Chapter 298 Arabella Is Driven Away From the Institute

Mina got rid of being in danger now. Stephany obviously saved Mina, but Arabella said that Mina would be in danger in two days. Everyone thought it was simply alarmist, and no one would believe Arabella. Elise praised Stephany again, "Stephany, take a break. This time you have done a great job in saving Mrs. Coffey. Don't worry, I will get back your reputation. Arabella, come out with me!"

Everyone walked out. When they got outside, they were surrounded by reporters swarming up. The reporters put their microphones in front of Elise excitedly and asked, "Ms. Roth, how is Mrs. Coffey?" Elise looked at the camera and announced directly, "Now Mrs. Coffey is safe. Stephany saved her again with acupuncture with gold needles!"


Everyone was cheering, and the camera flashes all focused on Stephany's pretty face again. Someone shouted, "Stephany, you are the angel of the world, and you are our goddess. We worship you and love you so much!"

Stephany was enjoying the applause and glory and thought, "Sure enough, I'm indeed lucky. Ms. Roth witnessed with her own eyes that I saved Mrs. Coffey again. I've become the brightest star in the crowd." "It was the first time I used acupuncture with gold needles. Unexpectedly, it was so successful. I'm really a medical genius!"

Thinking of Arabella's questioning and the last alarmist words, Stephany felt it was ridiculous.

"I am a doctor. It was what I should do. Bella, you should believe me this time. If you want to learn acupuncture with gold needles, I can teach you in person." Stephany immediately turned people's attention to Arabella.

"Ms. Roth, Arabella is so bad this time. She lied that she saved Mrs. Coffey. She is immoral. You must severely punish her. Otherwise, everyone in the medical field will follow suit in the future. If the holy land of saving lives and injuries has also become a place to go after fame and money, what's to be done?"

"That's right, Ms. Roth. We are not interested in knowing how Arabella entered the Confidential Medical Institute, but now please drive Arabella away from the Confidential Medical Institute!"

"Ms. Roth, more than 80 million people are watching the live stream. Now they're so angry that they all want Arabella to get out of the Confidential Medical Institute!"

Stephany was over the moon and thought, "I got a lot today. Arabella could only blame herself for looking for trouble and provoking outrage.

All netizens were calling for Arabella to get out of the Confidential Medical Institute.

"Ms. Roth, forget it. Bella is my sister after all. Please give her another chance. She will definitely reform." Stephany put in a word for Arabella hypocritically.

Elise had a gloomy look. Since Arabella came to the Confidential Medical Institute, the institute had become a trending topic on Twitter many times. A great medical institute gradually became internet-famous. Now, Arabella was in trouble again. Even if Arabella entered the institute because of Jenna, Elise felt that she could no longer tolerate Arabella.

"Arabella, if I don't punish you this time, the public wrath won't calm. Pack up and leave the Confidential Medical Institute now. The institute is not suitable for you!"

Elise directly gave the order to drive Arabella out of the Confidential Medical Institute!

Arabella went back to the pharmacy to pack up. There were many bystanders outside, and a trending topic appeared on Twitter quickly. The funny story about Arabella taking credit became a joke. There was a trending hashtag on Twitter. [Arabella is driven away from the Confidential Medical Institute.]

Rebecca almost cried and said sadly, "Bella, what happened? Wait for me. I will talk to Ms. Roth now and let you stay here."

Arabella grabbed Rebecca and blinked mysteriously. Arabella said, "Rebecca, I will leave for two days, and I will be back soon!"

"Really? Bella, are you lying to me?"

Rebecca didn't believe Arabella anymore. Arabella said that she was going to teach Stephany a lesson. However, Arabella not only failed to do so but also left the institute dejectedly.

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