Chapter 3144

Standing up with a smile, Nicole said, "Mom, we should be going now." "Oh, alright, be careful on the road," Gloria cautioned Jared and Nicole.

"Don't worry," they assured, leaving together.

The house quieted down again. Gloria turned to Daniel. "Why aren't you leaving today?" "Dad's been alright these past few days, so I'm not going anywhere," Daniel replied.

"I see," Gloria shrugged and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Daniel asked, holding her back.

"Back to my room," she said, planning to return to her room to read since there wasn't much else to do.

Daniel also stood up, taking Gloria's hand. "Why not join me for a bit outside?" "Where to?" Gloria asked, intrigued. 'If he's not going back to Benjamin's place, does he have someone else he needs me to go with him to meet?" "I've reserved that limited edition necklace you liked but couldn't get last time. They said it would arrive today; let's go check it out," Daniel said softly, surprising Gloria.

"I just made a passing remark at the time. It's okay if we didn't get it; I'm not lacking necklaces," Gloria responded.

"It's rare to find something you like, and it's already arrived. Let's go have a look," Daniel persuaded, leading Gloria away from the Riddle residence.

Deep down, Gloria felt touched. Perhaps the necklace wasn't all that important, but the thoughtfulness behind the gesture warmed her heart. Meanwhile, Nicole had arrived at the office.

"How did it go, was Patricia's mission last night successful?" Lulu asked eagerly as soon as Nicole walked in.

"Successful, don't worry," Nicole replied with a smile.

"That's good to hear," Lulu blinked rapidly and asked, "So when can we wrap this up?" "Maybe soon," Nicole pondered. "Everything is going as planned. Unless something unexpected happens, we should be able to wrap up this operation soon." "Ah, let's pray it ends soon so we can enjoy some peace for a while," Lulu murmured, clasping her hands together in hope.

Seeing her gesture, Nicole couldn't help but smile wryly. "It should be over quickly." "Oh, by the way, the partner companies that had issues before have all agreed to cooperate with US and won't terminate the partnership," Lulu reported.

"That's good news," Nicole replied with a slight smile, having never really worried about this matter.

"It's all thanks to you. With two Crests and the support of so many prominent families, they'd be foolish to end their partnership with US," Lulu said proudly.

"Enough of that. While their support is important, we must also stand strong on our own. The power we wield is what truly matters; external support is secondary.," Nicole emphasized the importance of self- reliance.

"Don't worry, the strength of Riddle Corporation is evident to all," Lulu assured, confident in their collective efforts and contributions to ensure the corporation's continued growth and success. Once they deal with Everett, they expected fewer troubles and even greater expansion.

Meanwhile, at BayCorp.

Doretta started her job today. Despite it being her first day, she proved to be quite professional, quickly mastering her tasks with apparent ease.

"She's certainly capable, but it's a pity..." Ellar sighed.

It was a shame Doretta harbored ill intentions; otherwise, keeping her at BayCorp could have been beneficial. If she truly achieved great results for the company, she would get what she deserved. "She has some skills, but her ambition is even greater," Patricia commented, her expression slightly darkened by the thought.

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