My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 421: Forgetting Herself

Chapter 421: Forgetting Herself

Camille was slightly stunned, then nodded her head, "Okay, I got it." Ayan didn't stay any longer, but just turned around and left the bedroom after giving her a deep, sullen look.

He returned to the guest room, lit a cigarette and stood on the balcony to smoke up, he recently moved back to the Simpson's mansion after worrying that Camille didn't like the smell of smoke, so he basically rarely touch cigarette, even if he wanted to smoke, he would clean up to make sure there is no smell before he appeared in front of her. Originally, he wanted to smoke a cigarette to suppress the restlessness in his mind, but instead, he got more and more botched.

Through the white smoke, it subconsciously emerged the scene in the bathroom he just saw before his eyes, then his eyes shrunk, throat bone rolled, some emotions gradually emerged outward, and finally he extinguished the cigarette and went to the bathroom straightaway. This night, Ayan didn't sleep well, tossing and turning, his mind was full of her white-skinned body, and her unique scent.

The next morning, Ayan still didn't eat breakfast at home, he left for the office before Camille came downstairs.

Listening to the sound of his car leaving, Camille stood at her bedroom window and looked away, with a expressionless face.

A few moments later, she went downstairs for breakfast, the old Simpson went out fishing with Fletcher, and Talia and she were left alone in the house.

Talia wanted to share with her the new snacks she had recently learned how to cook, so Camille put off her work in the morning and went to the office in the afternoon.

Talia was very good at this, and the finished product was almost the same as the one they bought outside.

She let Camille taste it first, then asked with an expectant look on her face, "How does it taste?"

“It's delicious, I like it, and it's not that sweet, it's perfect for me to eat right now."

Camille nodded her head.

Talia clapped her hands and said, "Then I can make it for my granddaughter or grandson in the future, and when the baby grows up a little bit, he/she can also accompany me to make it together, and then I won't be alone.”

“Then I'll thank Grandma for the baby first?"

Camille coaxed Talia into a fit of laughter and her mouth wouldn't close. However, Camille couldn't eat too much, so Talia planned to give some of the rest to her best friend, then rushed upstairs to get changed, and invited Camille to go with her, Camille couldn't put off the request but to join.

But Talia went upstairs to change her clothes and came down with a slightly anxious and embarrassed look on Camille's face.

Camille asks, "Mom, what's wrong?"

Talia: "There's something that might require you to run it for me." "What is it?"

"Ayan just called, he has an important document left at home without taking it to the company, so let me send it over, but I already have an appointment with my friends, if I go to Simpson Group and then rush over to meet my friends have to let them wait for a long time, feel a little embarrassed, so you can run for me? *

Talia finished carefully, then gazed at Camille waiting for a response. Camille didn't say yes or no, she just asked, "Can't you have the family driver or someone else take it there? You and I are going to meet your friends together, wouldn't it be rude if I didn't go?"

“I thought so too, but anti this document is encrypted, I don't feel comfortable if I give it to someone else, don't you think?"

Talia was directly handed the document in her hand to Camille for her to see, and seeing the encrypted seal, Camille was also silent with a slight frown.

Talia pursed her lips and saw Camille's difficulty and reluctance, so she said, "It's okay if you don't want to, everything is decided by your wish, I'll postpone it with my friend and go back later after I deliver the documents.”

Talia finished and was ready to make the call when Camille spoke up, “Mom, I'll go."

She took the encrypted file and then turned around and headed out the door.

She asked the driver to drive her there, holding a belly and not willing to drive.

Arriving at the Simpson Group, she debated whether to call Kian to come down and get it?

After thinking about it or not playing, I went straight up, not wanting to bother people one more time.

She took the elevator and went directly to the floor where Ayan's office was located. The last time she came here was because of Eileen's affair, and it had been some days since then.

This is probably the only time Sienna didn't have too many emotions over, right?

The elevator door opened at that moment and she stepped out of it and walked along the corridor in the direction of the office, she was just about to turn the corner when she heard the sound of a man and woman arguing.

The woman with a low sob: “I'm sorry, I know It hurt you a lot because of me, I also know that if it wasn't for me, you would be better off now, Ayan, I sincerely apologize to you, can you forgive me?"

It's Cora’s voice.

Camille's pace stopped the second she heard the voice, and she stood there rigidly motionless and silent.

In his ear was the man's low, cold voice: "You don't need to apologize, it's already past, so don't mention it again, huh?"

His indifference expressed obvious alienation, as if he was telling the other person to stop talking about things they can't go back to.

But Cora’'s emotions were a bit agitated, especially when she was facing such indifference. How could this man in front of her, who was once clearly very gentle to her, have become like this now?

She couldn't help but say, "Ayan, you are still blaming me, aren't you? You refuse to forgive me because I left you without a second thought, don't you? If it wasn't for that incident, would I be your wife today? Am I the one who is pregnant with your child now?"

One after another, Cora continued questioning, so that the voice clearly echoed down the corridor, although there was no one coming and going, after all, this is the president's office in the building, it wouldn't like the same offices underneath floors where there was constant flow of employees. Therefore, it was very quiet at the moment, so Camille could hear clearly the two's conversations word for word.

After she finished her words, Ayan just had a cold face, his deep eyes flooded with cold chill, and his voice seemed to be holding back and holding back again: "What do you think is the point of saying this now? If you've already done it, why do you want to be forgiven? As for whether I blame you or not, that is my business, and you have nothing to do with it. Cora, I hope you clearly understand your status now, you are only a partner of Simpson Group. If you don't want to continue this cooperation, then take your husband and leave this cooperation, as for the rest, there is no point in talking between you and me."

He suddenly shouted out, his voice was thundered the corridor, touching the heartstrings, which make people couldn't refute.

He gazed at the woman in front of him with an indifferent look, and the words he just said were enough to show all his thoughts and emotions. Hearing his words, Cora also immediately came back to her senses, then she remained sober and sensible, she controlled the inner emotions and replied: "Sorry, I am forgetting myself, I am causing you troubles, I hope you don't mind."

"Nevermind, I only hope Mrs. Norman will not make an exception next time, or it will be bad for your husband to hear."

He warned in a cold voice.

Cora's eyes were slightly stunned, then to immediately said goodbye and lifted her feet to leave.

She came straight towards Camille, making it difficult for Camille to move forward or backward, so she just stood there.

Cora came around the corner and met Camille directly, her eyes widening with shock: "Mrs. Simpson.”

Camille hooked her lips in a smile, "Hello!"

Ayan naturally heard the conversation between the two, and then immediately came this way.

Cora looked grave: "l ..."

Ayan showed up at this point, his face downcast as he looked at Camille, asked with his low voice, "What are you doing here?"

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