My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 372: Excuses

Chapter 372: Excuses

Tomas’ voice was low and dark: "Ayan, did you already know if Arnold made another move against the Simpson Group?"

“In what capacity are you asking? The second son of his brother, the Burton Group, or in some other capacity?"

He narrowed his eyes slightly indifferent rhetorical question.

"Ayan, of course I'm asking you as a brother, you know, I've always disapproved of some of the things Arnold does, and this time he seems to have gone a little too far, I ..."

The concern in Tomas' words was clear, and he was in some difficulty. Ayan on the one hand, and the Burton family on the other.

As for Arnold, although he is a brother, but the relationship between the two is relatively cold, and because of Ayan's reason these years almost did not eat a meal at a table, the relationship is like a stranger.

But even so, he still didn't want to see the hand-to-hand combat happen, nor did he want his parents and the Burton family side to be sad and embarrassed.

"Since you know that he has gone too far, if you do not want to see him lose a mess, then find a way to make him stop, while nothing has happened yet, I will look at your part to forgive, but if you can not convince him, then once anything happens afterwards, it is no longer me who has the final say, behind me there is the Simpson Group and The Simpson family, I can't let the Simpson family and Simpson Group bear any risk and cost because of the love between you and me, so you think it over."

It is rare that Ayan will suddenly talk so much with them brothers. Even if they chat with each other, they will only talk about the company and each other, but almost never interfere with each other's company and home affairs.

So after Ayan's words, Tomas was briefly silent for a while before he reacted.

He said, "Ayan, I understand what you mean, don't worry, I will have a good talk with him, and if he persists, I will find a way to split the Burton Group, so that at least a part of the Burton Group can be preserved, and you will not be embarrassed because of me."

Ayan is not talking, since he has thought it through, let's do what he wants.

Finally Tomas asked again uneasily, "Ayan, we're not getting cold between us because of him, are we?"

Ayan smiled lightly: "After all these years, have there been coldness between us because of him?"

“Naturally not."

"So why would there be such a concern? You and I have our own bottom line at heart and understand what to do and what not to do, the three views are the same and the ideas are the same, so there is no need to have other worries and concerns."

"Okay, I get it, I was the one who wasn't sure, so I wanted to make sure."

Tomas spoke with a low smile, the gloom in his heart slowly dispersed with the conversation between him and Ayan.

After hanging up the phone, Ayan went to the end of the corridor and smoked a cigarette until late at night when he returned to the ward once again and rested on the couch for a while.

The next day at dawn, he left the ward again before Camille opened her eyes, and the two did not even meet.

When Camille woke up, the ward was empty. She washed up and wanted to go out, but then she couldn't help thinking about what Sienna had said last night when she brought in dinner and he was sitting in a chair by the door.

Just as she was hesitating a bit, there was a knock at the door, followed by the door gently pushing open from the outside.

It's Talia.

She too saw Camille.

"Cami, why are you up so early? I thought you were still resting!" "Mom, I woke up from my nap, but why did you even come over here?" “I'l come over and talk with you for a while, I'm bored to death at home anyway, you won't mind me being annoying, right?"

Talia said with a smile, carrying fruit and milk in her hands and a bouquet of flowers.

Camille hurriedly said, "Of course not, how could I resent you?" "That's good, sit down for a while while I put the flowers in."

Talia is a master at arranging flowers, and with a simple hand she instantly makes the bouquet look good.

Although it is in a hospital room, you can feel a hint of a different style. Talia sat down with Camille on the couch, when the aunt also brought over the breakfast.

Talia sat quietly and waited for Camille to finish her breakfast before talking to her. Talia said, "Cami, I know you're not feeling very well, but for your own health, stay happy and look forward to everything, okay?" “I know, don't worry, I'm fine."

Camille nodded low.

Talia added, "Has your mother ever visited you?"

Camille did not respond to the three words of your mother in Talia's mouth for a moment, and when she did this gave a light smile: "No." Talia frowned slightly and her words were faint: "Cami, I don't mean anything else by asking this, I just don't understand why, as a mother, you refuse to care for your child?"

Camille didn't react too badly, just said, "Mom, I'm fine now, so I don't really care too much about that.”

Talia looked at Camille with a heartbroken face, she was afraid that talking too much Camille would be difficult, so she hurriedly said other topics: "Grandpa misses you very much, if I did not stop today to say anything to come to the hospital to see you, this time I know you want to recuperate, when you are better, the doctor said you can be discharged, go home to stay for two days, right? *

"Good, you tell grandpa, don't worry, or he'll be anxious and on fire again."

"Well, don't worry."

Talia nodded her head and smiled gently.

The atmosphere also quieted down, she came to see Camille although yesterday knew already decided, but at the door by Ayan temporarily explained to accompany Camille relief, but between the two of them is the topic of parental affairs, other than that, there is not much other words to talk.

At the same time, Sienna had already arrived at the venue of the competition.

Originally thought it was closed no way to get in, did not expect to open the door, saw her door security guard said directly: "is over more than the new event scene, right?"

Sienna froze a bit, but nodded immediately in order to get in smoothly, "Yes."

"Come on in, they're coming a number of people are already inside." Sienna thanked the security guard before she lifted her feet and walked inside.

She wore a hat and mask, and as soon as she entered the gate she could see a number of people moving their things inside, and she looked for a girl who looked more talkative and asked, "Are you guys from the Simpson Group?"

"Yes, may I ask who you are?"

"Hello, I'm a partner on this side of the venue, I came over for a little something, by the way, I want to ask you who brought it here ah?"

The girl said defenselessly, "Mr. Benson brought us here."

"Okay, thank you."

Sienna had a general understanding, as for the Mr. Benson in the girl's mouth, she thought it should be a certain person in charge of the Ayan company, so she did not think too deeply and went straight to the backstage monitoring room towards the sign on the door.

But just as she reached the door of the surveillance room, she saw Sophia coming up to her, and she realized that Mr. Benson was Sophia. She hastily lowered her eyes and tried to pretend she didn't see it, but Sophia had already seen her and came straight towards her with a smile on her face, "Miss King? What a coincidence, what are you doing here?"

"Miss Benson, hi, I came by for a little something.”

Sienna responded lightly, mentally having already thought of an excuse to respond.

Sophia didn't think much about it and asked casually, "What is it? Is it something related to the previous competition?"

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