My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 501 Suicide

Chapter 501 Suicide

The night passed and the storm did not end.

Because of the sudden accident, Austin and Cora both temporarily stop their work, as for the project is naturally continuing.

Kian stayed with Austin in the hospital for one night before returning to the office. Austin sat in the hospital corridor for most of the night after Ayan left last night, and he smoked all the time, and contacted many of the doctor's friends for details afterwards.

The results are now split 50-50, and no one can give an accurate answer.

As for Cora, she stayed in the ward, during which the nurse went in twice, but she did not respond, just laying in a ball in bed, which was her most torturous night.

She stayed up almost all night.

In the morning the nurse came in to do a second round of blood draws pending testing, followed by obstructive medicine for her to take. That's when Austin came in, too.

Carrying his breakfast, he walked to the hospital bed and sat down, placing the breakfast in his hand on a side table.

He looked at Cora and whispered gently, "Have breakfast! After breakfast I'll have Jeremiah stay with you at the hospital while I go back and take a shower and come back this afternoon.”

Cora: "I'm not hungry.”

"Cora, you will have low blood sugar if you don't eat, don't think about it, everything will get better slowly."

Austin's eyes were heavy with emotion, and his words made Cora's unblinking lashes flutter lightly subconsciously.

Cora looked over at him with a pale face, "Am I infected?"

Austin: "Of course not."

“If I didn't, why did I stay in the hospital?"

“It's still just routine testing, and you're taking blockers with your doctor, so as long as the precautions you take are adequate the risk of infection will be minimal."

"That means there's still a possibility of infection, right?"

Cora whispered the question out, Austin did not answer, then is the default to her speculation.

She sat on the hospital bed with her hands on her knees, her whole body without any vitality, she tilted her head to look at Austin and asked in a low voice: "Is this my retribution?"

She smiled to herself, tears glistening under her eyes.

Austin sat in a chair to the side as he reached out to serve the porridge and handed it over, "Shall I feed you or do you want to eat it yourself?" Cora didn't move.

He narrowed his eyes slightly: "I won't force you to tell me what's going on between you and Eileen, but don't worry, I won't let her go, leave this to me, all you have to do now is to finish your breakfast and get some rest, okay?"

Hearing Eileen's name, her emotions then changed a little.

She asked, “Eileen must be very happy, right? After all, I'm not so different from her nowadays, am 1?"

"Cora, you should not think of everything so pessimistically, Eileen today also only exists in the incubation period, there is no real confirmation that she has fully contracted the disease."

After Austin finished, he picked up the spoon and started to offer to feed her, but Cora simply looked away, she said indifferently, "I don't want to eat right now, so put it down, I'll eat later.”

Austin's eyes beat, and eventually did not reluctantly.

After he put down the bowl, he said in a warm voice, "Cora, no matter what, I will be on your side, all you have to do is to cooperate well with the doctor, okay?"

Cora nodded but didn't say anything.

Austin stayed for a while and left the room, telling Jeremiah, "Keep an eye on the wife, I'll come back this afternoon.”

"Master Norman don't worry, I know."

Jeremiah assured.

Austin took a deep look at the door of the ward, then turned and left. Kian also checked in at the hospital and then talked to the doctors and nurses before going back to the office.

He relayed the situation at the hospital with Ayan truthfully, nothing happened last night, and now he has made arrangements before leaving, because he also had a night without rest, Ayan gave him a half day off.

But the peace didn't last long before it was interrupted.

News came from the hospital this afternoon that Cora was going to commit suicide -

Ayan was discussing the project with Mr. and Mrs. Bell and CamilleDan in the conference room when he heard the news.

And said, "We are not only a partnership, we have been friends for so long, we deserve to visit this time."

Because Mr. and Mrs. Bell insisted on visiting Cora, Ayan's side proposed the condition that it would be inappropriate for so many people to go there, so it was decided that Ayan would accompany Camille and Mrs. Bell to the hospital while Mr. Bell and Dan went to meet with the construction team to discuss the start of the project. Before going over, Ayan asked Kian to say hello to Jeremiah, but Jeremiah was probably busy so he never replied.

When I arrived at the hospital, I went straight to the floor of the ward where Cora was staying.

But just as I reached the door of the ward I heard arguing voices from inside: "Cora, what do you get even if you commit this foolish act of not caring for your body? Do you think you'll get his attention on you just because you really killed yourself?"

Cora also just returned to the ward, her face pale and bloodless, lying motionless on the hospital bed.

She also had no response to Austin's words.

But the more she does this the more anger she makes Austin feel. Austin said, "I see that you are not at all because you can not bear the risk that you may be infected, you are just afraid that he will dislike you because you are infected with that disease and despise you, you think you killed yourself is noble and selfless? You think you're being noble and selfless by killing yourself?

“That's enough!" Cora stopped in a slightly emotional voice.

But Austin has no intention of stopping.

He continued, "He simply doesn't have you in his heart anymore, you are a joke to him, a ridiculous joke!"

"Shut up, Austin, I told you to shut up, get out, get out!"

Cora used her last ounce of strength to sit up, and hissed at Austin with overwhelming emotion.

The sound of the two arguing outside the door was also heard clearly. Mrs. Bell's face stiffened a little faintly: “Are we at a bad time?"

Camille expression slightly light to look at the Ayan beside him, but found that he did not have any emotions and expressions, as if all this has nothing to do with him.

Probably sensing Camille's gaze, he looked directly down at her.

Four eyes looked at each other, Camille was the first to move away and stop looking at him, but the next second her hand was wrapped directly in a warm palm.

He held her tightly without refusal, even if Camille struggled hard, but he did not change his face without the slightest change in the clutch. He probably wanted to report to Kian that Ayan and the others were coming, but immediately picked up the pace when he saw that they were already standing outside the ward door.

Jeremiah hurriedly greeted the crowd and then knocked on the door of the hospital room: "Master Norman, Master Simpson and Mrs. Bell they are here."

Austin's face changed slightly, the coldness under his eyes immediately collected, he looked at the bed Cora then this hurried up to meet.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, everyone exchanged greetings with Cora in the ward.

Cora was in a bad state of mind and the doctor came over and gave her a dose of medicine and she was soon asleep.

Several people exited from the ward and Ayan spoke up and asked the doctor, "How did this lapse happen?"

Doctors are also rushed to explain: "Miss Hayes is taking advantage of the nurse went in to give her a blocking injection when take the needle to hide, wait for the nurse left the room after she cut her wrist, because the nurse even found the needle is missing so this is to return to the room found Miss Hayes suicide."

But because it was found in time so there was no life threatening, Ayan still warned, "Don't let such an accident happen again.”

The doctor nodded repeatedly, “Don't worry, Master Simpson, it won't happen again.”

Mrs. Bell spoke up again at this point and asked, “I saw several scars on Cora's wrists, this must have happened more than once, right?"

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