My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 387 - Bail

Chapter 387 - Bail

Kian, who received the news, immediately came to the elevator and waited, as for Ayan's side, it was too late to report.

"Madam, Mr. Simpson is answering the phone in his office, let me take you there now!"

Kian hurriedly responded, vaguely aware of Camille's anger and coldness, because she rarely calls Ayan three words.

Camille indifferently refused: "No, I can go by myself."

The words fell, she had already taken the first step to lift her feet in the direction of the office.

Camille didn't knock and pushed the door directly into the room. Ayan was answering the phone and a flash of surprise flashed across her face when she saw the person who came in, but then immediately got up and said in a light voice to the other side, "Let's do this first."

He hangs up the phone and walks toward Camille.

His voice was gentle as he asked, "What brings you here? Come here especially to see me?"

Camille stared at Ayan expressionlessly and asked in a cold voice, "Why are you bailing out Eileen?"

Her voice, if you listen carefully, can clearly be heard with a tremor. Her words caused the atmosphere in the office to freeze up instantly. Ayan also has no voice, a pair of deep eyes watching her for a moment.

He doesn't say anything, but that doesn't mean the matter is over.

She snorted and laughed: "If you can't let Eileen suffer because of heartache then tell me frankly, don't keep fighting other flags actually defending her all the time, you are really too meaningless and make me very annoying and disgusting!"

Her face is cold, her words are low and cold, without the slightest euphemism, let alone any intention to stop there.

Her every word and every sentence is enough to show her mood as well as her attitude at this moment.

The bright and beautiful face floated with a mocking sneer, transparent eyes also with a very obvious disdain and indifference, her words finished, the air all seemed to press the pause button.

Ayan's eyes were slightly stunned, dark and deep eyes emerged under his eyes, his handsome face revealed a few warm and light, his voice low and dumb: "I'm not trying to protect her, Camille, I just hope you can trust me for once, okay?"

He had anticipated Camille's reaction when she learned that Eileen had been bailed out by him, and knew that she would not tolerate him doing so.

But he didn't think she would call him disgusting and annoying.

The two men locked eyes, Camille didn't believe what he said and just laughed lightly.

He looked grave, raised his foot and reached out to take her hand, but at the moment he just reached out, her whole body took a step back to pull away completely.

Camille asked expressionlessly, "Let me just ask you this, did you bail out Eileen?"

If so, it's useless to say any more.

Since she's already bailed out, what's the difference between that and protecting her?

Ayan did not say anything, just sullenly gazing at her, his eyes did not move for a moment.

His reaction said it all.

If at the time of the news, her heart was full of anger and questioning, then at this moment all of that has turned into disappointment.

She was completely disappointed.

She no longer had any illusions about him.

She smiled coldly, her face chilled: "Ayan, you are so cruel, you know that I am jealous of Eileen, you know that I am full of hatred and dislike for her, even if you think it has nothing to do with her, then you need to come up with enough evidence to convince me, but I did not think you would be like this, you are cruel enough!"

After Camille finished her words, she just gave him a deep look, and then turned around and left the office.

Camille did not drag her feet, she came out of the office and walked faster to the elevator, which opened at that moment, and she immediately went in and pressed the first floor.

Her heart felt like it had been broken in half by something hard.

Ayan was so heartless to her.

Let her not have any chance to breathe at all.

Does he really love Eileen that much?

Ayan stood pensively in the middle of the office, his ears still echoing Camille's words just now, especially the last sentence, you are tough enough!

He narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression stiff, Kian also knocked on the door at this time: "Mr. Simpson, it's raining outside, the lady left like this, should I follow ah? *

Ayan then swept the floor-to-ceiling window, I do not know when it rained, because the sound insulation is too good, so there is not even a sound.

Ayan frowned, his face instantly sank, and then he immediately walked towards the door in stride, not even bothering to take his jacket, and directly picked up the car keys in Kian's hand and flew out after him. Camille came out of the Simpson Group only to see that it was raining heavily outside, and she felt endlessly guilty for her grandmother as she watched the raindrops as big as soybeans.

She blamed herself for being useless and unable to give an account to her grandmother, and this guilty uneasiness grew heavier and heavier, and for a moment she even wanted to break everything back to square one.

She asked herself, if she hadn't married Ayan, would Grandma not have died?

This thought popped up in her mind when she remembered after the fact that they should have been about to divorce, it was she who had been greedy for his tenderness and did not persevere until the end, everything was her own fault, and eventually let Grandma become the price.

Why didn't she do what Eileen wanted her to do when she had clearly sent her a text message?

It's all her fault.

She was the one who was wrong.

Camille took all the fault on herself, and her heart left even deeper marks. When Ayan chased her out, he saw her getting ready to head out into the rain.

He quickly ran over and pulled her, his voice low, "It's raining, I'll send you back, okay?"

He asked in a low voice, his tone almost as low as it could go.

Hearing his voice and his hand clutching her wrist, Camille almost subconsciously shook it off with force.

But he was so strong, she was no match for him.

Camille said in a cold voice, "Let go of me and don't touch me."

Her tone was not big, but the coldness was very obvious.

Ayan frowned and didn't let go of her hand, just wrinkled his eyebrows and gazed at her: "You get in the car with me, after I take you back to the hospital you don't want to see me, I'll leave, you don't want me to touch you, I won't touch, okay?"

"Ayan, you're so hypocritical and I regret it."

She did not respond to his words, but looked at the face in front of her that she once loved so much, and her heart was incomparably regretful.

I regret falling in love with him for so many years, I regret marrying him, and I regret that I didn't stick to my position after he filed for divorce to completely clear the line with him.

His tenderness led her to believe that it was left over from time to time, and he thought he could have a slight liking for her for the sake of the child.

But it's all a one-man show that she's making a fool of herself.

Camille pursed her lips and didn't wait for any response from him before speaking again, “I don't want to see you, as soon as I see you, I think of you personally bailing out the murderer who is still my grandmother, not only did you not help me, you even stood against me, Ayan, and in what capacity are you now standing in my way?" "Camille, no matter what ten evil things I have done, today we are still husband and wife, and I am the father of the child in your belly, even if you hate me, and even if I am hypocritical to the extreme, now get in the car with me and I will give you a ride, or we will continue to be in a stalemate here, hmm?"

“You see, you're nothing but a threat to me."

"Take that as a yes, so can you get in the car with me now?"

He always refused to let go, the two stood at the gate of Simpson Group, because of their identity, has attracted a lot of attention, but again because he was in, almost no one dared to stay more, just a flash and immediately left not dare to crowd and talk.

At this time, a red sports car by its tawdry, red sports car parked at the gate of Simpson Group, the window slowly and leisurely lowered, revealing a white handsome face inside: "Ayan, what are you doing here?"

The man's voice came through the rain with a few moments of clear disbelief, a pair of dark eyes staring unblinkingly at Camille and Ayan. Ayan frowned indifferently and said, "Why are you here?"

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