My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 351: It'S Over

Chapter 351: It's Over

Camille didn't say anything.

Talia looked at her with a smirk on her face, "Is Cami overjoyed?"

The crowd laughed along.

Camille hastily reached out to take the gift, still looking at Ayan, she said in a low voice, "How did you lie to me?"

Ayan smiled lightly: "I didn't lie to you, just wanted to give you a surprise.”

His answer was flawless, on the contrary, it made all the sense of loss in Camille's mind disappear at once.

Ayan gave a valuable jewelry set, Talia, an avid collector, commented, “Nice, this set is unique, I'll be the first to not letting you off if you give something ordinary.”

Ayan raised his eyebrows, "See? You've bought everyone off, and if I'm going to treat you badly, it's over."

Camille murmured, "Thank you, Ayan."

He reached out and took the person into his arms, then said to those present, "Thank you all for your cooperation." He looked at his grandmother again and said to her with a sincere face, "Grandmother, don't worry, I will protect her and the child, you cooperate well with the doctor's surgery and don't have to have any burden.”

Grandma nodded her head, "Okay, I'll do as you say."

Because Ayan appeared in the finale, the atmosphere was more cozy. Camille looked at the man beside her and her heart planted deeper seeds for him because of his promise to her grandmother.

This birthday brought a lot of emotions to Camille, and at night, she took it upon herself to say sorry to Ayan for so much that had happened recently, even if it wasn't entirely her responsibility!

Finally, with Ayan's long-awaited embrace and kiss, the matter was dropped for good.

At night, Camille first took a shower and lay down, her phone suddenly dinged when she put it aside.

It's the SMS message alert sound.

Camille picked up her phone and opened the text message, and what she saw gave her a slight pause.

"Divorce him, or the consequences will be more costly than you can bear!"

Camille saw this sudden message with an indescribable emotion in her heart, she wrinkled her brow and subconsciously followed the number to dial the phone.

But the other side didn't pick up.

Camille repeats it again, and the final response is off.

She pursed her lips slightly, her face a little ugly.

Because it's still early in the morning and still her birthday, seeing this kind of news is a bit of a damper on her mood.

She sat sluggishly at the head of the bed, looking somewhat grave. But there was only one person she could think of, and that was Eileen, because only Eileen could say something like that, and only Eileen didn't want her to be with Ayan.

So this is probably Eileen's boring prank, right?

Camille didn't take it to heart, she just felt a little uncomfortable with her diaphragm, but she didn't mention it to Ayan either.

Seeing that Grandma's surgery day was also ready to arrive as scheduled, and the next day after Grandma's surgery was the start of the second round, everything was almost squeezed into one piece. The next morning, Camille asked Sienna to go to the office to prepare for the competition with Yessica, while she stayed at home with her grandmother for a while and had to take her back to the hospital in the afternoon.

Camille found an old movie for Grandma to watch and just clicked play, when her cell phone suddenly rang.

Grandma picked up the phone and a surprised inquiry came from the other side, "Grandma Cami, are you going to sell the mansion and settle down in Hance City completely?"

Because Grandma answered the phone, Camille subconsciously clicked pause play, so the voice on the other end of the phone was also very clear to Camille's ears.

The mother-in-law and grandson looked at each other with some surprise and disbelief.

Grandma asked, “The mansion is being sold? That's not possible, is it? I just came to Hance City temporarily to recuperate, and I have to go back after a while!"

"So you don't know about it? I've always seen agents bringing people over to look at houses these past two days, isn't this what you're selling?"

The other side of the question, so that the grandmother looked a little gloomy, and then just said that I do not know, it may be a misunderstanding.

But Camille thinks otherwise.

After ending the call, Camille whispered to reassure her grandmother, "Take it easy, I'll ask for clarification.”

Grandmother hurried to block: "Forget it, the mansion is not mine either, it's your grandfather's, it's up to your mother to do what she wants with it."

"Grandma, don't be ridiculous, as long as you are in the house is yours, it has nothing to do with anyone else, besides it could be just a misunderstanding? I'll tell you after I ask, now you watch TV first, tell me the plot later, okay? "

Grandma had a complicated look on her face, but Camille continued to insist.

Camille went to the balcony to dial Page's phone, but Page just cut it off and didn't answer, and she understood what it meant?

She stood in silence for a while, then adjusted her mood and returned to the living room.

She said to her grandmother, "You're right, it's just a misunderstanding. The neighbors probably saw people coming in and out, and it's just that Mom got someone to clean and maintain the house."

Grandmother just said not much care, but at the moment to hear Camille said so face smile are floating with relief.

In the afternoon, Camille took Grandma back to the hospital because there were two more days of surgery and Grandma had to do a lot of drug skin tests with Dr. Ellis in the next two days.

So the aunt took care of the hospital side, and Camille left first.

She returned to her car and immediately dialed Grace.

When the call came through, she asked Grace, "Is Flento Citythe Simpson's manson for sale?"

"You know?"

"So it's true?"

Camille blushed hard.

Grace said, “It's mom's intention to sell, and I'm not really sure about the details.”

"Are you home now? I'm coming over!"

"Yes." Grace was a little concerned, "Cami, I know your heart goes out to Grandma, but can you talk to Mom properly?"

She didn't want Camille to get into a fight with Page, which was already not a good relationship and would be worse if she did.

But Camille did not promise her, because the quarrel or not Camille said it does not count, everything still depends on Page.

In about half an hour, Camille drove to the Armstrong family.

This time is the meal, the family is eating, out of Grace know Camille back unexpectedly, Brody, Page did not have the slightest reaction, just a faint glance.

Grace got up and walked over to Camille, “Cami, have you eaten yet? Do you want to eat first and talk about what you have to say later?” "No." She declined lightly, then crossed over to Grace and walked to the table, where she looked to Page and asked softly, "Mom, are you selling the Flento City house?"

Page put down the dishes, indifferent look swept Camille, and then not slow said: "Yes, I have submitted to the real estate agent side, these two days one after another people look at the house, has been negotiating, if suitable soon can be offered.”

“Don't you think this is a bit much? Where will Grandma live after you sell the house?"

Camille wrinkled her brow and asked with some displeasure.

Camille, however, laughed coldly, “What does that have to do with me? I've done enough for her, do I have to live in my house until I die of old age?"

"How can you say that?"

"And what should I say? You're the one she's taking care of, I don't enjoy her goodness, so you should be responsible for her, not me.” Camille pursed her lips and said expressionlessly, "Have you forgotten that she is grandfather's legal wife, even if the house has to be sold, she has a share.”

"So you're going to help her with this now?" Page did not have any fear, she looked at Camille and said, “If you want me not to sell the house, then you can show me your attitude, and I don't care how much you want, just let Simpson Group inject capital into Armstrong Corp to restore Armstrong Corp to its former glory, then I will not sell the house. I will not sell, and can also be left to you to deal with, otherwise Flento City house I will sell.”

Camille wrinkled her nose in disbelief, "You're going to let Simpson Group inject capital into Armstrong Corp?"

She laughed helplessly.

She said, "I'm sorry, I can't do that."

This is an unreasonable request. She is married to Ayan, yes, but what does the Simpson Group have to do with her?

She didn't give Simpson Group a dime, so why should she ask Simpson Group for such a big payday?

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