My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 593 The Man Behind

Chapter 593 The Man Behind

Because Lois remarried Austin's father, they met in junior high school. But their relationship had always been that of bloodless brother and sister. The real change came after Cora broke up with Ayan. She was in pain and helpless, and Austin was with her every day during that time, until one night they slept in the same bed because they had been drunk.

The room was Austin’s. Lois and Austin’s father thought she had drunkly climbed into Austin's bed because she had fallen out of love, and Austin offered to marry her in order to help her out of her embarrassment.

She hated Austin and Lois for not trusting her and helping her.

She said all the words she had suppressed for so long, she wanted to seek comfort and reliance from Ayan here.

But Ayan just replied emotionlessly: "This is your business, if you really feel you've been cheated, you can choose to call the police.”

"I also thought about calling the police, but I just had no choice, the power was never in my hands.” So she saw Ayan as a lifeline she wouldn't let go: "Ayan, help me leave Austin, okay? I just want to be with you. I never liked Austin. I feel uncomfortable every day I'm with him. I dream of leaving him."

Her words were determined, and the rejection and dissatisfaction with Austin in her eyes were clear to the people in the conference room. The expressions on everyone's faces varied, but the attention of all eyes was on Austin, who had a sullen face, as if he could seep out the coldness of crushed ice, and the atmosphere in the conference room became increasingly gloomy.

Austin looked coldly at Cora in the video who was opposite to him. They locked eyes with each other. She had no emotion or expression, but her cold expression fell into Austin's eyes and became a mockery. Kian was sullen. As soon as he saw the big screen, he already wanted to get up and rush to Ayan's office to stop it.

But selfishly he wanted to show everyone the true face of Cora , wanted to make her embarrassed and defenseless, but when he had not reacted, everything developed beyond his control.

Especially since every word Cora said was just her own personal thoughts, Ayan was trying his best to set things aside and was constantly reminding her of her being married, and by now, Cora had even been guided by him to say what was going on between them. Austin could no longer act as if he hadn't heard anything.

He wanted Ayan to be a joke, but now he was a joke himself.

He exuded a wave of anger and rushed directly to Ayan's office and pushed the door open. The sound of "ping" echoed in the air for a long time.

Kian stepped forward to block the door only after he had pushed it open, "Master Norman!"

Austin directly shook off his hand and walked into the office, and his presence also caused Cora to freeze with a face full of shock.

But Ayan did not have the slightest reaction, his handsome face unchanged , staring at Austin.

The two eyes just collided, and neither refused to back down.

Austin's voice was cold: "What do you mean?"

He was asking Ayan.

When he saw the video displayed on the big screen, he just thought it was an unfortunate coincidence, but with hindsight he realized he was sure Ayan had arranged it long ago.

The two men's eyes confronted each other. Ayan remained calm and unruffled without showing any emotion and out-of-control behavior. He said emotionlessly, “I don't quite understand what Master Norman meant by your words, and it's not polite for you to barge into my office like that, is it?"

"Ayan, don't pretend, don't you just want me to see it on purpose?" Austin's emotions were uncontrollable, and his eyes were filled with anger as he glared at Ayan.

But Ayan had always been calm and self-contained, compared to Austin, who jumped like a thunderstorm.

Ayan passed a look towards Kian outside the door, then Kian immediately exited to turn off the surveillance in the conference room, and then people also followed to the conference room. He explained: "Everyone, I'm really sorry, Master Simpson has to deal with a little personal business. We may have to postpone today's meeting.”

Mr. Bell hurriedly said, "What's going on?"

Kian could only apologize again and again: "Sorry, Master Simpson will personally explain the matter after he solves it, and I hope everyone can understand.”

Mr. and Mrs. Bell were a bit angry, because the original intention of this project was loving couples, but now Cora and Austin's persona collapsed, and Cora and Ayan surprisingly were once lovers. Although they did not know what happened in the end, such a complex relationship going on in this project would also have a negative impact. Kian tried to reassure Mr. and Mrs. Bell, but before he could say anything else, he was interrupted by Mrs. Bell, who looked to Camille and asked, "Cami, what the hell is going on here? You and Ayan?" "Mrs. Bell, this will be explained to everyone after he takes care of it, because it's his business, so I don't know what to tell you."

She was slightly embarrassed but calm, as if she was not affected in any way by this incident.

Mrs. Bell asked, "Did you know that Cora and Ayan were former boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"l know."



Mrs. Bell exclaimed, "Do you mind?"

"Madam, his past can't be changed even if I mind it, can it? So why bother minding something that's already a done deal?"

She never minded the past, all she minded was the present and the future.

But now these were no longer necessary, so she wouldn't say anything. Her words made Mrs. Bell not know what to say.

The atmosphere in the meeting room also went quiet, compared to the office at the moment of a day and at such a place.

Ayan estimated the time to make sure Kian had turned off the surveillance, then hehooked his lips to reveal a cold smile. "Master Norman, what evidence do you have to prove that I am intentional? Just like when someone spread a rumor against me and Camille at the ball, I couldn't do anything about the mastermind behind the rumor because I couldn't catch the evidence, so I had to let the matter go away. Right, Master Norman?"

he words were so defiant and cautigious that they made Austin clench his hands in fists and the chill in his eyes began to creep out.

He certainly told Austin that he was disturbing Camille and spreading rumors about him and Camille and there was no real evidence that Austin was doing it, so he couldn't do anything about Austin, but he could make Austin look bad, and he could show everyone the truth about Austin and Cora’s marriage.

What's more, he was to warn Austin not to provoke and hurt Camille and him at will. As for his relationship with Cora, he was once in love with her, which was not something to hide. But for a relationship that had already ended, why should he hide it honestly?

He didn't want to hide it, and he didn't want to see it as a time bomb that was going to go off, and if Austin kept making things up, it would only get Camille involved, so instead of being passive, why didn't he put his cards on the table and let everyone see who was right?

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