Chapter 299

"Bella, are you stupid? Acupuncturing with gold needles is awesome. Why did you say you saved Mrs. Coffey? Now, everyone is laughing at you!"

Even Rebecca didn't believe that the one who saved Mina with acupuncture with gold needles was Arabella.

Arabella pressed Rebecca's shoulders and met her gaze. Arabella said, "Rebecca, look into my eyes. It was me who saved Mrs. Coffey. Believe me."

Rebecca was stunned.

Arabella walked out of the pharmacy holding her carton. Before leaving, she blinked playfully and continued, "Rebecca, don't admire me too much. I'm leaving, but I'll be back soon!"

It was really lively outside the pharmacy. Everyone came to see Arabella leaving. Arabella did not change her look and walked out calmly. Soon, she saw Stephany in front.

Stephany smiled and said, "Bella, I'm here to see you off."

Arabella walked over and said indifferently, "Thank you then."

"Bella, you shouldn't have come to the institute, let alone go back to Hardgrad. It's very uncomfortable to go back to the drawing board, right?" Stephany finally stopped pretending. Spite and arrogance flickered in her eyes.

Holding the carton, Arabella smiled and said in a low voice, "Stephany, you think you're the winner? Don't be naive. Let me tell you a secret, you are almost done!"

After speaking, Arabella left.

Stephany clenched her fists quickly. She didn't expect Arabella, who was driven away from the Confidential Medical Institute, to dare to be so arrogant.

Stephany thought, "I won't be done!"

"I'm a genius girl who can use acupuncture with gold needles!"

Arabella soon received a message from Aurora on Line. [Bella, you are really amazing now. Any word and movement of yours can become a trending topic. The operators of Twitter will thank you. You have helped them complete their key performance indicator a whole year in advance. This year they can have a great rest. Hardgrad has not been so lively for a long time.]

Arabella replied to Aurora. [You're so exaggerated.]

Aurora quickly sent the message. [See the trending topics on Twitter by yourself. There are three trending topics about you among the top ten. I almost doubt that you spent money to make it.] Arabella knew almost all the netizens were scolding her without taking a look. She changed the subject. [Aurora, I seem to know why Stephany's medical skills have improved by leaps and bounds. She may have got the medical book left by my mother.]

Aurora replied quickly. [What are you waiting for? Just go and grab it back. You can't give the things your mother left to those bitches!]

Certainly, Arabella would grab it back. She was about to go to Seth first and draw the truth out of him. He would definitely tell Arabella everything.

At this time, Aurora's text message came again. [I saw Seth and Stephany. Bella, do you want to come over?]

Arabella quickly sent a message to ask Aurora. [Aurora, where are you now?]

Aurora replied to Arabella quickly. [In a hotel. I'm going to have live stream sales.] What?

Arabella was stunned. Who was Aurora? She was the hottest star in the entertainment industry with many fans and great strength. Aurora had countless international luxury endorsements. Within two years, Aurora appeared in five major magazines. She had many fashion resources and great commercial value. Therefore, Arabella was surprised that Aurora had live stream sales.

Aurora knew what Arabella thought and quickly explained. [The power of capital is too powerful. Jared stopped all my work, and I am in a semi-blacklisted state now, so I can only have live stream sales!]

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