Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 19

Chapter 19 

Diego’s POV 

“That’s a lot messier!” Gabe said, falling into step beside me as I jumped over the bags of cement lying in front of the door of the unfinished building we were working on. 

This was a contract I got that led me to the city. I owned a construction company that had functioned for over two decades but I had only worked around my pack. 

However, the contract offered by the Mixed pack alpha lured me to the city and I had stayed for about five years. 

Hell, I thought it was gonna be hard staying away from our pack, especially now we had no alpha but it wasn’t. Not when I had two precious girls in my life. 

And that’s Rose and her daughter Aria. 

Damn, those two stole my heart the very first time I saw them. I could  lay down my life for them. 

That’s strange though. The connection I felt for Rose. I’m the beta of the Double Moon pack and according to law, I was not to love anyone unless the alpha female was destined for me. 

Yet, here I was thinking and smiling because of a woman. Because of Rose, who wasn’t even from my pack 

I don’t know how to stop it. Funny enough, even my wolf, Feral, wanted her too. 

Rose was a distraction to me but I couldn’t stay a day without seeking to be distracted by the thoughts of her. 

I had never felt such a strong pull to anyone. Not even to the omega back at the pack I had satisfied myself 


As I’m not allowed to be mated to anyone except the alpha female that would be the ruler of our pack, I was allowed to  women for satisfaction. 

That was the rule of the Double Moon pack. I could  and lick any pussy I wanted but I was never to fall in love with anyone. 

But this is me falling for Rose. A woman I hadn’t even so much  much less see the shape of her 

pussy or know the size of her clit. 

Sometimes I wondered what Rose’s clit would be like. The weight of it under my tongue as I licked her, and teased her. But I wasn’t going to go to her with force. 


Chapter 19 

It’d scare her and I wasn’t 

willing to lose her in the process. Instead of scaring Rose, I’d rather follow the ridiculously small steps. Yeah, that’d be the best way to win her golden heart. 

Just thinking about her now has my cock erect. 

A little touch from anyone especially her and I’d be spilling my semen until I feel light. 

Rose had power over me, she just doesn’t know yet. Maybe soon we would. 

“So what do you about the pattern?” 

Gabe’s words haul me away from my thoughts. I blinked and looked down at the short man who was my assistant. 

“Hmm?” I hummed, wanting to understand his question. 

Gabe grumbled and pulled up the sketch paper for the building under construction. 

“Between this pattern and this which one is better for restrooms?” 

I looked at the pattern, pretending to be focused but I knew I was not. 

Then I pointed to the by the right. 

“Yeah, I knew that’s 

what you’d want as well. It’s 

Egyptian tiles for the restrooms, right?” 

I nod at Gabe’s question.. 

When he left to supervise the work, I knew my work on the site was done for the day. Building a mall the size the alpha of the Mixed pack wanted wasn’t child’s play. 

Regardless, I had something else to handle which was nothing but my plan with Aria. 

We formed a team where she tells me secretly her mother’s mood whenever I’m not around with them. 

She noticed her mother had been moody since the night of the club and yesterday she took Ms. Beth’s phone and called me, telling me Rose was still moody. 

Before I could suggest anything though, Aria demanded I bought Rose flowers to make her happy while she read her mother bed time story. 

That had surprised me, really. The girl never act her age. I love her for that. 

Well, little did she know she was creating room for me to confess my feelings for Rose

I left the construction site and went to the flower market. 

Several beautiful scents of flowers hit my nostrils and I beamed. 

Entering one of the shops, I saw an old man with gloves on his hands. 

He cheerfully welcomed me and asked what I’d like. 

I scanned the flowers until my eyes landed on the Juliet flowers. 

When I grabbed it, the man chuckled. 

“You really know what’s good, young man.” 

I nodded and grinned as I smelled the flowers. The scent was lovely just as Rose. 

It’d suit her. 

I slotted my card in the machine and paid for the flowers. 

I was just about to leave when I bumped into someone. 

“Ah…” The lady gasped. 

I hurried to help up and as I lowered down, my eyes met with a pair of striking dark 

“Lilly?” I called out. 

I had never thought that I’d ever see someone I knew here. 

I quickly loosened my hold on the omega and took a step back. 

She had a shocked look as well, as she stood to her feet. 

“Beta Diego?” She muttered, taking me in. 

Her eyes went owl–wide when she saw the flower in my hand. 

“You’re…we…” She stuttered, her eyes pinned on the flowers. 

Lilly was one of the omega I  back the pack. But that wasn’t the problem. 


If she so much as knew I was getting this for a woman, I’d be summoned by the pack’s council. 

Dammit, I couldn’t let that happen. 

I cracked my brain for words but none came forth. 

Lilly stepped forward, glaring at me as she muttered. 

14:53 Fri, 19 Apr E 

Chapter 19 

“Who are you getting this for, beta Diego?” 

Was it jealousy that laced her voice or disappointment in seeing me holding the flowers? 

I couldn’t wrap my head around it as I gestured out of the shop. 

Before we could reach my car Lilly remarked. 

“The council members. 

are hoping that you’d return back to the pack.” 

I halted in my tracks and stared from over my shoulders. 

I couldn’t return to the pack. At least not yet. 

I had to let Rose know how I felt about her

And I couldn’t leave her alone because I love Rose and her daughter. 

“Why?” I barked, feeling frustrated. 

She closed the distance between us and huffed. “Everyone in the pack already knows it’s about time.” 

I didn’t get her words at first. 

Still looking confused and frustrated, Lilly said the next words. 

“The search for the alpha female had begun. And only you, beta Diego was meant to find her.” 

I stumbled back, realizing the prophecy foretold by the pack’s sorceress was about to happen. 

Double Moon pack were the first children of the moon goddess and only the descendants of the moon goddess 

would rule us. 

And they’re the alpha females. The Enchanters with magic powers and blood. 

The sudden death of our last alpha female had left our pack in shreds of destruction but the prophecy had brought hope to the pack. 

But what I never knew was that…finding the alpha female as the prophecy foretold would be my responsibility as the pack’s beta. 

Finding the alpha female would mean getting married to her. 

What about Rose? 

Chapter 19 

I love her…and I can’t bring myself to leave her. 

She was mine. The only woman I loved. 

And now…the prophecy would stand between us. 

I need to do something… 

To be continued… 

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