Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 39

Chapter 39 

Ashton’s POV. 

My tongue had never battled with such passion and ferocity with another person’s tongue the way it was now. 

Oh, fucking fuck! 

I love everything about this kiss of want and need and I ensured to give and take. 

I trap the sides of Josie’s. 

face with my hands, peppering her with urgent kisses, that sometimes bordered on pains. 

“Hmm…” She moaned into my mouth and I swallowed it up, taking her lower lips into my mouth, sucking and grazing my teeth on it slowly, sensually. 

Hell, I want to pour out all that I feel into his kiss and make her feel what she does to me. 

“Ash.” She whispered, parting her lips from mine. A little glimpse through hooded eyes told me how dazed she looked. How lust glinted on her face. 

Fuck! She’s a perfect example of lust combined with beauty. It’s 

making me spot such a rigid boner. 

The boner I want nothing more than to thrust into her heat, lap all her milky streamers with the crown of my 


Shit! What the fuck am I thinking? 

Dammit, Josie’s drunk…way too drunk. 

I don’t understand at all. I can perceive the smell of something in her mouth. 

Now that we’ve parted, she’s 

still writhing and moaning, saying incoherent words about making the pains stop. 

I watched in bewilderment as she trailed her fingers over her thighs, confusion clouding my face. 

Before I could blink again, Josie threw her legs open, cupping her pussy with her fingers and rocking her hips over her palms, wantonly. 

The strong scent of arousal, smelling like a field of roses, hit my nose. 

With a curse and jolted back to reality, I bucked back and focused on driving the car away, 

Swallowing the lump crowding my throat, I hold the steering hard and ask, “Ms. Rose, what’s your address?” 

“I…I..don’t…hmmm…so sweet. I want more…” Josie trailed off. I heard the squealing of the leather seat at the slightest of her movements. 

Chapter 39 

I risked a glance and all blood rushed south as I noticed she was touching her clit and rutting her hole with her fingers. 

I couldn’t breathe normal breath again because the air was already tainted with her musky scent. 

I’m hanging on a thin thread and my fucking mind was screaming I should do was to stop the damn car, and get a fucking full view of Josie’s pussy. 

“Fuck it, I can’t!” I snapped, riveting my back to the road. 

This was weird! And I suspect that fucking monster must have done something to her because Josie wasn’t acting normal. 

Instead of probing her to tell me her address, I swerved the car in the direction of my pack house. I guess this will give me more opportunity to find out what’s happening to her. 

As I killed the engine, I got out of the car and hurried to Josie’s side. Helping her out, I scooped her up into my arms and veered towards the entryway. 

I used the elevator instead of taking the steps and I pushed into the room opposite mine. Fucking fuck! 

This is the second time I’m bringing her here like this. Doesn’t make sense. 

I gently lowered her on the bed and take a step back, my cock thrashing against my pants. 

My mind was messed up, I can’t even lift my stethoscope or anything to check on her. Instead, I called another of my pack doctors. 

“Mr. Tyler, I need your assistance in the pack house,” I called through the mind link. 

“I’ll be there in ten, alpha.” His gruff voice offered before I shuttered the mind–link. 

The way Josie’s 

writhing  on the bed makes me scared of reaching her because I might lose my control and bury my cock straight to her hilt. 

I might lose control and make her cum without her consent. Fuck, doubt she’s ever going to forgive me for that. 

I backed away and secured myself by the window, watching as I waited for Mr. Tyler. 

In a nick of time, I heard someone rap on the door and I trotted over and swung it open. 

My gaze clashed with Tyler’s green ones and he smiled his greetings, walking into the room. 

“What happened, alpha? You have ripped skin.” He asked as shooed him closer to the bed. 

I didn’t even remember I had a wound on my body. I was more focused on Josie’s health. 

“Shit went down, Tyler. I need you to examine her and find out what’s wrong.” He nodded, an uncertain expression crossing his face as he unlocked his medical box. 

I crossed my hands over my chest, watching him do his job with caution. 

11:18 Sat, 20 Apr Ma 

Chapter 39 

He took a little sample of Josie’s blood and we dived into my little home clinic where we used the machine there to test the blood sample. 

A few minutes passed before the results appeared on the screen. 

Tyler looked strangely at me, his brows hiking up as more confusion reflected on his face. 

“May I ask, alpha. Who is the lady with you?” 

It took a long seconds before I replied. “My tutor. Tell me what you saw, Tyler.” 

“Perhaps, alpha. You overdosed her drink…” 

“What?” I blurted, interrupting Tyler. 

I saw the way his throat bobbed as he swallowed and nodded at my question. 

Somehow, I was shocked knowing he thought I drugged her, but I’m too worried about her than asking about that. 

“She’s drugged?” I asked again, my voice losing its strength. 

“Yes. Alpha.” He hummed, shuffling on his two feet. “May I add, alpha. The drug I found in her system is Viagra!” 

“What!?” Shocked, I blurted. 


Right that minute, I heard the wail coming down from the hallway and my feet launched into action as I sprinted out of the room, running down with Tyler behind me. 

I barged into the room and found out, Josie’s writhing had increased, her face pale, and drawn together to reveal the level of pains she was in 

“What the fuck does the viagra do?” I asked, my brain failing to guess what Viagra was used for. 

Alpha, it’s a high  –inducing drug.” He stated, much to my surprise. 

Shuffling bewildered look between Josie and the doctor, I gushed a sigh and ran my fingers through my hair. 

“So? What do we do, Tyler? We’ve got to make it stop.” 

Tyler’s next words made me frown, even though deep down, I was craving that. 

“The only solution I know of is  . You should pleasure her, alpha.” 

Silence blanketed the air around us, save for Josie’s moans and whimpers. I stood in the crossroads of doing that or withdrawing. 

It occurred to me this was what Josie would have experienced in the hands of Chaldeans. 

Hell, the thought of Josie this helpless in the arms of another man brought rage alive in me. 

Thank goddess I was there in time to save her. 

Chapter 39 

“So, you’re saving the only way out is to put my dick in her, Tyler?” I asked, pinning my gaze on Josie. The pains she was passing through grated at me, squeezing the breath outta me. 

Go do it. Save mate the pain and misery. Fuck her. If you won’t, I’ll My lycan worded, wagging his tail in anticipation. 

“Ashton” My name streamed out of her lips in a whisper. Looking up, I saw her watching me through the hazy fog of desire, stretching her hand out for me to take. “Make it stop…..please.” 

Unknowingly, I grumbled under my breath and Tyler shook beside me

Wordlessly, I began folding the sleeves of my shirt and Tyler took it as a silent cue to leave. 

Eyes on her. I flipped my strand of hair aside, taking her in. She lay on the bed like a goddess, calling on me like a 


Her mewls of desire drugging my system, beckoning me closer. 

I took a step toward the dresser where I dropped the filled syringe I ran into the room with and hooked it with my fingers. 

Then I strutted back to her side, watching the gleaming olive skin of her legs and thighs. All I felt was hunger. The urge to take. The urge to brand my tongue between her aroused pussy. The urge to rip what clothes she had on, and trail my tongue from her pelvis to her torso, until I fasten her taut nipples into my mouth and suck. 

Damn, I want to pound into her while calling her mine. Thoughts so naughty and  thrilling filled my as I towered over her…. 


Before I could lean down, Josie blindly threaded the back of my hair with her fingers and smashed her wet lips 

over mine. 





It was all I felt as she forced herself to dominate me. To kiss me into oblivion. I want to grab and hold her tits but I drew back, I didn’t want to take advantage of her at all. 

As the thought spiraled through me, I pulled back, quickly, harsh breath wheezing from my lips. 

“Do it.” Was all she was saying, while I grazed my thumb over her lips…. 

“I can’t…not like this, at least…” The words trailed from my lips as I brought the sharp mouth of the syringe close to her nape. 

Gently, I dunked the needle into her skin, disposing the anesthesia and Josie’s eyes fell shut. 

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