My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 397 - Falling

Chapter 397 - Falling

Ayan's abnormality Camille is not without feeling, so the whole time is expressionless gaze at him: "What exactly do you want to say?"

Ayan looked faint, his voice was low, “I want you to be like you used to be, before you wouldn't fight with me, let alone have a temper with me, do you know that you are hard to coax now?"

Camille frowned slightly, subconsciously averted her eyes not wanting to look into his deep eyes, opened her mouth and said low and mute: "I didn't want you to coax me, I just want a fairness, I don't expect you to treat me like Eileen, so you don't ask me to do the same as before, okay?"

She is frank and direct without the slightest reprieve, completely just does not give any chance and wait.

At this moment she is very close to Ayan, especially his whole person is crouching in front of her, such a distance is both close and intimate let her feel very uncomfortable.

She hesitated, then broke away from his hand that was squeezing her chin and stood up, she said, "I'm a little tired, I want to rest, if you've finished your words, you can go back!"

The words fell, she directly wanted to leave here to go to the hospital bed, but she just took a step directly by Ayan a clutch, the whole person at any time into his warm embrace.

Ayan reached out and embraced her, his voice low, "Really not willing to give me a little chance?"

Camille pursed her lips and didn't say anything, not even really wanting to mention it.

He didn't seem discouraged and continued, "If you do this to me, the baby will fight for me when he finds out.”

"So you want to kidnap me with the baby?" Camille coldly questioned, not waiting for Ayan response and lightly laughed out: "I will not change this matter no matter what you say, I have already told you the conditions and requirements, if you think I did not make it clear enough, I can repeat it again, do you want to listen?"

Her coldness and detachment made Ayan silent and did not speak again.

Camille followed and pulled his hand away from him completely, and the air in the room became silent.

The two were silent for a few moments before Ayan said in a shallow voice, "Okay, I understand what you mean, I'll give you my answer first thing in the morning.”

His voice was low and clear, and he could hear every word clearly.

But she didn't respond in any way, just looked away expressionlessly, and she kept this posture and expression until he left the ward.

When the door of the ward closed gently the next second, she then sat down on the sofa powerlessly.

She looked slightly heavy, a heart thumping, she lightly pursed her lips, hands clasped tightly, seemingly holding back her inner emotions and anxiety.

But after a long time, her emotions are still not calm, she frowned, expressionlessly picked up the glass of water on the table and drank most of it in one go, the water that had gone cold slightly calmed her restless heart.

She sat in the couch staring out the window and just sat there waiting for Sienna to come back.

I don't know how long it took, but it was dark outside.

The door of the ward was pushed open from the outside and the lights were turned on in the next second, she looked up and saw that the person who entered was Sienna.

Sienna asked, "Why don't you even turn on the lights? What are you doing sitting there?"

"Waiting for you!"

Her voice was low and murmured, sounding a bit pathetic.

Sienna walked over and stared at her face for several seconds, "Are you so dependent on me now?"

"Yeah, so how's Rex doing?"

"It's nothing serious, just a dislocated arm injury." Sienna was in the resuscitation room when she arrived, plus the nurse's notice made her heart panic and confused, she was actually quite scared, so her eyes were red, until Rex was wheeled out in a wheelchair, she realized that he was nothing serious, so she immediately collected all her emotions. Rex asked her, "Worried about me?"

Sienna said indifferently, "Why did your phone set the emergency contact to me? What if I'm not in Hance City?"

Rex saw her displeasure and said in a low voice, "Sorry, it was an oversight on my part, if you don't want to, I'll change it to my parents" afterwards.”

Sienna stopped talking, but there was an unspoken sense of annoyance in her heart.

At the moment, when she thinks of that scene, her mood is a bit indescribably uncomfortable.

She sighed soundlessly, a face somewhat expressionlessly warm and bland.

Camille asked, "You're coming over to my place, who's taking care of Rex's side?"

"His secretary, and now his mother is probably here."

She left before Rex's mother arrived; she didn't want to meet up with Rex's family.

Seeing the faint blush on her face, Camille also whispered, "Since someone else is taking care of him, you shouldn't worry about it." "Hmm."

Sienna's voice was low as she responded.

She wasn't in a good mood and Camille asked with concern, "What's wrong with you? What's on your mind?"

Sienna shook her head, "It's just a bit of a mess."

"Because Rex's emergency contact is you? So you don't know exactly what he wants to do anymore, do you?"

Camille tentatively asked, Sienna did not sound, but it was considered acquiescence.

Camille smiled lightly: “In fact, you still care about him, right? If you didn't care about him, you wouldn't have been so anxious and worried when you got the call. Now that he's broken off his engagement with Bella, if you still have the idea of being with him, I think you can think about it."

“It's his own idea to break off the engagement I didn't force him, do I have to stay with him if he breaks off the engagement? I don't want to." Sienna vetoed it without hesitation.

Camille, however, laughed even deeper: "You're a tough guy now, so I'll see if you fall when Rex attacks you?"

"Camille, I think our friendship is pretty much over here, I'll buy a ticket back to Flento City later, let's pull the plug and cut off our relationship!" Sienna face expressionless reminder, a pair of eyes with unpleasant cold, the words are full of discontented sulking.

Camille hurriedly laughed and said, "I was wrong, please don't do it." She took the initiative to hold Sienna's arm and said in a low voice, "I just don't want you to miss out on the person you like, nothing more." Sienna naturally knows, but there is just an unspoken feeling in her heart.

With Rex will not be together at the moment is not a problem for her to consider, she no longer want to because of a relationship or a man completely upset their hearts, that experience once is enough.

The two men carried on quietly, and the atmosphere followed.

I don't know how long it took, but Camille suddenly said, “Ayan came by, he probably meant that he wanted to make peace with me, but hoped that I could leave Eileen alone, and if I waited for the next time to find any evidence, he wouldn't interfere.”

"What does he mean?"

"Probably this time is difficult, after all, one side is the company on the other side is the beloved woman, it depends on whether he wants the kingdom or the beauty.”

Camille snickered with a warm blush.

Sienna tightened her brow: "Cami ..."

"Well, don't mention him, we'll find out tomorrow what he really wants, just remember what I told you."

Sienna knew she was referring to the timed email.

Camille and Ayan have come to this point in their lives, both of them insisting on their own positions and defending their own people, neither of them refusing to back down, and with such a relationship and a baby on the way, what kind of picture will the future hold?

Sienna couldn't help but be a little concerned about Camille's affairs, even though they weren't her own.

But Camille didn't tell Sienna, in fact she had a vague panic in her heart ever since Ayan had come, like something was going to happen?

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