Luke McCarthy, the representative from the McCarthy family, was looking triumphantly at Sean and Steve across from him.

He already had a chin- wag with many people at the tender venue and was acquainted with Taylor Wyatt and George Allen; both were government officials.

They now held all the cards and were expected to win the tender.

He looked at the stone-faced Sean with disdain.

'No matter how good an offer is, relationships are the last word. I will certainly be able to win the bid and then build a hospital on that land, making a ton of money out of those fools.

Just like Michael, the CEO of San Joto Central Hospital, I will soon be able to multiply my net worth by dozens of times.

Luke had a greedy look on his face, excited when he thought of the money he was going to get. He swaggered up to Sean, rolled up his tender documents, and knocked it on the table. "Don't you know better, brat, that you should at least say hello?"

He wanted to intimidate the young man.

If the young man took the hint, he should quickly get up and butter him up.

Then he would not let him lose s o badly.

But he was destined to be disappointed, as Sean did not even spare a look at Luke but just smacked the rolled-up tender documents aside and then ignored this arrogant competitor. Steve nudged the gold-framed glasses up his nose and looked at Luke with a frosty look in his eyes.

"The bidding will start soon, Mr. McCarthy.Why don't you take a little look-see at your tender presentation instead of wasting time looking for trouble with us?" Luke had been treated so unceremoniously by a youngster.He looked furiously at Sean and Steve, but soon, as if something dawned on him, he sneered, looking at those VIPs with whom he had spent a lot of money to rub shoulders.

"Guys, you won't believe how naive these kids are; they think they can win the tender by just preparing the presentation well."

"What do they have to compete with me?! Many people also looked at Sean and Steve with mockery. Steve frowned with anger and disgust at Luke.

"Can you win with your tricks without real skills?" Luke could not stand it when he heard this.

But before he could say anything, Taylor, who had received a lot of benefits from Luke, chimed in with displeasure.

"You know nothing, do you? What nonsense! We who are all here know how capable Mr. McCarthy is. How dare a brat like you become boastful here?"

George also shook his head, looking at the Riddle family with a hint of derision in his eyes.

'They really think that they can win the tender with just their youthful spirit? These two guys really know nothing, do they? Mr.Wyance will surely take the opinions of the surrounding people into consideration.Can they still win if everyone has a negative view of the Riddle family?'

But there were also many people who sympathized with Steve and Sean, knowing that the two had made a lot of preparations, but just judging by what Luke could do, they all felt sorry and looked away. In the minds of these people, the Riddle family was most likely going to lose.

Steve frowned and wanted to say something upon hearing what Taylor had said.

But Sean grabbed his hand and gently shook his head at him as if telling him to be patient.

Luke looked at everyone's expressions and then snorted at Sean and said aloud, "I've come prepared.If not for the formality, I wouldn't have come, and you all might not have even got to see my face."

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