I couldn't sleep. My mind was trying to find answers to all the questions swimming in my head. This was all too much to take in. Why would Percy say all of those things? How can people look at me now? I am an abomination. I shouldn't be here right now in this world. How can I be the cause of such uproar? Why are people killing each other just to get to me?

A tear escapes my eye. I don't even bother to wipe it. I'm too lost in my head to be bothered by anything else. I can't seem to comprehend all that was said about me. I have a flashback of the meeting we had in Percy's hospital room...

"You are all wondering why Reginald was so adamant in taking over packlands. You're all wondering how one rogue alpha can bring us to our knees. Well, he's not working alone.” Percy said to us.

"He is part of a family that want to take over every pack land. They believe we need a ruler of all alphas, a king of alphas. Reginald lost the plot by trying to take over the packs and have them to himself. This hasn't gone unnoticed by his family but their main focus remains bringing their idea to life." Percy said looking at Max.

We are all quiet, just looking at him. Not one person had a question but that's because we felt that what he said next would answer them all. He ran his hand through his hair.

"They are a very wealthy and strong family. They have immense strength. I've never seen anything like it until I saw you Sabrina.” Percy said looking at me.

"At the ball, when I felt your power, I thought you were one of them but I immediately let go of that thought because you weren't fighting their fight. Anyway, they have a prophecy. It's been said that there is a great force that will put an end to their power and reign. A girl will rise up and their strength won't hold up against this girl." He said still looking at me.

"The girl is said to be strong and gifted with powers. They will all fall by her hand if they step in her way." Percy grabbed my hand looking at me. Max growled but I gave him an assuring smile. "Sabrina, I think that girl is you. I think you're the one to stop them. In their pack they call you the destroyer, the one that wants to stop their plans for a united front where all wolves bow to one king. They have no idea what you look like but with Reginald's disappearance, they'll assume you have started killing them off.” He said to me.

"With the prophecy out there, their plan is to make sure it doesn’t happen but also capture you. The prophecy says that your power only grows and can destroy millions. You are a weapon and if they find and capture you, they plan to create unstoppable children. Children they will train to become unbeatable. They want the one blessed by the moon goddess, you.” He said while squeezing my hand.

"Brina, you carry a power within you that they want to harvest for themselves. If they catch you, they won't need anything else." He said to me and I forced my hand out of his grip.

"I'm not some object to be passed around. Even if they have that prophecy, the girl couldn't be me. I barely scratched Reginald as it is." I said to him.

"I can't sleep and judging by your visit and the smell of grilled cheese with ham, you couldn't sleep either. Come sleep with me. You calm my wolf and I'd like to believe I can calm yours too.” He says to me and I smile.

I straddle him then wrap my hands around his neck and take in his scent. He plants his nose in my hair and inhales my scent as we sit like this for I don't know how long. He starts to rub circles on my back as I listen to his steady heartbeat. He really felt like home. His scent gave me this reassurance, that "I'm safe with you're feeling. One I could always rely on.

We eventually got in bed and drifted off holding on to each other. I take comfort in knowing my scent gave him the peace he needed too.

I wake up feeling a heavy hand trapping me in bed. Maximus.

I turn to look at his gorgeous features. From his pink soft lips, his long lashes and that unruly yet sexy bed hair. Athena purred with satisfaction at how good looking he is.

"Go back to sleep. I can feel you staring at me." He says groggily with his eyes still closed. I smile and start to trace his jaw line up to the outline of his lips. He stuck out his tongue to lick my finger and I snatched it back.

"If you're going to be a tease, I need to play along too.." he says and I melt at the sound of his voice. I shake my head to snap myself out of this daze I seem to be in. I sit up and poke his strong abs awake.

He opens his eyes and looks up at me, clearly annoyed. We had things to do and the faster we worked, the faster we'd get answers.

"Your mom. Now!" I said jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom to freshen up. I hop in the shower for a quick one, with no time to wash my hair. I then dry myself with his towel and rush out to my closet as he enters his bathroom to freshen up.

When I get to my room, I quickly brush my teeth and use some mouthwash. Then I go in to my closet to pick out some leggings and a sports bra with nike shoes.

I brush my hair and apply just a little mascara because I still have to be cute and put on my mother's infinity cross necklace that I forgot about. As I exit my bedroom, I bump into Tristan who was walking past my room to Max's.

"Good morning Tristan. What brings you this side of the house?" I ask him. He looked terrible. Like he hasn't slept and I feel bad for him. From dealing with his mate having someone else's child to his mate betraying the pack he grew up in. If anyone deserves a second chance at love, it's him.

"I need Max's permission to go visit my parents. If you can't tell, I'm not doing so well and I think some time away will do me good. I know we have a lot coming our way as a pack but I don't think I'd do the pack any good being here anyway." He says to me then he looks down. He was ashamed. I pulled him in for hug which surprised him.

"Take all the time you need my friend. I won't find a replacement so I'll be waiting for your return.” Maximus chimes in to our little heartwarming session.

Tristan pulls away and clears his throat. He looks at Max then at me but then Max chuckles and shakes his head.

"It's alright wolf. I know it was innocent.” He says chuckling again. My eyes narrow as I can't understand what's going on.

"Oh. Oh great! Ok then I promise to be back, I just don't know when. I'll link you from time to time to let you know how I'm coping and I hope you keep me updated on pack stuff.” He says to Max, who only nods at him with so much warmth in his eyes. They had that brotherly love. I could just see it in their eyes all the love they had for each other. They pull each other into a hug and then Tristan pulls away and nods at me before walking away.

We stand there for a minute just looking at nothing. Maximus places his hand on my lower back.. "Come on. Let's go see my mother." He says to me and I follow him to the dungeons. I don't know what Max's mother knew, I don't know if she would talk. I was just betting on the fact that she loved her son and wouldn't want any harm to come to him. She knows of me and I met her when I was a kid but Max and I agreed that we wouldn't lay a finger on her but he told me I could physically hurt him to get some answers from his mother. He was sure she would corporate after a few punches. I wasn't so sure but I'm willing to throw a punch here and there for some answers.

I can heal him right after anyways.

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