My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 574 Shopping

Chapter 574 Shopping

Dan confessed, “It's been pretty quiet in the group the last two days. Has Manager Hayes approached you privately?"

“No, why do you ask?"

“I thought she 'd insist on apologizing until you forgave her."

Camille's chin lifted slightly and raised an eyebrow, “Then if I were to remain unforgiven for the rest of my life, will she still have to apologize to me for the rest of her life?"

“It's possible."

"You can read her mind?"

“You think too highly of me. I'm not worth it."

"Humph, I see you gossip a lot, or you can your profession and join the paparazzi!"

"So can I get a first-hand account of this matter?

Camille grimaced, "Dream on."

Dan also smiled: "Well, not to joke with you, but in the next two days you will submit of the draft. It is inevitable to meet each other. Are you ready?"

"What do I need to prepare?”, Camille grunted softly, "Am I the one who is wrong?"

"Of course not you, but some people can pretend innocent better than you." Dan smiled meaningfully. He may be a man, but after all, growing up around women, Dan had seen a lot of dramas since he was a kid. Camille gave him an emotionless look and did not respond to his words again.

But she did not feel the need to make any preparations. What should come would come sooner or later. She was not acting, and why did she need to rehearse in advance?

After reviewing the drawings, they put them in a PPT file and sent them directly to Kian for a meeting with the Simpson Group.

It was still early, and Dan had other things to do and left first. Camille had nothing to do when she was free, so she was going to Simpson's mansion to see Timmy and make him her newly learned supplements. But Ayan's phone call came at that moment.

Looking at his call, it became clear to Camille that he was appearing more and more frequently these days.

She pursed her lips lightly and slid her fingertips down the answer button, "Hello?"

"At the office?"


“I'm downstairs of your office. Is it convenient to come down?" He asked in a low voice, with great tenderness.

Camille did not reply, but simply asked, “Is there something wrong?" “Nothing serious, I just went back last night and saw that Timmy's clothes and some other stuff need to be replaced, so I want to ask if you want to go with me? I think you can pick something more suitable for him than me, so I want to ask you to be my advisor. Can you?"

He was sincere, not like a temporary intention, but more like there was a sense that he did find this out last night and then made this decision today.

But Camille couldn't resist asking, “Why are you so free?" And then she realized it didn't seem polite, so she added, "I mean, if you're busy, I can just go by myself, so you can take care of your business, huh?" “There is a meeting around 3pm and a social gathering in the evening, so now I'm free." He still gave a sincere explanation, but was afraid to force too much, so whispered: "If you feel it's not too convenient, then I will go by myself. Can the salesgirls’ words be the references?" Camille wrinkled her brow and didn't respond immediately.

Because the parents’ money is best to earn, especially in the case of rich men such as Ayan, who did not understand it would be the easist to take money out of his pockt? Though the enthusiastic introduction, many of the things, especially for children at Timmy's stage the guides introduced would not be useful. Most of them are IQ taxes.

Although he was rich, the money could not be wasted.

So Camille took a deep breath and said, "I'm going down now."

Ayan immediately replied without pause, "Okay, I'll wait for you!"

The phone hung up, Camille sat on the chair for a long time and did not get up, until after adjusting the emotions of the heart, she then picked up her bag and cell phone out of the office.

Yessica asks, "Is Cami going out?"

"Well, out to get something for Timmy and I guess I won't be back at the office this afternoon."

"Good, then you can rest assured to go with Timmy. Do not forget to send a few more photos to the group for me." Yessica's so-called life in this complicated workplace required such a simple and lovely baby like Timmy to cheer her up.

Sitting in the car, Ayan's gaze was fixed on the front door of the building until the familiar figure appeared. The expression on his face became warm and light.

He followed Camille out of the car as she was about to walk to it. He pulled open the passenger door and rested his hand on the edge of the door, his deep eyes gazing at her, "Get in!"

He got out of the car just as Camille was about to reach it. He pulled open the passenger door and rested his hand on the edge of the door. His dark eyes looked at her. "Get in!"

Once in the car, while Ayan was putting on his seatbelt, Camille couldn't help but ask, "How come you've been driving by yourself lately, and where's the driver and Mr. Reid?"

Ayan stepped on the gas pedal, the car started, and the speed gradually became faster. He turned his head to look at Camille, his voice low and warm: “Let me be your driver. Isn't it good?"

“I didn't mean that.” It was just that mostly, it was Kian or a chauffeur, and lately it had been himself. Inevitably, she was a bit surprised. Ayan: "Kian had other things to take care of. The driver was arranged to Mr. and Mrs. Bell. Besides, we went to buy Timmy's stuff . It's not part of the official business, so it 's better to drive ourselves.”


She whispered in response.

Ayan drove to the largest mall in the neighborhood.

Then it was time for Camille to pick and Ayan to buy.

They bought Timmy a lot of seasonal clothes, as well as household items that could be used at the moment and some toys.

After the purchase, Ayan came out with several shopping bags in his hand, but it did not affect the handsomeness of his face and the elegance and nobility of his body.

Camille felt a bit guilty about him paying and taking groceries, so she offered to ask, "Let me take some too."

“No, it's OK for me." He stuck one hand in his trouser pocket, his thin lips outlined a light smile, saying, "Buy something else?"

“That's enough, a lot already.”

"So it's just going back?"


Ayan's face changed slightly, in the depths of his black eyes flooded with slight indifference. He wore a purely handmade white shirt and classic black pants. He looked nobly distant.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and whispered, "Come on, why don't you buy me some clothes?"

Camille frowned, "You want to buy it too?"

Aren't all his clothes made by special designers and delivered to his door?

But Ayan did not change his expression and said, "Well, lately I want to try brands of different styles. I don't want to wear the same things all ther time."

Then the two went to the luxury store where the suits were custom- made.

Ayan was a walking clothes rack. He was of the perfect height, with the perfect look, everything looking good on him and everything suitable for him.

Camille sat on the couch and watched him try one after another. He ended up in her head and in front of her eyes.

Camille reluctantly called out, "That's it, isn't it? I'm getting a little hungry.”

But she was not hungry when she was shopping for Timmy.

Ayan nodded, then bought all the ones he tried and had them sent directly to Hanyama Mansion.

When they came out of the store, Ayan was carrying his things and Camille was walking beside him. She said, "Are you sure you're going to wear all these clothes you bought? Don't you live in the office? Do you have to go all the way back to Hanyama Mansion to change clothes?"

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