Not Your Mate Anymore
Chapter 27 I Am Hurt

We arrived at the border gates and I quickly got out, ran past the guards and shifted in to my wolf. I needed to kill something and something big.

I ran and ran for what felt like hours. Athena was furious. I was furious. Max got away with the one thing my son truly deserved. He might not want Adrastos, he might hate us but he shouldn't change the fact that it is his.

The moon blessed us with a son because he was supposed to take over.

Now, he was going to pick a lousy good for nothing kid to take over from him. I hope this gives his pack a look at what that man is capable off. Stripping his own son of his birthright, what would he do to a common wolf!?

I was wrong about Max. I grew up with him yes, but I didn't spend all my time with him. He has his demons and now I've seen them

I spot a buck eating some greenery. I crouch down and move slowly and quietly but a rogue jumps in and tries to steal my food. Luckily the buck comes running my way and jump out and break it's neck. I let the buck fall, turning all my attention to the rogue that is in our land.

I walk up to him and he growls, trying to scare me away.

I shift in to my human form, naked. He takes me in and sniffs. Obviously checking if I'm still innocent and that annoys me so I release all my power, still holding eye contact.

"Shift!" I command and he looks like he's trying to fight it but I'm stronger, definitely stronger than an alpha

He shifts and I see a man, probably in his 30s. Scruffy looking and definitely a rogue with that awful stench.

"What brings you here? What makes you think you can come in here and live to see the next day?" I ask him.

"Oh I'm not alone.” He says smiling. I could feel two more wolves behind me but I didn't care. Athena was on high alert.

If Xander could just initiate me so I can link him or someone about this!

"I'm aware of your friends behind me. Now answer me!" I say.

"We heard the alpha had a new mate. We are here to sneak in and kill her. We killed the first one, we will kill the other.” He says so confidently.

I chuckle at that.

"Not on my watch." I say before having a gust of wind throw the ones behind me to my side, then next to their one friend in front of me.

I have roots come out and wrap around them, pulling them down to the ground. More roots came out to wrap around their hind and fore legs, legs and arms for the human one.

"I need you 3 to stay where you are, you can look after my kill for me, while I go get the alpha.” I say and they try to move but nothing.

I shift back in to my wolf and sprint as fast as I can to the pack house. I run to Lucas who was at the training fields and shift back.

"Rouges! Follow me and link the alpha, he needs to see these ones.” I say before shifting back and running. Lucas shifted too and ran behind me.

When we got to the rouges, Lucas circled them, looking at my handiwork.

He shifted,

"I'll put everything on PowerPoint and present it to you and the beta. Give me a few days." I say as I grab his hand and drag him away from the dead bodies.

We arrived at the pack house to find Xander's parents waiting for him outside.

The father, disregarded me once again and I took that as my cue to leave but Xander held my hand tightly, keeping me in place. I looked up to him and met his pleading eyes. I smiled at him to reassure him I wasn't going anywhere.

His face hardened when he looked at his father.

"Son, sending those boxes is the wrong idea. Alpha Neil will consider that an act of war! We can't take on his pack and if he has the rogues on his payroll then we are most definitely outnumbered.” His father says and I mentally groan at this man's comment.

"So you suggest I do nothing?" Xander asks through gritted teeth.

"For now, yes. Your mate is dead. There is no bringing her back so don't get yourself killed over it." His father said.

This man. This insensitive prick was out of line. We are wolves! It is only natural that Xander would want to avenge his mate, I would.

"Father, I don't need your permission. I am alpha now and I will make that decision. You are staying at the packhouse because I allow it, because you are my trusted advisor but don't push me to have you kicked out. I have allowed you to make decisions for me before but this one is mine.” Xander says and I tighten my hold to show my support.

His father growled but Xander's mother quickly walked up to him and gave him a side hug to calm him down.

She looked at me then smiled.

"We haven't been introduced, my name is Jill. I'm Xander's mother. This is Xander's father, Elliot. We also have a daughter but she's around here somewhere." Jill says and I smile back at her.

"I'm Sabrina Trent, I'm sure you've heard of me as the damsel in distress and your son had to take me in.” I say and Jill laughed but Elliot growled.

"And since your appearance, my son has been nothing but defiant. You're a bad influence and I regret ever telling Deacon you can stay here." Elliot said and Xander growled.

I stayed poised. This man reminded me of alpha Charley, a controlling father who never really wanted to let go of the alpha title. He still managed to run things because of the control he had over Xander.

"I beg to differ but you are entitled to believe what you want." I say and he growls at me for responding.

This was an alpha that was so used to getting his way. He loved it but now he wasn't getting his way and he was acting like a toddler.

"Father, control yourself." Xander said as we all noticed he was about to shift. His body was shaking as he kept his eyes on me.

"I will not be disrespected by a young girl. I will show you what I do to people that disrespect me little girlie.” Elliot said and I smiled.

"You are Xander's father and because of that, I'm not going to entertain this any further. Xander, let me go work on what we talked about and you can deal with this.” I say and he nods. He reluctantly let go of my hand.

I walked away and I could still hear Jill trying to calm her man down.

Maximus POV

It was done. The law had been changed and I didn't feel any different.

I was still angry at Sabrina for everything. There was nothing freeing about being able to choose the next alpha and I honestly thought it would be. I felt even more pressure because then I had to make sure I had enough sons to choose from but what if I'm just like my father and I only have one? Sabrina said it.

She was so sure I'd never be able to have more children.

That can't be true. She made a decision also to have our son be raised to take over that stupid Red Creek. I can't believe she had her claws in another alpha!

It didn't take her very long. I couldn't deny the pang of jealousy that hit me when I saw her sitting next to Xander and laughing. I love Sabrina but it is never enough.

Love shouldn't be the only thing keeping an alpha and luna together. We have a pack to run and I couldn't do it with Sabrina.

I just couldn't.

"So you got what you wanted. Are you happy now?" Nicole said walking in to my office.

"Yes I am. I will father more children and pick one to take over.” I say nonchalantly.

"I swore to obey you and I will but I will never be your friend again.” Nicole says and she walks out, banging my door.

Damn it!

Have I lost friends because of my actions? Definitely. Heck, I've even lost my father but not like I've ever really had him as a father.

He was packing to go visit Sabrina at Red Creek after I told him she was with Xander. He can go, it's not like I need him here. Everything is running smoothly and the pack is happy again.

First thing I needed to do now is host a ball to find a mate who will give me sons. I want girls with an alpha bloodline so my children are deserving. So they can come out strong and be able to defend their title if ever challenged.

Although, if Adrastos challenges my next in line, he will most definitely win. I hope it doesn't come to that. I really hope he doesn't grow up to want to take over this pack.

I mind linked Damon to come to my office. He arrived within minutes and I gave the order to send out invitations to different packs about the mate ball to find my next queen. He had to make sure the invites went to females with the alpha bloodline who were without mates and children.

Damon looked at me funny but then quickly composed himself and left my office.

I poured myself a glass of whiskey, finally excited to run this pack my way. Without Sabrina or my father.

My father barged in to my office. He was fuming.

"I guess Damon told you about my ball. Is he my beta or yours?" I ask my father who just scoffed at my remark.

"Are you out of your mind? " father asks and I shake my head no.

"I've never been so sure in my life. This is what I want and no amount of shouting is going to change my mind. So give up while you're at it.” I say to my father. He huffs and walks out.

I know Xander had a sister and I was hoping she'd come. Damon should personally send that invite just to get a kick out of Sabrina and Xander.

Actually, maybe I'll deliver that invite myself.

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