"I didn't expect to see you still look as good as ever, Gary."

The two girls were jealous of her, not sure which one of them Gary favored most. He had a frosty face as he looked at Jack with no emotion and asked him to go away.

As Jack rubbed his chin and ran after Gary to apologize, Wayne glanced at Jack and thought to himself that Jack was dumb.

Seeing the two zealous girls, he felt just as annoyed as Gary.

This was the last kind of girl he wanted.

"Gary, Mr. Ellison has said it; Nicole is first. How did she do that?" he asked slowly.

'Even Gary has only gotten second place. Nicole is simply nature-defying"

"Did Nicole really not cheat? No way she is this smart," Jack said suspiciously.

Gary looked back at the two of them for the first time in all seriousness.

"Don't taunt anyone like this next time. Nicole achieved it by her own merit. I've got to admit that she is better than me."With that, he strode away from the Royal Creek Institute without looking back, leaving Wayne and Jack standing in place, looking at each other.

They both felt strange thinking about what Gary had said.

Nicole had indeed made Class B proud.

Both of them were a bit confused.

Jack saw a café from the corner of his eye and patted Wayne on the shoulder.

"Let's grab a cup of coffee and calm down inside."

Gary had spoken, and it seemed that they would really have to change their minds about Nicole.

The two men muttered as they walked into the café.

Claus was sitting idly inside at the time.

When he saw the two customers walk in, he casually greeted them.

"What would you like, sir?" Jack looked at Claus and had an explicable feeling that he had seen him before.

But he did not give it a second thought. He randomly ordered something and sat down with Wayne on the other side.

Claus looked at the two men with interest.

While making the coffee, he overheard the conversation between Jack and Wayne mentioning Nicole.

'Are these two guys Nicole's classmates?" Claus secretly replaced the middle cup size too large and brought them to Jack and Wayne.

Again, he heard them talk about Nicole winning the Math Olympiad competition.

'Good lord, it seems that Nicole's pen spinning trick really works" Claus had a faint look of pride on his face.

As he put down the coffee, Jack and Wayne complained he had given them the wrong cup sizes. But he ignored them, walked back to the counter, and called his boss, telling him that Nicole had won first place Jared's reaction was nonchalant. He just muttered an acknowledgment, seemingly not surprised at all.

The phone went dead from Jared's side.

Claus smirked at hearing Jared's response, which seemed to act cool.

Nevertheless, he had to admit that his boss really knew Nicole well.

When everyone was doubting Nicole, Jared had stood firmly by her side.

During the live auction of the Wyance Group's land

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