Chapter 3121

Time flew, and dusk arrived quickly.

Nicole left work to find Jared waiting for her.

Getting into the car, Nicole smiled at Jared and asked, "Have you been waiting long?"

"Not at all." Jared gently took Nicole's hand, his voice soft. "You look tired. Was it a busy day?"

Leaning her head on Jared's shoulder, Nicole replied softly, "It was okay."

She didn't have any problems with her work. It was just that the issues with Everett seemed to have no beginning or end, leaving her feeling somewhat gloomy. However, she didn't want to tell Jared about this just yet, not until she had some evidence.

Jared looked down at Nicole and gently squeezed her hand, saying, Tell me if something's bothering you. Don't carry it all by yourself.'

A warmth flickered through her heart, and Nicole smiled, saying, "Don't worry, I can handle it."

Hearing this, Jared stroked Nicole's hair, understanding that she wasn't ready to tell him yet, so he let her be.

Feeling a pang of heartache, Jared held Nicole in his arms and said softly," Try to relax a bit. You don't need to put so much pressure on yourself. You have me."

Nicole looked up at Jared. They were close, their faces almost touching. With a slightly stiff expression, Nicole leaned in and kissed Jared on the cheek. She then replied with a playful smile, "Okay, I know." She was aware of his concern, but since things were still uncertain, she wanted to wait for the results of Zane and Patricia's investigation. After that, she planned to tell him everything, with no secrets. Jared smiled indulgently and leaned down to kiss her lips.


Back at home, Nolan and Lana had also arrived. When they saw their parents return, they joyously rushed over, calling out,' Daddy, Mommy."

Nicole and Jared, holding Nolan and Lana, moved to the couch. "Dad, Mom."

"Welcome back," Gloria and Daniel greeted them with smiles.

As they settled down, Nicole glanced around, noticed Stanley's absence, and shrugged with a smile. "Stanley's over at Tia's again?"

"Yes," Gloria responded with a laugh. "He said he'd join them for dinner there."

"Well, it's normal for them to be inseparable in the throes of love."

What's surprising Nicole was that Stanley could turn out to be so devoted, considering everyone thought nothing could surpass his commitment to academic research. "Alright, it's about time for dinner," Daniel called everyone to the table.

"Okay," Nicole and Jared stood up.

"Well watch TV," said Nolan and Lana, turning on the television, as they had already eaten at kindergarten.

The others went to the dining room, and dinner was served shortly after.

"Nicole, you know about Doretta, right?" Gloria asked.

"Yes," Nicole nodded. "Why are you bringing her up all of a sudden?"

Nicole could guess what Gloria was implying and felt a bit troubled. It seemed Emma was genuinely pleased with Doretta, making the situation complicated.

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