Chapter 3145

"You're right," Ellar said, shaking his head. He felt his heart grow cold as he thought about Doretta's actions.

Emma had trusted Doretta so much and had treated her so kindly, only for Doretta to betray them like this. Ell ar might not be too upset, but Emma would surely be heartbroken when everything became known.

"Hey," Patricia said, noticing Ellar staring off into space, fixated on Doretta. She gently nudged him, frowning.

"Remember, create more opportunities for her to act," Patricia suggested, implying that he shouldn't guard the office too closely and arouse Doretta's suspicions.

"Got it. I've planned to give her a chance at lunch," Ellar replied with a smile.

"Lunch?" Patricia frowned, concerned that it might be too soon since Doretta had just arrived.

Ellar purposely raised his voice when he said, "I've made a reservation for lunch. I'll come find you when it's break time."

Patricia rolled her eyes at Ellar, frustrated but unable to show it, and silently left with her documents.

She was beginning to suspect that Ellar was doing this on purpose. But the words were already out, and they had to go out for lunch to avoid raising Doretta's suspicions.

As noon approached, Ellar and Patricia were gearing up to head out when Doretta's voice halted them. "Ellar, Patricia."

Doretta then inquired, "Are you two heading out?" "For lunch," Ellar said matter-of-factly.

Doretta appeared somewhat anxious, then timidly asked, "Ellar, I'm still getting my bearings around here. Could I join you for lunch?"

Ellar was on the verge of a flat-out no.

Doretta quickly added, "I'll get the hang of the place soon, then I won't intrude on your dates." "Fine." Just as Ellar was plotting a polite refusal, Patricia had already welcomed Doretta.

El I ar shot Patricia a look of mild betrayal, but Patricia had already turned to Doretta with a cheerful, "Let's head out."

The trio exited the office and boarded the car.

The chauffeur ignited the engine, steering toward the eatery Ellar had booked.

"I really am sorry, Ellar. I'll make sure to get a good lay of the land ASAP," Doretta offered her apologies.

"It's okay," Ellar managed, though his face barely hid his annoyance.

This lunch was supposed to be a special moment for Patricia, a chance for Ellar to spend time with her before she had to leave. Their moments together were precious, given that Patricia's departure was inevitable.

The unexpected addition of Doretta was more than just a minor inconvenience; it was a disruption to his plans, and the more Ellar dwelled on it, the more his irritation grew.

Meanwhile, Patricia was giving Doretta a rundown of the neighborhood, pointing out landmarks and features with patience, helping her to familiarize herself with the new environment.

"Thank you," Doretta gratefully responded, before playfully adding, "You're really kind. It's easy to see why Ellar is so fond of you."

Patricia offered a warm smile in return. "It's the least I can do. I'd extend the same courtesy to any new team member, especially you, being Ellar's cousin and all." "Ellar, you and Patricia are unbeatable pair.. When's the big celebration? I can hardly wait to hear wedding bells," Doretta cheerfully teased.

Ellar's response was a barely audible grumble, "Don't hold your breath," his mood clearly not improving.

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