My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 386: Pity

Chapter 386: Pity

Arnold's questioning made Eileen silent.

She pursed her lips, keeping her composure as Ayan had instructed, but with the necessity to be true to herself.

She said, "Because I want to work with you, and you're right, the only way to not rely on others is to make yourself strong enough, and just because I can convince Ayan now doesn't mean I always can, I want to show Ayan that I'm not just going to make him pity me with just one thing, I'm going to make him work for me willingly."

"Eileen, you've impressed me just by entering the police station for a few hours... It's not like someone is teaching you how to do it behind your back, is it?"

"Arnold, if you don't believe me, then you can look it up.”

Arnold's face was cold, but his voice was laced with laughter as he said, "Why? I'm just talking off the top of my head, I'm kind of in the middle of something right now, you just said, let's talk when I'm free, okay?"


The call ended, Eileen did not report with Ayan side, Ayan said, he just need the results, as for the process, he does not want to know.

Today Arnold didn't believe her yet, so she has to keep trying, and she can only succeed if she gets Arnold to dispel his doubts about her. Eileen was supposed to stay in her apartment and not go out because she was out on bail, Camille didn't know, and neither did anyone else outside, but she wanted Arnold to know that she was sincere in her desire to cooperate, so she met up with some plastic sisters and went to a bar to dance together.

A night passed and everything was calm.

The next day, in the morning.

On the hospital side, Camille is preoccupied with finding tangible evidence to make Eileen confess to the crime of being a grandmother while she is detained, but has no clue and is left to fret at the hospital. Sienna went back to her apartment to get a change of clothes, so she is alone in the hospital room at the moment.

The door of the ward was knocked at that moment.

Camille whispered, "Who is it? Come in?"

It's definitely not Sienna, she just left a while ago, and she doesn't knock.

Thinking it was probably the nurse, she froze when the door was pushed open and she saw the person outside.

It's Grace.

She asked with a slight frown, "What brings you here?"

Grace walked inside and whispered, "Just happened to be in the neighborhood so I came to check on you, how are you feeling, better?" In fact, she came here specially, but with her current relationship with Camille and the Armstrong family’s relationship with Camille, she didn't want Camille to know that she came here specially.

Camille didn't look deeper, just nodded, "Much better."

She's fine now, she's simply keeping the baby alive, and she'll probably be able to leave the hospital in a few days.

The two of them didn't have much to talk about, and Grace felt the atmosphere was a little awkward, especially since they were the only two people in the ward, so she took the initiative and said, "Do you want to walk downstairs with you? I see that the violet flowers in the garden downstairs are in bloom, it's beautiful, want to go take a look?" Camille understood her intentions, so she didn't refuse: "Sure."

The two of them came out of the ward and went downstairs to the garden. There were quite a few people watching the flowers, and they walked side by side. Since Camille's last birthday, her relationship with Grace had eased a lot, and since Grace spoke for her in front of Page to let Page go to her grandmother's funeral, she had a hard time showing her emotions towards Grace.

The two of them walked, Grace saw her face was not very good, so she spoke out: “Cami, you cheer up, otherwise the baby will also be sentimental in the future, Grandma loves you the most, naturally also the most love your baby, so you let go a little, do not let yourself think too much affect the mood."

"Everything will be fine when this is cleared up, otherwise I won't be willing, if I sit back and do nothing, then I'm too sorry for my grandmother's love for me, so I have to get a clear picture.”

"Cami, I'll be worried if you look like this. In my opinion, why don't we wait until you have the baby and then deal with this matter, otherwise it's not a good idea to stay in the hospital all the time!"

Grace is worried from the bottom of her heart, and Camille although there is not much in common, but after so many things, she naturally know that Camille and her even if the bones are broken is still connected to the tendons.

What's more, this matter has been tossed around for so many days, but there has been no real progress. Even if Eileen is detained, but only temporarily, if there is no way to be completely convicted will be released, she is also a heartless and can not help much.

Her words Camille shook her head: "Do not try to convince me, if you want me to give up the truth about this matter for myself and my children, then in the future you should not visit me again, maybe we have different ideas and three views, we can not talk together.”

"That's not what I meant, I'm just worried about you."

“I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm really fine."

She stared at Grace and said very seriously.

She didn't want anyone to dissuade her now, she just wants to follow her heart to finish the job, and only when she has achieved her goal, she will be at ease.

Grace walked with her for a while and then left.

Camille was supposed to be taken back to the ward, but she wasn't unable to walk so she refused.

Camille strolled back alone, probably out of the air, so the whole person feels much more pleasant.

She planed to go out for dinner later when Sienna arrives, she wants to eat steak.

Camille's mind was reckoning with this, and the ward was about to arrive.

But as she quickened her pace and prepared to pass the nurse's station, the sound of murmuring voices wafted through the air: "My friend really saw it, and I would lie to you? If you don't believe me, I'll give you a look at her INS. She went to a bar party last night and made a big deal about Mr. Simpson bailing her out.”

"Even Mrs. Simpson has opened up about the things she did, she and Mr. Simpson can't really have some kind of unexplained relationship, right?”

"They are already ex-girlfriend relationship!"

"But it's already broken up, and Mr. Simpson is also married, and the baby is about to be born, this is too unethical, right?"

"And Mrs. Simpson's grandmother, hey, think of the pity."

They kept talking and talking, and every word made Camille's heart feel like a needle was sticking into it.

Her gaze were lost in a face of disbelief, the whole person lifted his feet and walked forward, the nurses also immediately saw her, suddenly no sound, did not dare to speak in.

Camille asked faintly, "Is it true what you just said?"

Several nurses looked at each other some dare not make a sound. But Camille's eyes were full of persecution, and eventually a bold nurse whispered an explanation, "Mrs. Simpson you don't get it wrong, we're all talking nonsense, we don't know anything.”

Camille face expressionless, harsh eyes swept over them, the next second she turned and walked out the door, did not even go back to the ward near at hand.

She took the elevator downstairs and left the hospital, a face expressionless, lips lightly pursed, the coldness under her eyes very deep and obvious.

Camille took a taxi to the Simpson Group.

Sitting in the car, she also searched Eileen's small number from ins. She saw the content of Eileen's ins, as mentioned by the nurses, where she was exquisitely dressed and sexy, posing with her friends, raising a glass, and smiling a lot.

But Camille looked so harsh that just the thought of Ayan bailing her out made Camille's heart unsettled.

She turned off her phone and stopped looking at it, clutching it tightly until she reached the door of the Simpson Group.

She walked slowly into the Simpson Group building and was greeted by the receptionist who saw her: "Mrs. Simpson."

“I'm looking for Ayan."

Her voice was cold and her face was without any smile or gentleness. The receptionist did not dare to be slow and immediately pressed the elevator for her, then watched her enter the elevator before hurrying to inform Kian.

Camille saw Kian when she came out of the elevator and asked, "Where's Ayan?"

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