My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 352 Exchange

Chapter 352 Exchange

Camille's response made Page's attitude insistent, and the end result, of course, was that mother and daughter don't getr along.

Page told her, "Camille, if you've got what it takes, stick to it, and you are not buying the mansion anonymously, because I'm not gonna let you get away with it."

Camille indeed had this idea, but now since Page had blown it out of the water, so she just looked at her with a blank face.

Coming out of the Armstrong family, Grace followed, but Camille drove off without listening to what she had to say.

She's not in a very calm mood right now, so she doesn't want to say anything bad to Grace.

But who knew that as soon as Camille left, Page's phone call would go straight to Grandma.

Page said to her grandmother on the phone, "I appreciate you taking care of Big Cami for me, I can pay you as much as you want for child support, but can I beg you to stop tormenting our family, Cami is turning against me because of you, she only listens to you now, did you say something to her? Is that why she came back here specifically to mess with me?"

Grandma barely had a chance to speak, it was always Page who kept talking aggressively.

Lastly, Page said, "You are so old, you have not been feeling well for a day or two, why do you bother us, the Armstrong family, for surgery? Do you think Camille's care for you is really because she is good to you? That's all we owe the Armstrong family.”

Page's words left Grandma speechless, but her emotions were rising a little.

Dr. Ellis rushed to inquire about the situation, and the afterimage scanned the call log on his grandmother's cell phone, and it was Page's name.

Dr. Ellis said, "You need to stay happy and wait until after the surgery, otherwise your granddaughter won't let me go, and she's pregnant, do you want her to be anxious and angry?"

Grandma slowly eased up when she heard something related to Camille.

Grandma told Dr. Ellis, "Don't tell Cami, I don't want her to worry." "Okay, I won't say anything, but you have to be good too, that was our agreement.”

Dr. Ellis’ reassurance and encouragement made Grandma feel much better.

But Dr. Ellis is still a little uneasy because he's not sure what happened between Grandma and Page?

So when he got back to the office, he immediately called Ayan.

He mentioned what he knew to Ayan and asked Ayan to pay attention to it, so as not to have any accidents at this juncture?

Ayan immediately called out to Kian: "You go check out what the Armstrong family has been up to lately? Pay attention to what Page has been doing? Is there anything different?"

Kian nodded and immediately exited the office to investigate.

Ayan has just finished a meeting and has a dinner party later, so he is also a little tired at the moment.

But Dr. Ellis's words made him suspicious. He held his phone and wanted to send a message to Camille, but he held back for fear of affecting her mood.

A few minutes later, Kian entered the office once again.

He reported to Ayan what he had found out: "Mr. Simpson, Mrs. Armstrong did contact the second-hand real estate agent in Flento City recently and has started selling the house where Mrs. Armstrong's grandmother lives.

Ayan's eyes narrowed slightly in contemplation.

After a few seconds, he indifferently asked, "Just the sale of the mansion and nothing else?"

"I specifically checked the recent situation of Armstrong Corp, because of Elijah's reason Armstrong Corp had to close a lot of debt direct stores, which also led to the company's great loss, but this is the only way to get rid of the tumor, at present, although much better than just when the accident, but still in a state of debt Mrs. Armstrong is doing this because of the lack of money?"

Kian gave a brief analysis of Armstrong Corp's situation, but his final question brought an indifferent sneer to Ayan's handsome face. Ayan's deep eyes were cold as he said, "How much is the sale of the mansion worth? What problems will it solve for the Armstrong family?" Although the sale of the mansion can take a considerable amount of money, but simply can not fill the Armstrong family's current hole.

To put the Armstrong family's deficit is not just a simple matter of money, but also requires a lot of projects, but today the Armstrong family has only a few partner companies left, and they all rely on past relationships, and most of the projects are not yet completed, if the projects are over, then there will be no new projects?

Ayan slightly narrowed his eyes, he said: "You find someone to contact the agent tomorrow, to understand the price of the mansion, the appropriate price to buy the mansion.”

Kian: "You're buying the mansion?"


Ayan languidly swept him without saying a word, Kian also immediately understood that he did so because of what?

Kian did not wait until tomorrow, but contacted Flento City that evening and their people went over to the agent.

So Ayan got a message from Kian after he took a shower at night. Kian sent a message saying, "Mr. Simpson, the contract has been signed, Mrs. Armstrong is fully handed over to the agency side to deal with, so the contract is also signed at the beginning, so as to avoid a long night, I read the contract there is no problem and check all the signatures on the contract is indeed Mrs. Armstrong's, then put the money The money was transferred.”

Ayan read it and then spared the words and returned a, "Hmm."

Ayan took the phone and went to the bed and sat down, Camille was already lying down, Ayan gave her a look, "Sleepy?"

Camille stared at him blankly, not quite understanding what he meant, and subconsciously asked, "What's wrong?"

"If you're not sleepy, let's talk a little?"

Her reaction was immediately a bit louder: "I was all tired last night, I ..." "Heh ..." Ayan laughed, "What's on your mind? I just want to simply talk to you, huh? *

Camille saw that his face was serious and didn't look like he was lying, so that's why she nodded and sat up, "What do you want to talk about?"

He said lightly, "Do you know everything that's been going on over at the Armstrong family?"

She stared at him with stunned, vacant eyes, "Have you heard anything?"

Since Ayan asked this, it means that he should know about Page's sale of the mansion in Flento City.

He watched him and told her truthfully what he knew, but did not mention that Page had called his grandmother to save her from getting emotional about her current health condition.

Camille kept silent and listened to him quietly.

Ayan asked, "What are you planning to do? Are you really going to let her sell the mansion?"

"I thought about paying for it myself, but she was always on guard against me doing that, so she would jack up the price."

Camille was a bit bemused.

Ayan just gave a gulp of laughter, “I'm afraid that's up to her."

"What did you say?"

She looked at him in disbelief.

Without answering, he continued, "Didn’t she make any quid pro quo with you?"

Camille was a little shocked: "What do you know?"

“I don't know anything, so I'll ask you again.”

"Did you guess that?"

She stared at Ayan and felt like her heart was being read by him through and through.

Ayan smiled lightly and reached out to gently stroke her cheek, his voice gentle: "It doesn't matter if you guess or not, if you ask, I will say yes."

Camille's eyes tightened, and her nose was slightly sour with an indescribable taste.

She said to Ayan, "I don't want to do that because you don't owe me, the Simpson family doesn't owe me, so I don't want to."

Ayan expected her to answer this way, and if she had even the slightest idea or thought, she would have spoken up when Dr. Ellis called him. But he still asked more, "Just don't want to owe me or want to split some with me? Camille, we are a couple, you shouldn't forget this, right?"

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