My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 277: Mockery

Chapter 277: Mockery

Grace then completely understood Ayan's intention.

If he really just wanted her to remind Page could have just made a phone call to make it clear, and wouldn't have had to make her come to the Simpson Group to make the call face to face.

Turns out he wanted Page to admit to what she did to Camille herself. Grace wrinkled her brow, suddenly realizing that this man was not destined to belong to her from the beginning, his heart could speak to Camille to this extent, so you can imagine that Camille must be important to him, right?

Why else would he circle the wagons just to give Camille justice? Page was also stunned, especially after hearing Ayan's voice, she realized who Grace was with at the moment.

She questioned, "Grace, where are you?"

Grace lightly pursed her lips, but there was no anger under her eyes, her voice was silent: "I was at the Simpson Group, you shouldn't have done that, Cami said anything about your daughter being one of us the Armstrong family, why are you doing this?"

Upon hearing that she was at the Simpson Group, Page immediately became angry: "Grace, how can you even do this to me? Did Camille threaten you?"

"Mom!" Grace felt helpless, and was afraid that Page would say something more unpleasant, so she simply cut the phone call off. Ayan swept indifferently to Grace: "Why don't you continue to listen?" Grace pursed her lips: "Mr. Simpson, you know everything you want to know, so what's the point of continuing to listen?"

Ayan doesn't say anything, just stares at her with a sneer.

Grace asked, "Mr. Simpson, would you ... really take the recording and sue my mom? Although Cami is distant from the Armstrong family, she is also a member of the Armstrong family, if you do this is to let the whole circle of people know that Cami and our relationship is not good, although the Simpson family in our not important at all, but Cami heart really does not care at all? *

Grace naturally does not want to see the Armstrong family kill each other.

Especially at this time of year.

Neither the Armstrong family nor Armstrong Corp can afford any more turmoil.

She saw no reaction from Ayan, so she whispered: "I can apologize to Cami, I can also promise you that there will not be another time, I will definitely tell my mother that she will not see Cami and Grandma again, I just hope you can give her a chance, because of what happened before Armstrong Corp, my parents’ body and mind are not as good as they used to be. Can you do that?

Ayan didn't respond, just looked at her lightly.

Obviously it is not possible.

Grace was a little anxious as she asked, "Can you give this thing a chance if Cami is willing?"

Because she found it easier to convince Camille than Ayan.

Camille will apologize if she wants to, the only thing she doesn't want to do is make a big deal out of it, or the Armstrong family simply can't afford to toss it around.

But Ayan didn't give her an answer at the end, his meeting time started, so he also just let Kian send her away.

After leaving Simpson Group, Grace contacted Camille after much hesitation.

But after dialing the phone, she didn't know how to mention it?

Camille asks, "What do you want?"

Camille at the moment did not have the slightest guess related to what happened at the hospital, because she only told Sienna, as for Page naturally will not take the initiative to tell Grace, right?

But who knows about their mother-daughter affairs?

Camille smiled sardonically, the emotion under her eyes so faint it was almost invisible.

Not hearing Grace's response, Camille indifferently asked, "If you have something to say, hang up if you don't."

She lies on her side on the couch while Sienna washes her fruit again. In Sienna's words, “If there were no such creatures as men, we'd both live our lives together, right?"

Camille can't help but smile when she thinks about that.

Her laughter reached Grace's ears through the phone, and the latter whispered, "Cami, I've heard about what happened at the hospital today, mom she ..."

"She told you?" Camille wasn't expecting that.

Grace didn't answer, just said: "This matter is mom's fault, you are pregnant, she shouldn't push you, moreover, she shouldn't bother grandma to recuperate her body, she ... She may have been anxious about the Armstrong family before she was impulsive, can you give her a chance to forgive her this time?"

Grace's plea for mercy made Camille frown slightly, not to mention her original forgiveness, but she hadn't done anything, nor had she asked Page to do anything, so what did Grace mean by those words? Camille thought about it carefully, and then immediately understood. Ayan should already know.

Yes, there is Dr. Ellis at the hospital, he will definitely tell Ayan, although her injury did not endanger the child, but ultimately at this time is not a small thing to be injured.

Ayan will naturally know everything if he asks around a little.

So Ayan is looking for trouble with Page?

Otherwise, would Grace have had to ask her for a favor?

Camille narrowed her eyes, her delicate white face flooded with indifference: "Who is responsible for the harm caused to Grandma because of her impulsiveness? If her impulse to hurt the child in my belly and who is responsible for it? In the end, it's just a matter of forgiving her because she was in a hurry and impulsive as an excuse?" Camille's voice was soft and without much force, but enough to make out the mockery and snicker between her words.

Camille really couldn't understand how Grace could think to ask for her forgiveness?

She did not want to hold Page responsible for anything, just because she was the one who was hurt, but if it was Grandma, she would not have had any hesitation to give her justice.

But the person who was hurt was her, and although she knew that no matter what she did in Page's heart there was no good, she still couldn't set aside the fact that she had given birth to her.

So she admitted it, and also gritted her teeth and endured it.

Why do you want to force her to forgive now?

Isn't that funny?

Camille took a silent breath as she said to Grace, "I won't forgive her, but I won't do anything to her either, I'm not a Madonna showing a smile to someone who deliberately hurt me, so you should stop asking me and stop bothering me about it."

After saying that, Camille simply hung up.

Sienna carried the fruit and placed it on the coffee table in front of her, casually picked up a fork and inserted a piece of fruit and handed it to her mouth, waiting for her to eat it before asking, "Grace asked you for a favor?"

“It should be that Ayan knew to trouble the Armstrong family.”

"Ayan knows nothing about it and hasn't moved at all?" Sienna was a little surprised, this person is too bracing, right?

Camille said lightly, “I think he's upset and thinks I didn't tell him first." Camille took the phone and didn't care to eat the fruit. She gave a look to Sienna and dialed Ayan's number.

At this moment, Ayan is in a meeting, so the phone is answered by Kian.

Once connected, before Kian could speak, Camille's voice already rang: "Ayan, when are you coming back? I hit my back and it hurts, Sienna has something to do and can't stay with me, can you come back?"

She lowered her tone and voice, sounding soft and sticky with her usual coolness.

But Kian didn't dare to listen more and said with an uncomfortable expression, "Mrs. Simpson, it's me, Mr. Simpson is in a meeting, please wait a moment, I'll bring the phone in to him."

Camille’s face stiffens at the sound of Kian's voice.

She has no idea how many times she started saying a bunch of things without listening to who the other person was, and ended up losing all her face and just hated to find a hole in the ground.

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