My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 502 Old Wounds

Chapter 502 Old Wounds

Cora's wrist was wrapped in gauze, but there were two or three visible scars beyond the gauze that Mrs. Bell and Camille had just seen in the hospital room.

At this moment Mrs. Bell asked the question, the crowd's expressions were also different.

Doctor: "Miss Hayes" scar is an old injury from before."

Old injuries?

Austin's face was stiff and cold, and he did not respond to this question, but simply said, "Mrs. Bell, Master SimpsonMrs. Simpson, thank you for coming over to visit Cora today, and I will treat you all to dinner after she recovers and is discharged from the hospital.”

The politely evasive answer to the question was also a reminder that the three could leave.

Mrs. Bell expressed concern again, then looked to Ayan and Camille and said, "Since Cora needs to recuperate, why don't we go first?" Camille nodded her head to say yes.

Ayan looked to Camille and said, "Have Kian go down with you guys first, I'll be right there."

Camille looked at him without saying anything, then took Mrs. Bell's arm and left.

She thought Ayan probably had something to say to Austin, right? When the two had gone, Austin's gaze swept indifferently to Ayan: "What else does Master Simpson have to say?"

Ayan said in a light voice: "Master Norman follow up any need directly to Kian, he will fully cooperate with Master Norman side."

“Thank you, Master Simpson, for your kindness, I'll be glad to help you." Austin then gave Ayan a meaningful look and asked, "Doesn't Master Simpson wonder what caused those old scars?"

Ayan stared at Austin with a warm face, his eyes slightly narrowed, his eyebrows were also a warm indifference to see no excess emotion, his voice was also no ripples: “This is Master Norman's business, after all, you are Mrs. Norman's husband.”

"Master Simpson said the same thing, so what else does Master Simpson have to say?"

Austin just laughed.

Ayan narrowed his eyes and looked at him impassively: "Mrs. Norman's mood is not very good doctor has just warned, so Master Norman better not stimulate to prevent counterproductive.”

Austin smiled lightly: “Thanks to Master Simpson for caring about my wife, I'll take care of it."

After Ayan left, Austin stood in the hallway for a long time without moving.

He hooked his lips to reveal a cold smile, Ayan just the words must have heard the conversation between him and Cora in the ward.

So this is a reminder to him?


Leaving from the hospital.

Mrs. Bell couldn't help but ask, "Austin and Cora's relationship as a couple doesn't seem to be as loving as they usually show?"

Camille was sitting next to Mrs. Bell, and she could clearly see the doubt sliding across Mrs. Bell's face.

Kian drove seriously and naturally did not make any comments.

Ayan was also silent for a few seconds before speaking in a light voice: “There will probably be some conflicts and arguments between couples, Master Norman and Mrs. Norman should be able to handle it." Mrs. Bell: "I don't care about their relationship as a couple, I just don't want to be deceived, good or bad are outsiders can't participate, but this project began before I expressed the meaning, since they joined after recognizing my conditions that also means respecting my conditions, if they surface for this harmony just to show me, then inevitably some bullying people, right?"

Mrs. Bell's words also made Camille's cheeks roll as if she had been punched in the face, and she pursed her lips tightly without responding. Ayan's side is also through the rearview mirror and the back seat of the Camille gaze on each other, his deep eyes seem to be reassuring her not to be nervous and worried, everything is handled by him.

Ayan said: "Mrs. Bell, sometimes hearing is not always true, if you want to understand why not wait for Mrs. Norman to recover and ask them directly?"

Mrs. Bell sighed: “That's all we can do now, but I hope it's just a misunderstanding, after all, we've gotten along well enough.”

After saying that, Mrs. Bell offered to hold Camille's hand, and with a smile on her face and a fondness for Camille in her eyes, she said, "It's still more real with you and Ayan."

Camille's face stiffened and she just smiled.

Mrs. Bell sighed, “I was going to invite you guys to go fishing, but now it seems to be a bust.”

“No, it's okay to wait for Manager Hayes to recover."

"Well, that's all it seems to be right now.” Mrs. Bell added, "Timmy has grown up quite a bit lately, hasn't he? I've missed him so much."

"I'll take you to meet him when I can.” Camille said.

Mrs. Bell nodded her head in response, the joy on her face was heartfelt.

We arrived at the hotel after chatting all the way.

After seeing Mrs. Bell walk through the hotel door, Ayan got out of the car and got back in the back seat and told Kian to drive.

Kian asked, "Master Simpson, should we send the lady back first or go back to the Simpson Group first?"

Without waiting for Ayan to speak, Camille went ahead and said, "I'm going to the office.”

Kian nodded his head in response and stepped on the gas.

The atmosphere also followed the quiet, sitting in the back seat between the two gap in the distance, Camille turned his head to look out the window, but the heart can not help but think of the hospital Cora.

The marks on Cora's hands were so clear, scarred but with very clear marks.

A question actually popped up in Camille's mind, Ayan must be worried about her, right?

She did not ask the question, but only lightly pursed her lips to control the mind that continued to spread.

Ayan's voice also broke the silence at that moment, and he asked, "What's on your mind?"

She has remained quiet and silent since Mrs. Bell got off the bus. Camille: "No."

Just as her answer came out, Ayan's hand suddenly took hold of the hand resting on her knee, and his voice trailed off, "Worried about what Mrs. Bell just said?"

Camille frowned and looked back at Ayan, after she wrenched her hand hard, "No."

Ayan refused to let go, she had no way to pull out, but her face was hard to see and she said indifferently, “If you have something to say, just say it directly, don't use such a way can you?"

Ayan: "You won't even hold hands?"

His voice was low and seemed to carry a bit of aggravation.

Camille's brow knitted tighter and her voice was indifferent as water, "Do you think it's appropriate for a divorced ex-couple like us to make such intimate gestures?"

"Can't a divorced ex-couple have another chance to be intimate again?" He stared at her, his deep eyes revealing a few moments of impenetrable fascination.

Camille stared at him in a daze, looking at his eyes that seemed to be able to compel silence, what did he mean by that?

What is he trying to say?

Camille thought deeply, the familiar handsome face in front of her made her ponder, but in the next second she came back to her senses.

She didn't want to continue the conversation, and as for the so-called second chance she didn't need one at all.

She narrowed her eyes slightly and said with indifference under her eyes, "Cora has committed suicide many times? Aren't you curious as to what caused it?"

Ayan's grip on her hand loosened slightly, Camille took the opportunity to break free and put her hand on the other side instantly, she would love to go directly to the passenger side now if she could.

Her actions made Ayan eyes a helpless, handsome facial expression, voice low: “There is nothing curious, this is her husband Austin should be in charge of things, has nothing to do with us."

"Didn't you hear what Austin said in the ward, that Mrs. Bell didn't know who it was, and that you didn't know either?"

Camille turned her head to stare at him, a warm indifference in her eyes, but otherwise impervious to other emotions.

Ayan frowned, his expression a little displeased, "So you expect me to admit that she killed herself because of me?"

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