected me. Rejected our bond and now he was acting like he was hurt? 


Donning a look of contempt, I feign indifference as I said. “Ten or more. They’re way too many for me to count.” 

Ashton’s eyes narrowed, looking hurt. With a wince, he moved his head aside. “That’s a lot.” 

“Does it matter? 

“Of course…it does.” He snapped, gnawing his teeth and lips. 

“May I remind you this is my life now, Mr. Ashton? I don’t appreciate your opinion at all.” 

He managed to nod, stuffing his hands into his pocket. 


Okay, I swore not to admire that bare chest of his but,  me, I’m already doing it. Drinking in the curves and muscles that make him a man

The strong pupil of attraction made me remember the dream that woke me up. 

Orgasmic dream. 

1:19 504

Chapter 40 

“Why are you blushing. Ms. Rose?” 

Ashton’s gruff voice dragged me away from that clutches of that soul–stirring dream. 

I blinked, hating that I craving to have a real orgasm this time. 

“Nothing…” I said, shoving my strand of hair behind my ear. 

“Hmmm. He hummed, nodding knowingly. “So, do you remember what happened last night?” He asked. 

“The bloodbath? Yes!” I quipped, pulling my eyes away from his tempting body. 

“That’s all you remember?” 

At that question, I snapped my eyes back to his, confused… 

“Was there something else that happened?” I blurted, dread flooding my body. 

“Ms Rose…last night…” He trailed off, his eyes leaving my mind to wander down my body. 

It was at that moment 

that peered down and realized something. 

I wasn’t wearing my dress from yesterday. 

I was on a nightwear! 

“What?” I shouted, horrified. 

Oh,  . 

The dream wasn’t just a dream. 

Ashton…Ashton and I… 

At the realization, my mouth gaped and my eyes bulged. 

“Did you….force yourself 

on me?” I asked, bile rising in my throat. 

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