My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 363: Coma

Chapter 363: Coma

Ayan didn't answer her question, just looked at her with a grave face, “Let's go over to the hospital first."

After saying that, he lifted his hand and took her small hand back and clutched it tightly in his palm as he led her to the parking garage.

The atmosphere was very quiet on the way, and the air was filled with undisguised tension.

Kian drove the car and pushed the gas pedal to the bottom.

Camille's cell phone rang at that moment, it was Sienna, she looked at it not in the mood, but finally picked up, "Hello."

"What's wrong?" Sienna heard that she didn't sound right and asked quickly, "Did you have a fight with Ayan?"

"No, Camille rubbed her forehead and whispered, “I'm going over to the hospital first, you can take them to dinner, I may not be able to make it over."

Hearing Camille say she was going to the hospital, Sienna followed suit and got nervous: "Okay, contact me first if anything comes up." Sienna didn't ask any more questions in the end, because she knew clearly how important her grandmother was to Camille, and since it was this time to go to the hospital, it must be related to her grandmother. The call ended and Camille's mood got a little out of control.

She turned to look at Ayan: "Ayan, tell me, is it related to Grandma? Wasn't the surgery successfully done?"

“Don't worry, I don't know the details yet, Dr. Ellis called us to go to the hospital immediately, we'll be there soon, we'll know the situation after we see Dr. Ellis, okay?"

Ayan whispered to reassure Camille, he didn't know much for sure, Dr. Ellis didn't explain too clearly, but he had vaguely guessed that something bad happened in his mind.

Arriving at the hospital in silence, Ayan took her directly to the emergency room instead of the ward.

Camille couldn't help but ask as she watched the elevator went up, "Where are we going? Isn't Grandma's ward on the twelfth floor?" Ayan said, "Dr. Ellis is waiting for us up there, let's go up first, hun?" His voice was low and his face was always warm and light.

Camille turned silent, but only lightly pursed his lips, her mind was in twist.

Soon, the elevator doors opened and Ayan led her out. Just as she reached the corridor she saw the aunt who was taking care of her grandmother sitting outside the door of the resuscitation room at the end of the corridor, with her eyes looking in lost. So Camille broke away from Ayan's hand and walked forward quickly.

Ayan turned pale and feared that she would fall, so he also followed immediately.

The aunt sitting on the chair heard footsteps and movement looked up and saw that the people coming were Camille and Ayan, she also immediately got up from the chair and walked towards Camille, her eyes were swollen with tears, and at the moment she couldn't control her emotions and cried out.

Camille sulked: "Auntie, what are you crying about? Why are you here? Aren't you taking care of Grandma in the ward? Is Grandma getting ready to wake up?"

The aunt shook her head with a sad and overwhelmed look on her face.

Camille looked at the resuscitation room with the lights on, something she didn't want to guess or believe.

She stood there in silence and still, just keeping quiet for a long time, until her aunt's cries gradually diminished, then she asked expressionlessly, “What happened?"

"My grandmother's oxygen mask was crooked somehow. Dr. Ellis said that Grandma had just had a heart transplant and her body was already very weak and suddenly lacked oxygen, so she was in a serious coma.”

Auntie's explanation almost made Camille couldn't stand still.

From her grandmother's concealment of the health situation to her knowing and convincing, her grandma finally agreed to do the surgery. And because of the surgery, a lot of things happened. it has been delayed until now so it was not easy to finish the surgery, and the surgery was very successful and smooth, obviously everything was getting better and better, how can this suddenly happened?

Camille couldn't believe it, and couldn't accept it.

She clenched her hands tightly, Ayan stood behind her giving her the support of her weight, she turned around and couldn't hold back the tears, but she didn't allow herself to cry, so she kept desperately holding back, she buried herself in Ayan's arms and whispered, "Grandma will be fine, right? Grandma will be fine, right?"

These words sound like they are asking Ayan, but they are actually for her own ears.

Ayan nodded in agreement, "Of course it's okay, it's going to be okay, so don't put too much pressure on yourself, let's sit down and wait for Dr. Ellis to come out, Grandma is going to be fine, okay?"

Camille nodded her head, her emotions smoothing out, but the worry and fear in her heart never diminished.

She did not say another word, a pair of eyes dull and unresponsive, Ayan tried to tell her not to think, but looking at her like this but could not say anything.

After about ten minutes or so, the lights in the resuscitation room suddenly turned off, and then the door of the room opened and Dr. Ellis came out from inside.

Camille got up from her chair almost as a reflex, and she quickly went to Dr. Ellis and asked, "Dr. Ellis, how is Grandma? Grandma is fine, right?"

Dr. Ellis did not speak.

This made Camille grow even more agitated and annoyed, and she said, "Dr. Ellis, say something? Why aren't you responding to me?" Ayan stopped her by the arm and held her whole in his arms, then looked at Dr. Ellis, their gaze locked, and Dr. Ellis just shook his head. Ayan frown and his face instantly turned gloomy.

Dr. Ellis whispered, "Camille, I'm sorry!"

The word "sorry" was enough to answer all of Camille's questions.

But she cannot accept the result, she simply reached out and grabbed Dr. Ellis's arm: "No, Grandma is fine, Grandma is fine, Grandma is almost awake, you said the operation was successful ..."

Dr. Ellis was also very sorry, after all, he personally performed Grandma's surgery, and it was clear that everything went well.

But how did this accident happen?

Dr. Ellis sighed and said, "I'm sorry I couldn't help you get Grandma back, Grandma's heart stopped beating due to lack of oxygen supply to her heart caused by lack of oxygen supply, Grandma is gone, she shouldn't be considered in pain when she passed away."

She passed away in a coma, without sound or any feeling.

But Camille didn't believe it, she couldn't accept it, and she didn't want to hear any further.

She walked directly around Dr. Ellis and was about to head inside the resuscitation room when Ayan immediately stopped her and whispered, "Cami .."

“Let go of me, I want to see Grandma, Grandma is fine, how could she be gone, she won't, she promised me, she still has to help me take care of the baby, you also heard her promise, didn't you?"

Camille's face was pale, her mind was full of the image of grandma, full of the agreement with her grandmother, and what she had said.

Ayan hugged her tightly and softly reassured, "I know, I heard everything, but Grandma is gone, and Grandma will be uneasy to see you like this."

“You're talking nonsense, Grandma's not gone, she's not going anywhere." Camille struggled hard, trying to shake Ayan off, but his strength was too great, so great that she was powerless to struggle away.

In the end, Camille fainted because of her emotional state and overstimulation.

She fell directly into the man's arms.

Ayan had Camillie in his arms, then put her in the ward bed in the nearest ward. Dr. Ellis gave her a brief examination to make sure there was nothing serious, and the gloom on his face eased a bit.

Her face was pale without the slightest hint of blood color, and even when she fainted, her brow was still knitted tightly.

Ayan whispered to Dr. Ellis, "How did this accident happen?”

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