My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 396 Answer

Chapter 396 Answer

The next two days, Camille and Ayan did not contact each other again. But Camille is not only not in contact with Ayan, the Simpson family is also not in contact with anything.

Camille is still in the hospital, but just in case, she doesn't let her aunt continue to bring her meals, instead she goes out to eat with Sienna, or by other means.

Her caution was due to the experience she had learned from the last time Ayan had counted on her being locked up in the villa, so she had to be on guard.

Sienna said, "You look like I want to take you back to Flento City and forget about it, to save the fear of living every day.”

"Wouldn't going back now be a waste of everything?" Camille smiled faintly, she did not want to go there now, she must get to the bottom of her grandmother's death.

She said to Sienna, "Sienna, I sent a timed encrypted email to Mario's email, you tell him for me, if there is any accident that you can't contact me, then send this encrypted email directly to Ayan, the password is your birthday."

Camille had already set a time when she went to meet Ayan at the Simpson Group, and the reason she mentioned it to Sienna now was simply that she was worried that there would be no way to open it without someone knowing the password.

For Ayan to defend Eileen, she had to plan for all the surprises and possibilities that would arise.

Sienna wrinkled her brow and asked, "You do so much, so between you and Ayan ...."

"Are you worried that he and I will have some kind of conflict over this?" Camille asked bluntly, followed by a smile: "Actually, he and I have changed a long time ago, even without Eileen card between us there will still be other Eileen.”

Ayan's heart has never been in her, so even if she doesn't it doesn't seem to make any difference.

The two talked in silence for a while, and Camille's heart became very empty. In order not to let Sienna worry, she tried her best to control the outward expression of her emotions, and just digested slowly by herself until her emotions completely dissipated.

Two days is not fast, not slow, it seems to be in the blink of an eye. There was no movement on Ayan's side, and so it waited until the night before their appointed time.

Originally Sienna was walking with Camille and Sienna's cell phone rang at that moment.

On the other side of the phone was an anxious inquiry, "Hello, is this Sienna, Miss King?"

“I am, may I ask who you are?"

"Mr. Ward has been injured in a car accident, can you come over now? The emergency contact in his phone is you, so we can only contact you now!"

It was the hospital nurse calling, and the voice was clear enough for Camille to hear it.

It's the same hospital as Camille, but Camille is in the inpatient unit and Rex is in the front of the emergency room.

The distance is just about five minutes.

Sienna's face was frozen stiff, she didn't respond to anything after several seconds, and the nurse on the other side of the phone shouted anxiously, "Miss King, are you listening?"

"l am."

"So you can come over now?"

“I ...." Sienna subconsciously looked to Camille, who nodded before she responded in a low voice, "Yes, I'll be there now."

The call ended and the gloom on Sienna's face hadn't dissipated when she whispered, "Rex was in a car accident.”

"Then go see if there's anything you need to do."

“Then you ..."

“I'm such a big guy, I can't lose it. Hurry up and go, and call me directly if you need anything from me, huh?"

Camille whispered reassuringly and could see that Sienna was concerned and worried about Rex, and that she would not be at ease if she did not go over to see for herself.

Sienna nodded, and then this was a big step towards the emergency room in front of her.

Camille watched her back as she left and then circled the garden herself before heading back to the ward.

She was also a little worried in her heart, unprepared to push open the door of the ward, but unexpectedly saw the man sitting on the sofa at some point.

Looking at each other, she subconsciously frowned, "Why are you here?"

It's Ayan.

She blushed slightly, her heart felt a hint of something not quite right, but she didn't think much of it, just walked over and sat on the single sofa opposite Ayan so far.

The two sat face to face, and the man's low voice asked, “I came to talk to you."

"What are we talking about? Isn't it already time for our appointment tomorrow? Or do you want to settle this matter early? *

Camille met his gaze the entire time, a slight light smile under her eyes, as if to remind him that no matter what was talked about, nothing would change in this matter.

Ayan also do not know whether to read or not, asked in a low voice: "I can guarantee not to have any dealings with Eileen, if your side found evidence about Eileen need the police to arrest her I will not intervene again, so this matter can still be discussed?"

"How do you want to negotiate? Confuse me with these verbal promises and make me nod my head? And what will you do when it really happens like you say?"

Camille gave a low laugh, and the mockery under her eyes was very obvious.

He said, "If you feel that verbal promises are not enough, then we can sign an agreement that if I do break our agreement, I will admit to whatever you want, hmm?"

“I don't want it." She refused outright, she said, "I don't want to wait, if you won't or can't bear to do it to Eileen, then just tell me, I won't force you and I won't make it hard for you anymore, all I want is just a word of truth."


"So do you have an answer? And if not what is the point of you coming to me?"

Camille interrupted him directly, for his assurance was like a blank check without any credibility, and the conversation between the two was very uneventful.

Looking at her slightly stiffened face, Ayan's face also flushed a little low.

The two of them were quiet for a short while, and he followed suit and changed the subject, "I just asked Dr. Ellis, you and the baby are recovering well, and you should be able to leave the hospital in a couple of days."

Camille didn't respond, just looked at him with an indifferent face, not quite understanding what he meant by these words?

When she didn't make a sound, he continued, "Did Grandpa tell you that he wants you to go back and stay for two days?"

"Hmm." The mention of her grandfather still compelled her to respond. He narrowed his eyes slightly, a few moments of gentleness appeared on his handsome face, then he stood up from the sofa and walked towards her to stand in front of her and stared at her with downcast eyes, "Cami, apart from this matter, there is no other problem between us, so are you sure you want to keep being cold to me like this?" "Ayan, I don't think we have anything to talk about right now other than this?"

She directly thanked him by name and shouted his full name, such a move made Ayan hooked his lips and smiled.

He said, "So you're determined not to care about me?"

Camille frowned and didn't say anything.

She moved her gaze away to look elsewhere, but the next second the man's hand suddenly went deep and cupped her chin directly so that her face was facing him.

He said in a hoarse voice: "If the end result of this matter is what you want, then can we just forget about it as nothing happened?"

She said, "Are you now trying to ask me what I think and what I've decided before you give me an answer?"

"Cami, I don't want you to treat me like this, I want you to go back to the way you were before, can't I?"

He leaned down directly and half squatted in front of her, his deep eyes staring at her with an unblinking gaze.

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