My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 373: Cranky

Chapter 373: Cranky

"Well, yes, something important which related to Camille's company dropped here, so I want to check the surveillance to see if I can find it, you know she doesn't feel well these two days and she is hospitalized, so I had to help and come by, but I didn't expect to meet Miss Benson." Sienna remained calm and said as if it was real, she didn't mean to lie, but since Sophia and Ayan are in a cooperative relationship and they are friends, if the truth is told and Ayan knew, she can't explain to Camille.

Hearing this, Sophia immediately nodded her head to show that she understood, she said, “I heard about that too, to all my condolences, she is carrying a baby now, so this is really a hard time for her.

"Since we happen to meet here, let me walk you in, there's a new event starting here in a couple of days, I don't know if they've removed the backstage."

As she say that, the first thing she did was to knock on the door of the monitoring room, making it impossible for Sienna to say the words that she wanted to refuse.

In the end, Sophia had to go in with her.

Sienna said the time period in surveillance, that is, before and after the time she took the delivery food. After investigation, they indeed saw Eileen and Ayan talking together, but the backstage security cameras are adjusted, that was, they can only see the image, but couldn't hear the sound at that specific time.

So she had no way of figuring out what Eileen and Eileen had actually said?

Her face faded and she was slightly stoned and silent before she asked without moving, "Huh, why is Eileen here? Hasn't she been snowed in?"

Sophia just smiled lightly. Sophia is not much of a gossip, so she didn't really want to bring up Eileen's affairs, but the thought of Eileen's arrogant appearance irritated her.

She spat indifferently: “It seems to be coming over to Ayan for something, but the content is not clear to me, only that they talked for quite a long time, to be honest, I'm quite annoyed with Eileen, she actually told me that Ayan still likes her up to now and has a proud show-off, this woman feels really crazy.”

Sophia's spat made Sienna's face stiffen slightly, and then a faint smile followed.

Sienna said, "Maybe it's just to get Ayan back to her job? After all, she's out looking for a presence now that she's not hot at all?"

"Who knows? But Eileen this person's mind is not very clean, she always seems to be sneaky, the heart is probably hiding something unseen, giving a sense of weakness and panic to hide."

"Sneaky? How can you tell she's being sneaky?"

Sophia didn't think much about it, but just talked about it as if it were a casual conversation: "I saw her answering the phone backstage after she came to see Ayan on the day of the competition, probably because she was worried that I would hear her, she looked panicked and a bit annoyed, but I don't know her much, and I don't care what she did, but there should be a lot of interactions between her and Camille, you should let Camille to be a little more careful, or a little more defensive of her better.”

Sienna nodded, "Okay, I get it, thanks for telling me that."

"You're welcome, just a casual conversation, but what exactly is it that you're looking for?"

"A document like that, I don't think it can be found, right?"

Sienna sighed, seemingly with some regret.

Sophia smiled lightly and didn't think much of it. At that moment, her assistant came over to call her, because she had to set up a new event and she was in charge, so many things needed her nod to confirm, and her time was rather busy.

Sienna thanked him and left without further ado, and then left after a quick look around by herself.

From the venue, she didn't give Camille a call or message, just debating what to say to Camille?

She walked to the parking lot and got into her car, and was just about to step on the gas and drive away when her cell phone, which was placed on the side, suddenly rang.

She picked up her phone and looked at it, a Hance City number she hadn't seen before.

She didn't know many people in Hance City, and even fewer people knew her contact information.

She frowned slightly before pressing answer: "Who is it?"

“It's Bella, please come and have a meeting with me."

The low woman's voice sounded a little hoarse.

Sienna frowned tightly, her tone a little warm: "Is it necessary to meet between us?"

"Wouldn't you dare?"

Bella asked in a not-so-gentle tone.

Sienna just smiled: "You don't need to provoke me, just say what you have to say, as for the meeting, you could just avoid it, we don't have any friendship, meeting will just waste our time with each other.”

Bella probably wasn't too happy with her response, so there was a brief moment of silence for a few seconds before she asked, "You must be very happy that he and I are breaking off our engagement, right? You made him do it, didn't you?"

Sienna's eyelids fluttered and the crease between her eyebrows deepened as she said, "Why should I be happy? This is between you two, what does it have to do with me?"

Her response was cold, making it impossible to guess what was going through her mind?

Bella, however, thought she was afraid to admit it: "Nothing to do with you? If it wasn't for you, how could he have broken off his engagement with me? Maybe we would have finished our marriage long ago. If you are not happy, why do you stay in Hance City and not leave? You don't belong here, why don't you go back to your Flento City?"

"Bella, are you kidding me, is Hance City your home? Do you have your name on it which make it exclusive to you? Am I staying in Hance City just to wait for you to break up your engagement with Rex? You are really able to give yourself a sense of existence!"

"Or what else you are doing here? Why don't you leave?"

"Is Rex the only person I know in Hance City?"

"Heh, because of Camille, Camille can't even protect themselves. There's nothing you can do here for her for staying here. Ayan doesn't love her, this is the open secret that everybody knows, you two are really good sisters, because both of you are dominating other people's men."

Bella's mouth was simply out of control, saying whatever comes to her mind, without any blockage or regard for any consequences.

Sienna and Camille were both the same type of a person, and they are exactly the same in terms of shielding each other's shortcomings.

It's okay to talk about them, but it's definitely not about the people they care about.

So Sienna's patience has come to an end, she said: "Rex deserves to break up his engagement with you, since you say I encouraged him to do so, then let's take that as it is, so you better not mess with me, he is only breaking off his engagement with you now, if I blow the whisper, he would probably come to an end with you the Day family for me, and you better not mention Camille, I can't do anything about you, but Ayan is not a kind man, do you still want to try the last lesson? *

Sienna's words silenced Bella for a moment.

Lesson learned from the last time?

What lesson?

Of course she had done something to Sienna that she shouldn't have done, which caused Camille to get angry and made Ayan take a swing at the Day family.

Bella was bitter at the thought of all the aggression, but she simply could not help it, after all, the other party was Ayan.

She pursed her lips tightly, tears welling up in her eyes.

Sienna's words rang out again: "If I were you to have the time to talk about others, it would be better to shut up and not talk nonsense, to save yourself some troubles.”

After the words were said, Sienna simply hung up.

But she was unsettled in her mind, who gave Bella rights to call and say all that, and she even talk about Camille?

She didn't owe Bella anything, she and Rex have broken up very cleanly, even if it's because Camille found Rex, it's just a simple favor, she didn't have any more interactions with him.

Sienna can't control her emotions, the whole person was particularly cranky, so she directly picked up her phone and called Rex without hesitation.

Rex was a little surprised to receive her call, "Sienna?"

"Rex, did I cause you and Bella to break up your engagement?" Sienna questioned in a cold voice.

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