Chapter 3136

"Got it," Ellar hesitated for a moment before carefully saying, "Can Patricia... continue to stay here with me? I might still need her." "Sure," Nicole agreed.

Ellar was instantly overjoyed. 'Really? Thank you, Nicole." "Of course, it's true. Doretta hasn't made a move yet, and I think after you've refused to cooperate with Everett, Doretta will probably act soon. Patricia's mission isn't complete yet, so naturally, she can't return." "Oh." Ellar seemed a bit disappointed but quickly cheered up again. "It's okay, it's good to have her stay a few more days." Although it was for work, he was happy to see her more.

"Let's leave it at that for now. If anything comes up, remember to contact me immediately," Nicole reminded.

"I know," Ellar responded.

After Nicole hung up the phone, her eyes narrowed slightly.

She thought to herself, 'Now that Ellar has made his stance clear, whatever Everett plans to do next will probably be more straightforward.

'The closer it gets to such moments, the more careful we need to be, not giving Everett any chance to exploit.'

Knock, knock, knock.

After the knocking, Lulu entered the room.

"Nicole, take a look at this." Lulu placed a document in front of Nicole. ■' The funding for this project has been secured, but the other party suddenly wants to cancel the cooperation." "What happened?" Nicole's expression darkened a bit.

"We don't know yet. I've already arranged for someone to investigate," Lulu responded.

Nicole opened the document, her eyes narrowing slightly, her gaze turning somber.

'Everything for the project is set; why would the other party suddenly want to cancel the cooperation? Is there an issue, or are they having second thoughts about the partnership?'

Lulu wondered aloud, "Nicole, do you think Everett might be behind this?"

Now, whenever there was a problem with any of the companies, her first thought was Everett, given that he was eagerly watching them, making it hard for her not to suspect him. "Let's wait and see what exactly is going on." Although Nicole also suspected Everett, she still wanted to see the evidence; it could also be that the other company was facing some difficulties.

"Nicole, have you heard?" Just then, Sean and Steve entered Nicole's office.

"What is it?" Seeing the anxious look on their faces, Nicole felt a foreboding feeling.

"A few of the companies we're collaborating with have suddenly encountered problems," Sean said with a dark expression. "We suspect Everett might have had a hand in it." "Who else could it be but him,' Steve said through clenched teeth.

"We have one here too. I was just discussing with Nicole if Everett could be behind this," Lulu said indignantly.

Sean picked up the document and glanced at it, his expression growing even more solemn. "It seems Everett is making moves again. What exactly does he want to do?"

Nicole looked up at them and said, "Ellar has already rejected his project, and I think he knows that we've seen through his scheme." "He can't possibly think that causing trouble for these few companies would affect US, right?" Steve frowned. After all, even if these few projects were ruined, it wouldn't shake the foundation of the Riddle Corporation.

Nicole shook her head. Ì guess he's probably trying to divert our attention.' "You mean, he has another scheme!" Steve's voice rose a few notches.

"Probably," Nicole's eyes flickered with a cold light. After all, such childish tactics were not likely something Everett would resort to again.

Lulu's face paled slightly. "So, what should we do?" "First, let's stay calm," Nicole thought for a moment and said. "Since this isn't Everett's real goal, let's hold our position for now and see what he's really up to."

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