Chapter 3137

"Could it be that he's waiting for the outcome from Doretta's side?" Lulu speculated.

At this time, Everett causing trouble to distract them might also be creating opportunities for Doretta.

"It's a possibility I won't rule out. I'll remind Patricia of this," Nicole said, then turned to the others. "As for these projects, we still need to maintain the facade."

Lulu nodded in understanding. "Right, making Everett believe he has succeeded might lead him to expose his flaws." "Well do as you suggest," Sean and Steve agreed.

"Good," Nicole replied with a slight smile.

Soon after, Sean and Steve left the office.

"Nicole, even though we need to maintain a facade, our work still needs to continue. About these projects... will those companies be willing to play along with US?" Lulu asked hesitantly.

"Those willing to continue will do so; if not, well terminate the contracts. As for the penalties, let's waive them. They can decide what they want to do." After all, it was because of Riddle Corporation that they were involved, so they shouldn't bear the losses.

Lulu bit her lip slightly and responded, "Okay, I understand."

After watching Lulu leave, Nicole called Patricia. She briefed Patricia on the situation at Riddle Corporation, and cautioned, "Doretta might be making a move soon, be careful." "No wonder, she is starting work at BayCorp tomorrow," Patricia's tone sounded serious.

Knowing Doretta's intentions, Ellar had taken all the necessary precautions at the company, leaving Doretta no chance to act at home.

Over the past few days, Doretta managed to persuade Emma, who then convinced Ellar to let Doretta into the company. Ell ar agreed, seizing the opportunity.

"It seems our suspicions were correct," Nicole's voice turned colder, as Everett was finally making his move.

"Ms. Riddle, don't worry. I'll be on the lookout and discuss with Ellar. If necessary, well create opportunities for Doretta," Patricia assured.

"Alright, you two can discuss the specifics," Nicole said, ending the call.

On the other end of the phone, Ellar carefully asked Patricia, "What's up, you seem so serious?" "You should be more cautious about Doretta; she's likely to make her move in the next few days," Patricia warned Ellar.

Ellar smiled confidently. "Don't worry, even if she succeeds, she won't actually succeed." "What do you mean?" Patricia asked, puzzled.

"I've been thinking, and I realized that none of the plans are that foolproof, so I..." Ellar leaned closer to Patricia and lowered his voice, "made all the official seals fake." "You!" Patricia was momentarily speechless, looking at El I ar with a mix of amusement and disbelief.

She thought, 'He really thinks outside the box, but this solution will indeed solve the problem.' Instead of worrying about potential flaws in the plan, it was better to make everything fake. That way, there was nothing to worry about.

"Heh, you must be realizing how smart I am now," Ellar said with a hint of pride.

Patricia couldn't help but shake her head. "Yes, you're the smartest." Now, the pressure seemed a lot less, since even a loss wouldn't be scary.

"As long as you know," Ellar said with a triumphant smile.

Patricia couldn't help but roll her eyes at him, cautioning, "Be more discreet, and make sure you don't give anything away." "Got it," Ellar said, patting his chest. "I'll be careful." "Alright, go on then," Patricia signaled that Ellar could leave.

Ellar's expression stiffened slightly. "So, about what I just asked you, have you decided?"

Patricia hesitated for a moment. "Doretta is coming to the company tomorrow; I think it's better not to."

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