My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 420: Distance

Chapter 420: Distance

Ayan immediately denied: " I didn't mean that, just because Mr. Bell said his wife likes you very much, so he wants to meet and chat with you, I'm afraid you might feel pressured, you can find a reason to cancel it if you feel tired, don't force yourself."

“I know, but I met with Mrs. Bell just because I simply liked the way I spent time together.”

She made a point of explaining, meaning to tell him that it wasn't because of him or the Simpson Group, it just felt like getting along as friends.

Ayan knew it for sure, too. He said with his warm and light voice: "Okay, whatever feels right to you."

The call didn't last long before it ended, and while both of them were trying to keep the peace, however, Ayan's coldness was clear and distinct , which Camille thought was fine.

After all, they all had to learn to adapt to the post-divorce period well in advance.

The partnership between Mr. and Mrs. Bell and the Simpson Group was finalized the next morning, and after the signing the agreement, Mrs. Bell called Camille personally to say that she had to go back to her home country, and come back to Hance City after the project had officially started.

By then Camille would have already given birth, so Mrs. Bell said, "I hope you can bring the baby and talk to me for dinner.”

With the contract signed and Mr. and Mrs. Bell gone, Camille felt she didn't need to continue playing the loving couple with Ayan.

So the relationship between the two went back to a nonchalant state. With only two or three days to go for the finals for the competition, Camille had already planned to accompany Yessica throughout the competition, but the plan didn't work out.

Her belly was getting bigger every day, now that she's entering the third trimester, it's particularly inconvenient for her to perform many tasks, like standing straight up and not seeing her feet, so she almost slipped without noticing the shower gel on the floor.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly to grab the fixer that placed the shower head, but her wrist was still a bit sprained, which was not taken seriously until the next morning when she realized that she could not hold the spoon.

The family didn't know the situation until last night, Talia was so worried and anxious: "It's all my fault, I'll start tonight to accompany you, okay? "Mom, no, I just didn't notice that, I'll pay attention and be careful in the future, don't worry, alright?"

"Why am I not worried, oh kid, you are just afraid of giving us trouble, aren't you? This is not a small matter, your belly are getting bigger and bigger now, you have to listen to me."

Talia began to dominate, so Camille slightly pursed her lips and didn't refuse again.

But Talia also told this matter to Ayan, Ayan came back that night, not just simply back, but moved directly back to the Simpson's mansion. He told the family in front of them about the idea of moving back in temporarily, then added to Camille, "Don't worry, I'll keep my promise, I'll only be in the bedroom while you're in the shower, and I'll leave when you've showered and won't make you feel any less comfortable.” After Ayan's words, Talia looked to Camille: "Cami, what do you think? How about just letting Ayan come back for a while for a temporary stay, it just so happens that it wouldn't be so long before the birth, okay?" the old Simpson was also looking to Camille, leaving all decisions in her hands.

Camille turned silent and thought about it. In fact, she was reluctant in her mind, Ayan would have more contact with them if they moved back, and she didn't want that.

But now she was really in the trimaster, even if Talia is with her all the time, it is not very convenient, so this will be more trouble Talia, so Camille hesitated and then nodded.

Ayan is the father of the child, there are some things that he seems to do better, right?

This way you don't need to worry about anything when you are due afterwards, it will probably be better with him around, right?

Ayan did what he promised, he would only come to the bedroom every day when she was in the shower, he would only sit on the couch and not move around, although this bedroom was his, but now Camille was living there, he would not disturb.

When Camille was done showering, he just left.

The two could not say a few words, as for breakfast and dinner he rarely eats at home, basically leaving early and returning late.

The two maintain this detached yet intimate relationship, making the elders look a bit confused in the clouds as well.

The old Simpson couldn't help but secretly ask Ayan in private, "What are you planning to do? Since Cami nodded to let you move back in, you should take advantage of the moment to behave well to get her forgiveness."

"Grandpa, do you mean by that that you think I've done something wrong to upset her?"

“Isn't it?"

Ayan laughed dumbly, his thin lips rose slightly to reveal a star's smile, but the bottom of his eyes were indifferent, as if with a hint of self- deprecation: "It would be nice if it were really that simple."

the old Simpson frowned and didn't hear: "What did you say?"

"I said, don't you worry about us, I'll take care of our business."

Ayan responded lightly, but the meaningful emotion under his eyes showed his inner turmoil.

On this night, Ayan came back around nine o'clock.

Talia said Camille had gone to her room and asked her to go up and check.

Ayan went to the bedroom door and knocked, but there was no response from inside. He shouted in a low voice: "Camille? I'm coming in if you don't talk?"

The words fell, he directly pushed open the door and went in.

The bedroom was empty, except for the sound of running water in the bathroom.

He whispered, "Camille, are you in there?"

Still no response.

His pupils heaved, followed by lifting his hand and knocking on the door, no one ever answered inside, and he said, "I'll go in if you don't speak?"

He waited for two or three seconds, then just pushed open the bathroom door.

What caught the eyes was her white back, because she had just taken a bath, there's no extra cover. Although she was pregnant with a big belly, her figure could not be affected from behind. What's more, beucause of the fullness due to pregnancy, her whole body looked even more sexy and attractive.

She was looking at the mirror with her head down and carefully applying the stretch cream, not noticing that the door had been opened because of the sound of the pouring water and playing songs. Ayan stood upright, with his eyes fixed on her.

Ayan just stared for a long time, his throat bones rolled down subconsciously, and his deep gaze became deeper and deeper.

Her reaction and murmuring voice when they were intimate came up subconsciously before his eyes, and she hadn't reacted that way to him for a long time, especially these days, when she was very repulsive and resistant to even the most basic intimate behavior.

So when he saw such the scene, the whole person was frozen there with a stoic control of the body's reaction and inner emotions.

He was so absorbed in watching, who knew how long it lasted? Until Camille turned around to get dressed when she saw the man standing in the doorway, her eyes were stunned, then she immediately pulled the bathrobe and put it on.

She was indifferent: "Why don't you knock on the door?"

Hearing her voice, Ayan then came back to his senses, looking at Camille who quickly got dressed, he frowned, said with his low voice: "I shouted at you several times, also knocked on the door, but you have not responded, I am worried that you ...."

"Hmm, "Camille answered softly this time, "I've finished my shower, so "No more unanswered questions, I'm worried, understood?"

His voice was hoarse, with his eyes kept staring on her.

She was shocked and silent, his domination came with strong concerns, which she could clearly feel, so she felt very surprised. When she didn't say anything, he added, "Camille, did you hear what I said? Answer me, huh?"

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