Not Your Mate Anymore
Chapter 26 A Brand New Me

Xander and I had fast became friends. Yes, we both have feelings for each other. Him more than me if I had to compare but I won't rush in to anything.

At the moment, I was no good for Xander if we were to get in to it.

He hasn't been in a relationship since his mate died and that's understandable. No other girl can replace his mate, not even me.

I also took the time to get to know the pack. After my fight with Jade and Myrtle, people feared me and I had to put their worries at ease. Having the alpha helped too.

I went from being popular at school after people heard I was Xander's new girl, to unpopular thanks to Jade and then popular again thanks to my power. I was known.

I was the girl with super alpha strength. There was even talk of the rise of female alphas. I had zero intentions on being an alpha but I was happy women were finding courage after feeling what I can do.

It's strange how men think they are in control when all this time, it has been the moon goddess, a female god that gives us life.

"What are you thinking about?" Xander asked walking in to my apartment.

"Oh just old memories. What's up?" I asked him. He sat next to me on the couch but looked uncomfortable.

"I need to tell you something. You're not going to like it." Xander says.

"Tell me.." I say.

"Max's application to change pack laws has been approved. The other day when I left to go to a council meeting, it was about that.” Xander said.

I just looked at Xander. What was he telling me?

My son is not to be alpha anymore? It is his right!

"The council called us in to sign the new decree. I was hoping you'd come with me to the meeting.” Xander said and I chuckled.

"What business do I have there? Other than wanting to kill Max for betraying his son, I have no reason to go." I say to him.

"Actually, you do. I said if Max's new law is passed, then I'd like to take you in my pack and raise your son to be the next in line.” Xander said.

"What?" I asked him. Not in a rude way but more confused than anything.

"Look Sabrina, I want you in my life. You, as my Luna. You come with a son and if you choose to be, I will raise him as my own." Xander says to me. His eyes holding so much adoration and love.

"What is she doing here? She's not an alpha!" Max shouts out.

The councilmen all turn to look at me.

"I was Max's chosen mate. We share a son together, he doesn't want anything to do with my son and I. I registered him before the law was passed so I believe this should be null and void." I say. "Unfortunately, it won't work that way this time. Max is allowed to choose the next in line.” The old man responds

"I figured you'd say that. However, the law stipulates that it is in place effective today, so my son remains the sole heir." I say.

The council men try to say something but I hold my hand up.

"It's fine. He doesn't need to be alpha of Green Forrest Pack, he will be raised to run Red Creek." I say and all the men turn to look at Xander.

He shrugs and Max growls.

"I said it at the first meeting. I want Sabrina and her son. I got them, now I will raise Adrastos as my own so he will be ready to take over when he's 18." Xander says.

"That is up to Sabrina here.” The one old man says.

"Like I said, my son will be raised to run Red Creek. We live there now and that's the way it's going to be.” I say and they all nod.

I wanted to challenge Max but Xander was right, I wouldn't be safe. I'd have to look over my shoulder and sleep with one eye open.

We all walked out and Max tried to grab Xander by the neck but I caught on and pushed him away. He stumbled but composed himself quickly.

"Finally have some fight in you I see." Max says.

"I've always had it. Don't think because I was never violent that I was weak. You are the weak one here." I say and he cackles.

"I'm the weak one? Are you sure about that?" Max asks and I nod, folding my arms for the extra added effect.

"You're the runner. Ran from two mates but I see you have no trouble getting another alpha.” Max says and Xander gives him a warning growl.

"You're the pathetic one here. Letting a pregnant woman starve. You're the weak one! Allowing some bozo to manipulate you with mind control. You're the weak one for abandoning your ONLY son!" I say. The anger was coming in like a flood.

"Are you sure he's my only?" Max asks with a smirk. I smile back at him.

"Oh he will be the only child you will ever have. Come rain or no rain, you won't make any more children because of your selfish evil ways. You will have to choose someone that isn't your blood as the new alpha.” I say this and he just laughs.

"You don't know that.” Max says.

"Oh but I do! Direct descendant and all. You don't have to believe me but as time passes, you'll soon realize that I was right.” I say with a smug look on my face.

I walk up to him, looking him dead in the eyes,

"I was your ride or die. I let you be the strong one. I dimmed down my light so you could shine as alpha. My love for you was immeasurable. I would've killed the world for you.” I say as sadness floods around me.

"I didn't ask you to do any of those. You chose to hide your power." Max says.

"You're right. It's all on me. For thinking a man that grew up not knowing what love is, would actually know what it is and keep it. You didn't have any good examples. It's all on me, for hiding myself but not anymore." I say to him.

I grab his neck and pull him down to my level.

"It's all on you for failing to be a mate. For failing to be a father. It's all on you that I am gone and I can promise you, you will come back begging. Ask Percy.” I say and push him away from me.

Max turns to look at Xander.

"You're just going to stand there? I could've retaliated and hurt her!" Max says and Xander cackles. "You know that's not true. Sabrina could kill us all before I say the word button.” Xander says.

"She is not immortal. She can die like the rest of us. You're a weak alpha for not coming to her aid." Max says and I roll my eyes.

"No. You're the weak one. The man that takes another woman while his mate is pregnant is a different kind of evil man." Xander chimes in.

"You were supposed to be mine." I say and Max chuckles.

"You were supposed to be my rock! My comfort and heart. You made a vow to me! I guess you are no different than your actual mate.” I say and I walk away.

Max hurt me.

He broke my heart and walked away from me. He promised to never hurt me and yet here we are. I walked back to Xander's car as Xander followed. I didn't want to stay there and end up killing Max on sacred land. I was done with that man.

I was a new woman. A woman that saw things in a different light. I was brand new.

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