My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 364: Suspicion

Chapter 364: Suspicion

Ayan had Kian contain all the nurses and doctors and other people who had access to Grandma's ward in a large ward before Camille woke up in order to figure this out.

Ayan did this as a direct result of the suspension of work in the area of the ward where Grandma lived, but his decision could not be changed by anyone.

After Kian gave these people a one-on-one screening, and at the same time investigated the hospital's surveillance, and finally in the investigation he found that at about ten o'clock this morning, the hospital had a brief power outage, but the process was only about three or five minutes.

Ayan asked Dr. Ellis, "Is it normal for hospitals to have power outages?" Dr. Ellis said, "Hospitals are inherently power-hungry places, and power outages are actually a common occurrence, but we have dedicated generators, so it's not impossible for something like this to happen, it's just rare."

Ayan narrowed his eyes slightly and said thoughtfully, "Since the number of times is very few, how can it happen today?"

"Ayan, what do you have in mind?"

"Dr. Ellis, please take care of the hospital, I will withdraw the people after the investigation is over.”

“I know what you are going with this." Dr. Ellis didn't say much, he knew Ayan's work styles, he will find out every suspicion.

Ayan told Kian to keep an eye on things while he went back to the ward to check on Camille. Dr. Ellis had given her a sedative that wouldn't hurt the baby, so she wasn't waking up yet.

He stood at the edge of the bed looking down at her for a moment, and a face so gloomy that it was expressionless.

After ten minutes or so, Kian knocked on the door.

Ayan slowed down the movement to exit from the ward, Kian reported: "Checked all their work, responding to the flow, there is nothing different, in addition to the monitoring side I also let people do a check, there is no suspicious people, so for the time being can not check things."

Ayan did not respond, his face was a little stony.

Because the monitoring can not find anything, then there is no way to determine whether it is an accident or man-made?

Ayan was silent for a long time before he spoke, "What about auntie? Did you check?"

"Checked, there is no useful information, should we control it temporarily?"

“No, just get someone to follow her."

"Okay, I'm going to arrange it."

Ayan went back to the ward and Camille woke up the next moment. She opened her eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling for a few seconds, then immediately got up and lifted the covers to get out of bed.

Ayan saw this and immediately stepped forward to stop it, he whispered, “Slow down, Dr. Ellis said you need to stay calm right now, what do you want to do, tell me and I'll do it for you, okay?"

Camille subconsciously avoided his hand as she said, "I'm going to see Grandma, how is she now? Should be waking up soon, right?"

Her words made Ayan not know how to answer?

Camille, who could not get a response, was getting agitated and looked at Ayan: "Why didn't you say anything? Why don't you tell me for sure?" Camille pursed her lips, tears in her eyes, but she stubbornly did not allow herself to cry, she told herself over and over again, Grandma is fine, she can not cry, can not cry.

But the more you think about it, the more tears there are, until your eyes can't fill up and overflow.

Ayan moved closer to her and reached out to take her in his arms as he whispered soothingly, “Cami, don't cry anymore, huh?"

"Blame me, it's all my fault, if I had been in the hospital to guard Grandma there would not have been any accidents, it's all my bad, it's me..."

She counts all the faults on herself, and she believes that she caused all the mistakes.

Ayan hugged her tightly and said softly, “It's not like that, Camille you calm down, it has nothing to do with you, it's just an accident, not caused by you."

Camille does not speak, she has been sure of this idea, eyes lost in thought and frozen motionless, the whole person is also devoid of vitality and vitality.

Ayan brow wrinkled tightly, but looked at the woman in his arms but subconsciously relaxed his voice: "Cami, do you hear what I said? The way you are now, if Grandma sees it she will also be worried and uncomfortable, can you bear to let her go uneasy?"

She was silent without any response.

Looking at her like this, Ayan also looked grave, and then raised his hand to wipe the teardrops on her cheeks for her.

At that moment, Camille suddenly spoke up, "I want to see my grandmother, I want to meet her."

The last meeting.

She even had some regrets about letting her grandmother have the surgery.

If Grandma hadn't had the surgery, even though her health wouldn't have improved, but at the very least she wouldn't have left her for good by now.

Her face was pale and her whole body looked unhinged. Ayan was worried that she would suffocate herself if she went on like this and eventually had to agree.

Ayan said, "I can promise you to let you go see Grandma, but you also have to promise me that you can't faint again, you're not alone now, you have a baby in your belly, Grandma also wants you and the baby to be okay, can you?"

Camille didn't say anything, just that the mood was already much better than it had been just then.

Ayan leaned down and put on her shoes for her, then held her hand and walked out of the hospital room.

Every step she took was very heavy, especially when she was getting closer to her grandmother, she had some courage to continue on. Looking at her grandmother lying on the cold resuscitation table, Camille bit her lip tightly, obviously when she came over in the morning she was still fine, why did she become like this in just a few hours? She couldn't accept the result and didn't want to face the fact.

But the fact that Grandma is gone is a reality that cannot be changed. She stood quietly looking at her grandmother who was lying there motionless, she did not cry anymore, her heart was calmer than ever. Grandma had said that she didn't like her crying and that she wasn't allowed to get too emotional now that she was carrying a baby, so she was controlling it.

A few minutes later, Camille came out of the resuscitation room after seeing her grandmother.

The first thing she said to Ayan was, "I'm going to be in charge of Grandma's aftercare.”

She wanted to do one last thing for her grandmother herself.

Ayan agreed, this is what she should do after all, but he still instructed with Camille: "You can't be tough, you can let me do anything for you, I don't think Grandma will blame you, after all, Grandma is very fond of me too, isn't it?"

Camille nods, then stops talking.

Grandma's sudden death took everyone by surprise, Sienna was also the first to come over after learning the news, in addition to the Simpson family side also knew, Talia also did not worry about Camille came over to the hospital.

Camille said to them very plainly, "I'm fine, the baby is fine, you don't have to worry.”

Her words blocked everyone's worries, but it was very difficult to see her, so she did not dare to continue to mention the topic related to her grandmother.

Grandma's funeral was scheduled for tomorrow morning, and it was urgent and rushed, so Ayan immediately asked Kian to make all the arrangements.

The reason why Camille was in such a hurry was that she hoped her grandmother will rest in peace sooner rather than later.

Afterwards Camille volunteered to talk to Ayan and said, “I'm going to go to the Armstrong family."

Ayan immediately understood what she wanted to do, so he hurriedly responded, "I'll go for you if you want to do something, or I can ask Kian to make a trip."

"This time it's different, I have to go in person to be sincere.” Her voice didn't sound like it had much strength, but her decision was firm. Grandma had said that she hoped she could make peace with THE Armstrong family, so she needed to give Grandma a final moment of peace.

Ayan couldn't argue with her and didn't want to have any disagreements or arguments with her at this time, so he finally had to agree.

Ayan said, "I'll walk you there."

“You stay here and watch over Grandma, otherwise I don't feel comfortable.” Camille refused because she didn't want Ayan to know about what she had done when she went to the Armstrong family.

In the end she chose to let Sienna drive her and the two arrived at the Armstrong family villa in silence all the way.

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