My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 594 Too Ruthless

Chapter 594 Too Ruthless

The couple stared at each other for a long time, and naturally it was Austin who eventually lost.

He stepped forward and grabbed Cora, who hadn't said a word since he appeared, and Cora struggled to shake it off the second he touched her: "Don't touch me, don't touch me."

Cora's were extraordinarily emotional, and her eyes even looked at Ayan with a supplicating gaze: "Ayan, save me! Ayan, save me, I don't want to go with him, I don't want to go with him."

Cora's mind went blank. She didn't know why Austin was here.

Did he know she was coming to see Ayan so he came here?

And Austin said Ayan let him see it on purpose, to see what? Countless questions came to her mind, leaving her no time to digest them.

She stared blankly at the impassive Ayan, whose deep, dark eyes also revealed indifference, and he said in a emotionless voice: "Mrs. Norman, this is a matter between you and your husband, and I can't help you as an outsider.”

Cora was a little desperate, crying and calling out to Ayan over and over again to help her: "Ayan, Ayan, help me, I don't want to go with him."

Her words and actions fell into Austin’s eyes, which were incomparably harsh, and his hand that clutched her gradually increased in strength. The thought of her telling Ayan that she didn't want to be with him and hated him for using those calculating tactics to make them get married made Austin, who had always been proud and conceited, even more unbearable.

He dragged Cora almost all the way out of Ayan's office, an event that naturally drew many watching eyes.

Ayan instructed Kian: "Not a word of what happened today is allowed to get out, especially the videos and photos."

"Understood, I'll go and tell everyone.” Kian nodded, "Master Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Bell are all still in the conference room. Do you want to go over there now?"

Ayan said nothing, but picked up a cigarette and lit it. He took a sharp breath, white smoke curled around his handsome face. Nobody could not see the look under his eyes to know what he was thinking about.

It took him a few seconds to say, "Okay. "

A few minutes later, Ayan walked into the conference room, his face unchanged, as if nothing had just happened.

He said without haste, "I just took care of some things, sorry to keep everyone waiting."

Mr. and Mrs. Bell immediately asked, "Ayan, what's going on?"

Ayan smiled slightly and explained: "I will give you an explanation and account of this matter.” He then looked at the crowd and continued: "Today's meeting will be postponed and Master Burris will decide on the choice of designer for Armstrong Corp. If Master Burris is not sure about the architectural style of the first phase of this project, he can consult Miss Armstrong and Master Tucker. Simpson Group will also fully cooperate with Master Burris’ work."

Horace nodded, "Good, then Manager Armstrong and I will go first." Horace heard from Ayan's words that he probably wanted to talk to Mr. and Mrs. Bell alone about what had just happened, so Horace offered to leave first. After all, this had nothing to do with him, and he was not a nosy, gossipy man.

Horace spoke up and Dan chimed in, then Camille followed.

But as soon as Camille's words were out of her mouth, Ayan took over, "Miss Armstrong, wait!"

Camille had risen to a halt, and the other three saw this and left the conference room without much ado.

Soon there were only four people left in the conference room.

The atmosphere was quiet for a few seconds before Ayan slowly spoke: "Mrs. Norman and I, that is, Cora, did date before, but it was in college, several years from now, and it happened before I met Camille, from the separation to this collaboration we have no contact. The reason why I didn't confess to you two is that I think this is a private matter. It has nothing to do and will not affect with our work, which is why I didn't disclose it directly.”

"So what happened today?" Mr. Bell asked.

Ayan said frankly, "I did it on purpose and deliberately wanted to show everything for everyone to know."

The expression on Mr. and Mrs. Bell's faces was slightly sour, and Mrs. Bell said, "Since you had no intention of telling us from the beginning, why do you want us to know again today?"

"Because this matter has affected our cooperation, which we have put in a lot of effort and hard work so far, I do not want any mistakes and accidents in this cooperation and we can only put this matter on the table."

Ayan answered the questions without any hesitation or pause.

The expression on Mr. and Mrs. Bell's faces was not as grave as it was just now, but still they were a little unhappy, and Mr. Bell said, "Did you just say that you deliberately let everyone see the video of your conversation with Cora?"

"Yes, I did it on purpose.”

"Why are you doing this? Aren't you making this more difficult? How else can Austin and Cora continue in this project?"

“This is also what I want to say to the two of you next.” Ayan did not evade looking into Mr. Bell's eyes, he looked expressionless with indifference in his deep eyes. He said: "This project has been completed a third time. The next step is extremely important. I don't want to have any problems, so solve this matter is also to create the foundation for the future. My intention is that I quit this project but arrange Simpson Group's other project leaders to take my place.” “You're pulling out of the program?" Mr. Bell asked emotionally.

Ayan nodded.

Camille's eyes could not help looking at him, lips pursed lightly and frowning.

Mrs. Bell said, "Ayan, you are the overall leader of this project. How can you continue this project if you quit?"

“It's just that if I quit, the Simpson Group will continue, because after what happened today, I feel like someone has to quit or there's no way to continue as if nothing happened.”

“This is something we need to think about.”


After Mr. and Mrs. Bell left, Camille and Ayan were the only ones left in the conference room.

Camille looked up at him with a sullen face and said emotionlessly, “You're trying to get Mr. and Mrs. Bell to back off and offer to get Austin and Cora out of the project, right?"

Ayan met her eyes without hiding, with a light smile under his eyes. His voice was low: "Right."

He had no intention of hiding it from Camille, and even if Camille didn't ask, he was planning to come clean.

Camille was a bit confused. She didn't what to speak.

Ayan looked at her steadily, and his eyes were like a myth because the light in his eyes was obscure. "Do you think I'm too ruthless on Cora for doing this today?"

Camille pursed her lips slightly without answering the question, but mentally repeated the question silently to herself.

Did she really think Ayan was too ruthless on Cora today?

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