Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 17

Chapter 17 

Josie’s POV. 

I slapped Ashton hard across the face and I was shocked when I did it. 

How did I do such a thing? I blinked as I stared at the alpha’s face. His jaw twitched and he clenched his teeth so tightly, that I nearly thought he would hit me back. 

Of course, I braced myself for it but instead, Ashton muttered. 

“Is that your way of saying thank you? Ouch, it hurts.” He faked a hurt look on his face while staring pointedly at me. 

I scoffed as if I didn’t feel bad for hitting him. He looked too handsome and my fingers were aching to soothe the side of his face I had hit. 

My goodness, staring into his eyes made me remember how I had loved those gray orbs for until I found out he was my mate. Ex–mate, actually. 


Gazing at the way he skimmed his fingers over his jaw forced me to remember what those fingers could do to me and how they had made me cum before. 

 ! I pinched my eyes shut at the erotic image of us on the bed with his thick fingers teasing my sweet hole. 

While I was busy fantasizing, my wolf was purring, blinking up at Ashton. 

He still looked handsome, my wolf purred.. 

“I’ve checked well and I figured there’s nothing you’ve done to deserve a thank you for,” I growled. 

If he thought I was going to say thank you for pretending as my knight in shining armor, then I’d prove to him I was no beauty in distress. 

I would have figured myself out if he didn’t interrupt the scene. Besides, that scary alpha wolf admitted he wasn’t planning on killing me at all. 

He arched his brows at my words as if he didn’t understand what I had said. 

“Next time, don’t try to play the hero where you’re not needed,” 

I said, wanting to walk away but Ashton 

grabbed my hand again, stopping my movements. 

I hated that he was doing that because standing in front of him was already torture much less having him touch me like he was doing. 

Chapter 17 

I quickly ripped my hand from his and fired him daggers with my eyes. 

“Don’t ever touch me!” I barked, breathing in his scent as he leaned his head close. 

Ashton cursed and I swear to hear that baritone of his sent tingles around me which exploded in the core

How was it that he still had such powerful effects on me? 

“Josie I did that because I didn’t want you to get hurt.” 

His words took me by surprise and my lips parted a little as I stared into his titanium–gray eyes. 

Was he trying to prove he cared about me? 

I think so, my wolf hummed. 

“Haha…look who cares.” I sneered and I saw his throat bobbing as he swallowed. “Why don’t you go and care for your Harem of women and leave my peaceful life alone?” 

“That’s not…” He trailed off, now holding my gaze again. 

My body is on alert and if he mistakenly touch even a single tendril of my hair, I’d break apart at the seams. 

‘Like you did at the club?” My world taunted. 

Yes, like I did at the club, I say in agreement only for me to blush all over. 

Dammit! I cursed. 

Why did Ashton same effect on me as the stranger had? I shook my head, trying not to think about 

  1. it. 

I only hate Ashton, I guess that was the reason my body was vibrating and nothing else. 

“Josie…” He breathed, crossing the little space left between us. “I want you so much, please take me 


My mind stopped working for a few minutes hearing those words from him. 

Am I sure this was the same guy who had hurt years before? The same guy that rejected me? 

It couldn’t be. 

As I shook my head, the words vibrated from my lips. “I’d never accept you 




life again, 

Creed. You broke me once before and rejected me, so don’t even think it was possible I’d take you back.” 

Chapter 17 

At that, I stepped away from him and took in a huge breath.  , staying so close to him made it impossible to breathe. 

Our eyes clashed and I dropped the next words. “Besides, I’ve found another man who treats me like a queen.” 

Ashton’s face turned dark at what I had just said. 

He marched forward, grunting as he asked. 

“Who is he to you?” 

Looking at his face, I chuckled. Ashton stood there watching me like a zombie while I strutted down the alley, leaving his question hanging. 

But seriously, was it Diego I was referring to? I asked myself even though I didn’t know the answer 

to that. 

After what happened between 

Ashton and I yesterday, my day turned out bad. Not because something 

happened but because I was so lost in thought. Was it possible that he really wanted me back? 

I couldn’t help thinking about him and Lena together. 

I didn’t even know when my daughter returned home from school with Ms. Beth. 

When Aria found out I was moody, she tried to read me bed time stories. 

That had brought laughter to my lips, because how was it that she played a reverse role so effortlessly? 

However, while she was doing that, I was only looking at her face. The resemblance she has with her father is so deep. It made me wish she had taken after me. 

We both fell asleep in my room and I woke up with my daughter in my arms. Her fantasy book dangling between her hands. 

Knowing I had Aria strengthened me. She’s the reason I’m still alive and I’d always keep her by my 


A while later, Ms Beth and I took Aria to school. 

Chapter 17 

“Mommy, can I speak with uncle?” She popped her head aside and asked. 

“Why sweetie? I’m sure Uncle will be busy with work.” I said. 

She shook her head and said. “It won’t take time, I promise.” 

When she gave me that doe–eyed look and pouted her lips, I just agreed. 

I got my phone from my bag and dialed Diego’s number. 

Aria cautiously grabbed the phone when his voice came up and she said. 

“Uncle…good morning.” She said, smiling. 

Seeing her so addicted to Diego made me wonder how she’d be with her father… 

“Yes, about what we discussed? Will you still do it, hmm?” She said in a whispering voice. 

My brows scrunched in question and I threw Ms. Beth a look. 

“What did they discuss?” I mouthed and Ms. Beth shrugged looking as confused as I am

“Great, because I’ve done my part, uncle. I’m waiting to see yours.” 

They muttered a few other things on the phone before they hung up. 

“Now, tell me what was it you discussed with your uncle?” I probed. 


gave me a look and whispered. “I can’t tell Mommy, it’s only for the A and D team.” “What’s that?” 

“It means Aria and Diego’s team.” She belted out. 

“Hmm, so mommy can’t join this team?” I wrinkled my brows and lips. 

She only giggled and shook her head. 

“Nope. Mommy will know our secrets.” 

I ruffled her hair and smiled. 

I wonder what Aria was cooking up with Diego that’s this secretive. 

Oh, they even formed a team I never knew of? Wow, just…wow. 

Soon, we arrived at Aria’s school. 

I carried her out of the car, leaving Ms. Beth to pay the driver. 

Before we even reached her class, she jumped off of me and ran to her friends. 


14:52 Fri, 19 Apr 

19 Apr 2 

Chapter 17 

I watched my daughter play along with the kids as they went to the classroom. 

“Ms. Rose.” A deep voice called and I turned to see none other than Aria’s male teacher. 


I blinked just remembering that Aria kept saying her teacher always asked after me. 

“Hi, Mr. Henry.” I smiled politely. 

The man grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles. He lingered long on it, petting my hand with his lips I got a little irked. 

“It’s been a while since I last saw you. I’m just so glad to see you now.” He said, looking happier than 

he should. 

“I’ve been occupied with work, Mr. Henry.” 

“I thought as much.” He whispered. I watched his mouth opening and closing as if he wanted to say something but couldn’t. 

Was he shy? 

“Mind if I take out on a dinner, Ms. Rose?” He blurted, his face flushed beetred. 

I nearly laughed at his shyness but I managed to control myself. 

Looking brightly at the young man, I said. “I’m sorry, Mr. Henry. That can’t be possible now because of my kind of job.” 

I lied there though, at least I’m off work for now…but Henry was way too younger than I am. I couldn’t date someone like him. 

He looked disappointed and I looked for a way to placate him but Ms. Beth’s interruption saved my lucky  . 

“Ma’am, your phone has been ringing.” She told me, handing me the phone. 

I used that opportunity 

and got away from Henry. 

I looked at the screen and saw the strange number calling and I picked it up. 

“Hello?” I called out. 

However, the voice from the other end was never what I expected to hear in my wildest dreams. 

“Ms. Rose” 

Chapter 17 

Just hearing the voice, my core melted. 

Why had he called me? 

“Yes?” I managed but damn, I could still hear the huskiness in my voice. 

“I have something to discuss with you.” He boomed. 

To be continued…. 

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