My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 278 - The Confrontation

Chapter 278 - The Confrontation

Where she was willing to wait for Ayan ah, directly hung up the call. Sienna naturally saw her embarrassment and tsked twice: "Sooner or later, you'll get your shoes wet if you always walk by the river." Camille doesn't say anything, just wants to remain silent and pretend that nothing just happened.

Ayan didn't call immediately afterwards, so Camille was sure he was really upset, but it was good that he didn't call, because she didn't know what to say now that her embarrassment hadn't passed.

Sienna stayed with her for a while and Camille was a bit tired, so she just laid down on the couch and went to sleep.

Sienna left to go to the office.

Camille slept until late in the evening, during which time Ayan did not have any calls or messages, she hesitated and called once again. This time she was hearing the other person's voice before this spoke. Ayan asked, "At home?"

"Well, when are you coming back? I called you, why didn't you call me back either?"

She asked in a low voice.

He said lightly, "I thought you were inconvenienced, so I didn't get back to you."


Camille was a bit puzzled.

What do you mean she is inconvenienced?

She asked, "You're angry?"

"Do you think I should be angry?"

He asked in a low voice.

Obviously not happy about it.

Camille's voice was gentle as she offered to admit, "I didn't mean not to tell you, it's just that I asked Sienna to pick me up and bring me back because I ... had so much going on at the Simpson Group lately after Dr. Ellis said it wasn't very serious.”

"Well, I should be thanking you for thinking of me so carefully, en?" His words were nonchalant and particularly enticing.

Camille frowned slightly, "So you're angry you're not coming back?" “You'd love for me not to go back?"

He always had an uncooperative attitude, which made Camille feel a little helpless.

She said, "My back still hurts, I'll blame you if you want to keep being shady with me, and if you don't want to come back forget it, I'll tell grandpa anyway."

She was threatening him, grandfather said, he was not good to her is the possibility of being replaced.

This time it was Ayan's turn to be speechless, obviously he was angry, how did it turn out to be his fault?


It's really a villain and a woman who can't be messed with.

Ayan shook his head helplessly, the tone of his voice much gentler than it had just been, and he asked, "Threaten me?"

Camille does not speak.

He laughed lowly, "Already back downstairs, bought you the fruit and snacks you wanted, had a cup of coffee with Rex after the afternoon meeting, and haven't been back until now."

That sort of explains it.


Camille's response was flat: "Oh."

"Just oh?"

"So why are you having coffee with Rex?"

She was more curious about this.

Ayan did not hide anything, said directly: "He wants to break off the engagement with the Day family side, recently Bella has been trying to find ways to hold a wedding with him quickly, the Day family side also forced tight, because the cooperation involved too much, Ward family is now a bit passive, so caught in a deadlock and dilemma. *

Camille is not really a surprise, because Rex does not love Bella, to Bella is also just because the relationship between the two families and the company involved too much lead to simply no way to immediately set aside the relationship.

The strongest marriages are the ones that are most easily broken. Camille asked, "He told you that he wanted you to help him?"

“It's his business and I'm not involved, so if you want me to help him, I can think about it, eh?"

"Why would I want you to help him? It's not like he's giving me anything, I don't want it."

What's more, even if there are benefits she should not help Rex speak, as to whether Ayan will help is his business.

But she didn't expect Ayan to echo her words, "Good, then don't help and let him fend for himself."

Camille frowned slightly, “You and he didn't grow up together as brothers?"

"How can a brother be more important than his wife?"

His voice is hoarse, low voice makes Camille eyes a meal, the heart also jerked a contraction as what is hard to touch the next.

Camille lightly pursed her lips and did not speak, and naturally did not make any response to his words.

Just think of him as a casual remark, just to make her feel better.

The two talked on the phone, and Ayan returned by elevator.

He carried a lot of food in his hand, put it on the table and went to wash his hands, then only then helped Camille up and opened the food for her.

As for how she was injured and how the injury he did not ask a word more, because he knew exactly, in addition to Camille the party, I'm afraid it is his most clear.

Camille chewed and ate the fruit slowly, her eyes glancing at Ayan every now and then, one after the other, he eventually found out. "What do you have to say?"

He asked in a low voice, casually setting aside the notebook on his lap and fixing his eyes on her seriously.

Camille pursed her lips and asked, "Did you talk to Grace about taking on THE Armstrong family?"

"She came to you?"

"Well, she called me and wanted me to forgive Mom, but ... I refused.” Camille looked pale and her eyes were slightly vacant: "I don't want to forgive, but I won't do anything to her or to Armstrong Corp and the Armstrong family because of her, so I want to tell you that there is no need to go against Armstrong Corp because of me.”

It is true that Page will not be forgiven, and it is also true that Page will not make things difficult for Armstrong Corp.

She has an indifferent mentality nowadays.

Especially for the Armstrong family, she did not have much reaction or emotion, everything was very plain.

Her meaning is naturally understood by Ayan.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and said lightly, "Didn't intend to do anything to the Armstrong family, just wanted them to give you an apology and also wanted them to know that there is a price to pay for pissing you off."

In doing so, he was simply warning Page and the rest of the Armstrong family.

His answer made the fruit in Camille's mouth feel as if it were sweeter, and the bad mood that had been shattered by hitting her lower back side bone was slowly dissipating a little.

Camille was unable to go to the office because of her back, so she spent two days at home recuperating.

In the past two days, everything has been smooth on the Simpson Group side, and things have not been completely resolved, but the heat is slowly decreasing.

Camille was anxious about the competition, so she rushed back to the office on the third day.

She had to walk slowly, and everything had to be done carefully.

She was injured and also specially greeted with Preston, the company's big and small things are handed over to him, now see her so quickly to the company, Preston some worry said: "Why not a few more days of rest?"

“It's nothing major, and the race is almost ready to start, so it's a little bit of a concern.”

"Don't be too tired, rest if you don't feel well."

Camille nodded her head to indicate that she knew.

Camille went back to her office, put down her phone and bag and sent Yessica to the conference room.

She was busy until noon, although she did not come to the company in the past two days, but Sienna helped to keep an eye on it, so the progress has been kept online without the slightest delay.

After finishing she returned to her office, walked to her desk and sat down, casually picked up the phone on her desk and looked at the messages, but at that moment, she frowned and suddenly found a problem as an afterthought.

Her phone because habitually put the screen down, but just picked up the phone when the screen is facing up, she repeatedly recalled several times, and finally determined that the phone screen is indeed facing up.

She was pretty sure she couldn't have misplaced it because the habit had been developed for a long time, so was it someone who had touched her phone?

Camille is deep in thought and immediately turns on her computer to pull up the office surveillance, eventually seeing Preston enter her office with a file during her absence.

After he put the file on his desk, he casually picked up her phone, his fingers tapped on the screen, supposedly entering the password again, and after two incorrect entries, he put the phone back down with a sullen face.

Camille's eyes were dull and motionless, what did he want to open her phone for??

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