Chapter 3122

"Emma wants Doretta to be her daughter-in-law," Gloria said after a moment of thought, i've met her once. She seems nice, and she and Ellar seem well-suited."

Nicole couldn't help but sigh quietly, as she expected this topic to come up.

"It also depends on what Ellar wants," Nicole said calmly.

Gloria sighed. "Emma mentioned that Eliar always avoids the topic. That's why she asked if you could talk to him."

"Mom, even if El la r listens to me, I can't get too involved in his love life. It's something he needs to decide," Nicole said, looking troubled.

"Right, it's best to let them figure it out," Daniel added.

Gloria frowned at Daniel. "But Emma is worried."

"Mom, I understand your concerns, but love can't be forced. We wouldn't want to hurt Doretta or Ell ar, would we?" Nicole explained, hoping Gloria would understand.

Gloria looked confused. "Just letting them get to know each other isn't the same as rushing into marriage. How would that hurt them?"

Nicole continued to persuade, though reluctantly, "My point is, if two people truly like each other, they'll naturally be drawn together.

"If it's not meant to be and they're forced together, only to part ways later, it'll be awkward for everyone.

"After all, Doretta and Emma are somewhat distant cousins, right?"

She was firmly against Ellar and Doretta being together and certainly wouldn't help convince anyone otherwise. Doretta's sudden closeness to

Emma's family, with unclear intentions, was something Nicole couldn't ignore.

Moreover, Ellar's heart belonged to Patricia, making it impossible for him to accept anyone else at this time. Encouraging a relationship between Ellar and Doretta now, from any perspective, was unwise. "Nicole, what's on your mind? You seem a bit preoccupied," Gloria noticed Nicole's unusual demeanor and asked hesitantly.

Nicole smiled, returning to the present moment. "Nothing much," she said, offering a smile. "I just don't think the timing is right."

"Nicole's right," Daniel chimed in. "You should talk to Emma and tell her not to rush. Doretta is living with them, after all. The kids will see each other often enough. If it's meant to be, they'll figure it out." Gloria nodded. "Okay, Nicole makes sense. I'll talk to Emma tomorrow." She agreed that if Ellar and Doretta were not into each other, it would indeed be more awkward for Emma in the end.

"It's fine. Ellar is still young. There's no rush,' Daniel said, serving Gloria some food. "Let's eat."

Gloria couldn't help but give Daniel a look. "How would you understand a mother's feelings?"

"You're right. Mothers are the greatest! Honey, I know you've worked hard over the years," Daniel responded with a placating smile.

Gloria shot Daniel a playful glare. "Let's eat." Remembering the presence of the kids, she kept the conversation light and avoided any mushy talk.

Nicole smiled, feeling a sense of relief but also recognizing the need to address Doretta's situation soon.

After dinner, Nicole and Jared took the kids back to their room.

"Mommy, who is Doretta that Grandma mentioned?" Nolan blinked curiously. "Will she become Uncle Ellar's wife?" He thought, 'It seems like Grandma wants to set him up with that person, doesn't it?'

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