My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 575 A Long Way To Go

Chapter 575 A Long Way to Go

Camille's questioning was close to asking him directly if he really wanted to buy clothes or if he had some other purpose?

Ayan stopped walking. He was facing Camille, very close to her. He looked down at her clean white face, and he could see her lashes quivering again. "It's not the clothes that matter. What matters is that I want to spend some time with you, Cami. Don't you understand what I've been doing these days?"

Camille was completely stunned.

Her face stiffened slightly as she stared at Ayan, her eyes filled with shock.

She hastily lowered her eyes to look away, and instead of answering his words, she immediately changed the subject. "I'l send a message to mom telling her to save us some food. We'd better go to Simpson's mansion for lunch.”

With this, she immediately took out her phone to send Talia a message. Ayan immediately reached out to stop her movement and took her hand in his palm, his eyebrows and tone of voice did not change, and he asked, "You understand what I mean, right?"

Camille pursed her lips and said nothing.

He added, "I know it's not enough to make you feel better, but I want you to know I'm thinking of you, so can you give me a chance?"

After his words, the air around him seemed to stay still.

But she remained silent and did not say anything because she simply did not know what to say.

Ayan looked at her warmly and gently, the slight frown between his eyebrows gradually deepened, his handsome face did not reveal the slightest emotion, but the hand that carried the shopping bag revealed his uncertainty.

Camille cold face, eyes clear and cold , looked at him: "I do not want to talk about it, now I want to go to Simpson's mansion to see Timmy. If your purpose these days is to get an answer from me, then now I can tell you that I have not thought about it. Now can you go? If you don't want to go back to Simpson's mansion, just give me your stuff and I'll take it ."

The words fell, she pulled out her hand with force, and then, without stopping, walked to the elevator.

Her heart heaved with relief, and so did the tension on her face. Ayan's words were still ringing in her ears, and she silently asked herself if the answer she gave Ayan was the same as what she thought in her heart.

Or was it because she didn't want to give a true answer in front of him so she was not telling the truth?

Camille asked herself seriously, but both what she had in mind and what she responded to Ayan were the same.

She really hadn't thought about it, because Ayan hadn't directly indicated what he meant before that.

So she didn't want to make a fool of herself.

But now that he had told her the truth, she needed to take a good look at the distance and state of being with him again.

The two of them took a car back to the Simpson's mansion, but there was no communication on the way, Camille turned her head to look out the window, and finally just closed her eyes and pretended to sleep. The trip back to Simpson's mansion took just over forty minutes, but today Camille felt like it took many forty-minutes to get there.

The second the car stopped, Camille immediately unbuckled her seat belt and got out.

She walked straight into the house, and Ayan followed almost half a minute later with a large bag.

Talia cried when she heard that Ayan had bought the clothes, "Has the sun come out of the west?"

Ayan's face did not change without any reaction, and Camille did not answer with much expression .

Talia glanced back and forth at the two before hurriedly saying, “The clothes will be cleaned and dried by the aunt later and then put on, you two hurry up and go eat lunch, it's all ready.”

Camille nodded and then took Timmy to the restaurant with her.

Ayan did not follow, but took out his phone and said to Talia, "I'll call back and eat later."

Then, without waiting for Talia to ask anything, he had already turned around and walked outside to the garden.

Talia also guessed from their reactions that they probably had a fall out. But she didn't think much of it. After all, it was still up to the two of them to decide what to do. She was the mother and mother-in-law who took good care of her grandson and showed extra love to Camille.

Ayan didn't come to the restaurant until Camille had finished her meal, and if she hadn't seen his car through the restaurant window, she would have thought he had already left.

After dinner, Camille came out of the restaurant pushing Timmy in his stroller, and Ayan happened to walk into the restaurant at the same time, and the two met on the porch without any conversation.

He went to the restaurant and she took Timmy upstairs.

A few moments later, Ayan sat on the sofa in the hall leaning back and drinking tea. Old Simpson wasn't home today. Fletcher took him fishing. He sat there alone.

Talia couldn't help but cough lightly and asked, "We've had dinner, and you're still not going back to the office?"

"Are you kicking me out?"

"That's not true, I just think you spent a lot of money today and it's time to get it back."

Ayan smiled lightly: “In your eyes, am I only useful for earning money?" “You should cherish this single use." Talia said and could not help but sigh, and then smiled meaningfully and lightly: "The road to pursuing a wife is still long!"

Talia withdrew her eyes, then got up and went upstairs.

Ayan held his forehead and smiled, the bottom of his eyes covered with gloom. Helplessness dominated his handsome face.

He sat for a while, finished his cup of tea, then got up and left Simpson's mansion.

Sophia was in town from Dane City and the Dane City project was now at its most critical stage, so there were a lot of procedures and issues that needed to be discussed with Simpson Group executives.

Ayan officially started to be in meeting mode once he reached the company.

He was busy until closing time.

Sophia took the initiative to invite him to eat together: “I came all the way over here, so do me a favor and I won't take up too much of your time. I even asked Dan to join me."

Ayan gave her a look, then said indifferently, “I only have an hour and a half."

There was a to attend later.

Sophia nodded, "That's enough, I've already booked the restaurant. Is it convenient for you to give me a ride to meet Dan?"

Ayan did not refuse, but he did not drive, but Kian, as for Sophia, naturally, sat on the passenger side.

Sophia didn't mind . After all, she's used to it too.

She turned to Ayan in the back seat and asked, "Haven't seen Camille in a while, how's she doing?"

"You can take the initiative and ask her out.”

His words were indifferent, and his deep eyes were indifferent.

Sophia laughed, "Well, there is that plan, and I will ask her to dinner this time I come over."

Ayan obviously did not want to talk anymore. Sophia also knew not to continue to say anything. They were silent all the way to the restaurant Dan was already sitting in the booth and the food had been ordered. When the three of them were seated, Sophia asked, "How's the project you're working on?"

"Pretty well.” It was the only two words Dan could use.

Sophia, however, was dissatisfied and looked at Ayan again, "Ayan, what does it mean that everything is going pretty well?"

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