We made it to the dungeons. I followed Max to his mothers cell. I noticed it didn't smell as bad as the first time we came in here and it looked a little cleaner. I guess he wants his mother to be comfortable even if she's locked up.

We make it to her cell and find her awake, looking at her son. Max opens the cell and we walk in, closing it behind me.

"Good morning mother" Max says to his mother. She smiles at him and he shakes his head to keep a stoic expression and avoids smiling back at her.

"You remember Sabrina, right?" Max says to his mother as turns to look at me. Her eyes register my face and she gasps loudly but quickly composes herself and nods.

"Yes, yes. I remember Sabrina. I always thought she would be your mate. As children, you were both very close and protective of each other. I'm so sorry to hear about your mates, both of you." Scarlett says Max and I. I shrug and walk closer to her.

"It's ok. That's been dealt with." I say to her. Assessing her and trying to sniff out her scent.

"Has it?" She asks with an eyebrow raised at me. She then looks at Max and then starts laughing. "Don't tell me you finally found yourself in my son's bed? Don't you know he is just like his father? Oh honey.." she tries to caress my cheek but I step away.

"Mother, you know better." Max says stepping closer to me and standing by my side. I had forgotten why I was in here in the first place. I cleared my throat and looked into her eyes.

"Scarlett. We need you to tell us everything you know about Reginald and his family. Their plans and missions. Have they captured the girl that threatens their cause?" I say to her.

She smiles at me.

"Ahh taking the Luna position very seriously I see.. your mother would be proud. You do look like her you know. I was so jealous of her when we were younger. All the boys fancied her, even Deacon. It was such a relief when she found her mate.” Scarlett said to me.

"Mother, we don't have time for this.” Max said to her. She turned to him and sighed out loud.

"All 1 know is they will be looking for their baby brother. He is their little loose canon. They keep tabs with each other mainly to keep tabs on him. They know he attacked this pack so if they don't hear from him then they will be paying you, Maximus, a visit." She says to him. She doesn't look my way at all.

"Mother..." he says to her.

"Fine! Look, they are very strong. Two sisters and two brothers including Reginald. The eldest will be king once they have rule over all the packs. They are each in different parts of the country trying to do what Reginald is doing, forcing alphas to submit. I guess Reggie got too cocky and lost this fight. Anyway, they have a witch with them. She helps them with their strength. They have to keep drinking some elixirs to maintain their strength so I'm pretty sure Reggie is a weak old wolf now since he’s locked up and chained in silver." She says to us.

"The witch is very powerful. She scares me and you know Maximus, I'm always the one to jump into a fire but not this one. I suggest you kill Reginald and dump him on human land before she performs a locator spell and it all links back to you. You do not want to mess with Vera.” She says and shivers after saying her name.

"The girl in their prophecies.” I chime in. I needed to know all about it.

"The girl that is to stop them and end their cruel reign. Well they haven't found her. They believe the girl to still be a child, meaning she has not met her mate. They will have the eldest brother mate with her, with Vera's help and bring strong soldiers in to the world. The new alpha king that will be stronger than your normal wolf." Scarlett says to me. Finally looking at me since she started talking about Reginald

"Is that all?" I ask her and she nods, still looking at me. As if trying to put me together, assessing me. "You're the girl aren't you?" She says smiling and I knew then that she knew. I walked away from her and as I was about to walk out,

"Wait! Vera's plan will only work if the girl is untouched. I am no male so I cannot smell your virtue. Are you a virgin Sabrina?" She asks me and my head snaps up to Max's who is looking at his mother in confusion. She starts laughing again. Laughing to the point where she's out of breath and tears are falling on her face.

"I was wrong Maximus, you are nothing like your father. He must be so disappointed” She says and then turning to me. Her eyes warm and caring?..

"Vera needs you to be a virgin for the spell to work. For he to fool you into thinking Reggie's brother is your mate, she needs you to be pure. I understand that this is not ideal for you and I guess now you have a decision to make." She says to me.

I walk out of her cell and out of the house. I immediately take in a deep breath and let it out. Tears falling down by face.

Another bomb thrown at me. Now they wanted to rape me and fool me into thinking I have another mate.

I felt someone's presence behind me. I turned around to see my mother.

She walks up to me and pulls me in for a hug.

"l can't do it mama. I can't just throw my virtue away like that. I also can't have a stranger taking my virginity. I can't let them decide for me. No one should decide for me!" I say still sobbing as I hold tighter, afraid she'd disappear.

I let the wooden objects fall to the floor as uncle Deacon walks back in and looks around the office. "I walk out and then you guys decide you want to kill him? No fair!" He says and we all laugh a little.

"Rose just confirmed your suspicions Sabrina. Even if they realize that Reginald is not himself, it could take days before they break the control." He says to me. I look at Max and he drops Reginald to the floor.

I walk up to Reginald who moves back until he hits a wall. I kneel down to him and smile.

"Don't worry, this won't hurt at all. Even though I wish it did." I say to him. I grab his head and have him face to face with me. His eyes locked on mine, I erase the war and have him think he had won and killed Max and I. I had him think uncle Deacon was in the dungeons with everyone else that wouldn't submit.

I let go of his face to punch him and knock him out. I stand up and look to the 3 men all looking at me with awe.

"That's it. He will wake up soon so I think it's best we drop him off at the border in a car with Scarlett.” I say and I quickly remember,

"Which reminds me, I need to do the same thing to her for their stories to match.” I say and Max nods as his eyes glaze over and we knew he was linking someone.

Two minutes later, Damon walks in with Scarlett. I walk up to Scarlett and grab her face so her eyes locked with mine and I did the same thing to her.

I knocked her out as she fell and Damon caught her from behind.

Uncle Deacon growled and we all looked back at him.

He raised his arms in surrender.

"Sorry that was my wolf. She is the mother of my pup.” He says and we all nod in understanding. Max has Nicole come in and they carry Reggie and Scarlett to the borders. I'm left with dad and uncle Deacon.

"I need a moment to myself to think and clear my head. I also need to see my brother and sister. I have so much to tell them.” I say and I walk to my dad and hug him then do the same to my uncle. I walk out and follow Josey's scent to her room.

I walk in to find her on the phone and when I hear male voices I decide to stop listening in. She's smiling and blushing so I leave her room to go looking for Cj. I follow his scent to his room and I knock.

I knock because Cj is a boy now and he thinks I didn't notice the porn stash he has but I saw everything and I did not want to walk into anything that would make me want to burn my eyes.

He opens the door and he's fully clothed. Thank the goddess.

I walk in and throw myself on his bed. He joins me.

"I saw mom today. I just found out I have a new power and she also knocked some sense into me." I say and he sits up to look at me.

"Yes she came by your room and we had breakfast with her. She mentioned going to look for you after spending some time with us.” Cj says to me.

"Told me my mate is a hybrid and I will be meeting her soon. She also said this war is bigger than us and we will be making some allies outside the pack. My mate is part of that." He said to me and I smiled.

"Well 1 just hope you find happiness with your mate. One of us has to get that smooth sailing from the start.” I say. I then pick up a book and tear a blank page from it. I have the page float in the air and destroyed it. CJ's jaw dropped and I giggled.

"This is insane! If you've got that then you don't need an army!" He says and we continue making jokes and after some time Josey joins us and I show her my new power. She has me try it with water and I'm only able to turn a ball of water thrown at me into little droplets.

I fill them in on what we did with Reginald and Scarlett and all that's happened since I woke up. After we all had lunch together, I decided to go to my room and think. I closed my bedroom door and threw myself on my bed.

I know I had a fighting chance with the evil family but I know if they captured me, I'd kill myself before someone stole my virtue from me. Mac and I almost went all the way but he regained control and put an end to it fast.

I've been telling Max I was ready but he told me the timing wasn't right. It seemed right to me. Now the timing will never be right. All this fighting seems to escalate to an even bigger fight so i'll never have the right timing. Something always comes up and we can't ignore it.

An idea lit up in my head. I had control of my life. It was up to me how this was going to happen and if I wanted it to happen.

I had to make the time. If I have to fight wars all my life then I have to make the timing right in my life. I mean, yes part of my decision to lose it is because I'd rather lose it to someone of my choosing than have that taken from me.

In a perfect world, I'd be 18 and possibly stressing if Percy knocked me up after a magical night on my 18th birthday but life had other plans. The chance to complete the mating bond was stripped away from me and I cannot allow that to happen again.

I feel rushed and it's not even Max that's rushing me. Which I'm super grateful for. It's life and the curveballs I seem to be catching from it.

If I wanted a magical night with Max, I was going to make it happen before life throws another curveball at me. I needed help so I linked Nicole and Josey for this. My brother begged to be left out of this and I laughed at him.

I had Nicole keep Max busy as Josey and I turned his room into a romantic haven. All that romantic stuff. I had the balloons and candles. I wanted magic and I was going to get it.

I left Josey to finish up while I ran to my room to get dolled up. I took my time getting ready as I wanted everything to be perfect. I had Nicole give Max his outfit that I picked out and linked him to wear it. He asked why and I told him to do as he was told.

I'm probably the only person in the world to get away with doing that to him. I loved it. I finished with my make up as Josey walked in brimming with excitement. We walked into Max's room and I was in awe of the room. It looked great. The whole room screamed romance. Josey showed me what she had done to the balcony and wow. She had champagne too. There was a knock on the door and we froze for a few seconds.

This is it.

The night that changes everything

"Are you 100 about this Sab? It's ok to change your mind. You can just have a romantic dinner.” Josey says to me and I grab her hands.

“I'm 100. I want to do this. I've wanted to do this for some time now but Max wouldn't let me." I said to her and she raised her eyebrow at me. There was another knock.

"I want all the details tomorrow morning! Don't make me barge into this room to drag you out.” She whisper yells at me. I nod at her smiling.

I stand in the middle of Max's room as Josey walks over to the door. She winks at me and then opens the door to let Max in. He walks in frowning as he looks around his room taking in the girly state it was in and his eyes finally land on me. Josey closes the door and it's just us.

"You know I'm a man Kimberly and what's been done to my room is something my guy friends can never know about” he says to me as he makes his way over to me. He kisses my cheek and steps back to look at me up and down again.

"You look gorgeous Kim. I don't care what you do to my room love. As long as you're looking like this, I'll allow anything.” He says to me. I was a ball of nerves. I was tongue tied. I was just losing it and was saved by a knock on the door. Max mumbled a come in looking annoyed until Damon walked in pushing a trolley of food.

Damon walked in taking a look around and then his eyes landed on Max. He smirked but immediately lost that look as his eyes glazed over. Max was probably reprimanding him through the link. Boys.

Damon shook his head and smiled again.

"Dinner is served. Enjoy love birds" he said chuckling on his way out. Max let out a loud sigh then he turned to me.

"And the lifetime of torment begins, starting with Damon. I can't wait until he meets his mate." He then looks behind me then pushes the trolley out to the table on the balcony. I follow him still tongue tied as he gestures for me to sit and he's the perfect gentlemen. He walks over to his side and sits down.

He looked so good in black. I was ready to cancel the dinner and have my way but I'm the virgin here.

"You don't look so bad yourself Maximus." I say to him and a grin forms on his face.

"Ahh she speaks. I was beginning to think you lost your voice." He says to me taking a sip of his water.

"No. I'm just at awe of that handsome face and fit body. No matter what you wear, you just exude this intense sexiness. I'm surprised you haven't sniffed out my arousal.” I say to him shocking myself with this newfound bravery. Max chokes on his water as his cheeks flush crimson. He blushed!

"I'm sorry Maximus, was I too forward?" I say teasing him. He shakes his head as he coughs.

"Not at all. Keep going. You seem to be having fun there.” He says to me. He thinks I'll shy away. Game on.

"You know you look good. It's in your walk and demeanor but I'll come out and say it. I was fighting with myself back there actually. Couldn't decide whether to jump your bones before or after dinner." I say and he smiles.

"I'm surprised you haven't noticed the immediate bulge in my pants the moment my eyes landed on you. It grew harder with you checking out my fit body.” He teases. Now it was my turn to blush. "I have plans for tonight and I want to see them through. We wouldn't be sitting out here if I had noticed" I say as I think of the number of times I've seen his thing in sweat pants. I want to taunt him further so I think about our encounter in his office which sends whiffs of arousal in the air. Max loses his smirk as his eyes get darker.

"I see your wolf is present. I want you both here with me tonight." I say in the sexiest voice. It was going to be a long night.

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