My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 193 - Nightmare

Ayan hooked his lips and smiled, his low laughter echoed in his ears as if he was right next to him.

He said, "I miss you so much, so do you miss me?"

His bluntness left Camille completely baffled.

She pursed her lips lightly and felt incredulous.

Ayan, what's wrong?

He never used to say such things, but how recently it seems to come out of the blue?

Camille is a bit confused and has no idea what he is thinking?

Ayan was displeased by Camille's silence and said indifferently, "Why don't you answer me?"

She pursed her lips and said in a low voice, "Don't want to answer." "Why?"

"No reason, I just think that even if I say I miss you, what can I do? You are now in Hence City on a business trip and can't come back immediately because I miss you, so it's useless to say so!"

"Camille , you are getting more and more stubborn now." Ayan murmured somewhat helplessly.

As for this question, Camille didn't answer it until the end.

Ayan naturally can't help her.

Since Ayan had work to do, the call ended after a short two or three minutes.

Camille lay on her side, the phone gently in her hand, she was a little dazed, there was no sleep, so she waited until she had lunch, she took a nap after eating.

Camille didn't sleep well. She had another nightmare.

She dreamed that she jumped from the living room balcony of her apartment, she saw herself lying on the floor covered in blood with no signs of life, she also heard the baby's cries echoing in her ears no matter what, and a pair of hollow, stern eyes that seemed to be dripping blood looked straight at her through the darkness and woke her up from the dream.

She got up in a sweat, subconsciously stroking her abdomen before reacting with hindsight that it was just a dream.

But suddenly she heard footsteps, and her eyes widened and froze in place.

Camille held her breath and lifted the covers off the bed, she walked outside on her bare feet, gently opened the bedroom door and walked out at a slow pace, the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer until she saw her aunt cleaning with a mop, only then did she wrinkle her nose and ask, "Auntie, when did you get here?"

Auntie heard the voice also immediately turned back, and then softly responded: "I came for a while, thinking you were at home so I came over early to clean and organize, did I disturb your sleep?"

Camille shook her head, then walked away to pour a glass of water to drink.

But the nightmares kept her so unsettled that she was even a little afraid to sleep.

It has been a continuous nightmare and she is really scared.

But she didn't sleep well last night, and now she has little strength and energy, and her appetite is not good, so she just asked her aunt to get her some food in the evening, and she took advantage of this time to squint on the sofa for a while, and didn't fall asleep, so she didn't dream.

At night, she was left alone again. She held the phone and wanted to call Ayan, hoping that Ayan could sleep with him, but she didn't want to be too clingy and make Ayan think she couldn't leave him.

But Ayan had messaged her and asked her, "Have you eaten?"

"Well, it's eaten.”

"Well, get an early night then, it might be late after a dinner party tonight, huh?"


She pursed her lips, her heart empty.

Probably because she heard that she was not in the mood, Ayan did not hang up the phone in a hurry, but asked in a shallow voice, "What's wrong? Why do you feel that you are not in good spirits, are you too tired from work or are you not feeling well?"

When someone gently coaxes or cares for her when she needs to be cared for the most, Camille feels her nostrils sink and her whole being melts away instantly.

She whispered, "No discomfort, just ...... a little bored."


Ayan smiled softly.

He said, "Is it because you're bored or because you miss me?"

He's doing it again.

Really want to hear her out like that?

Camille gritted her teeth, and Kian's voice followed on Ayan's side: "Mr. Fu, the car is ready, shall we go there now?"

Camille fluttered her eyelashes and Ayan whispered, "I'll go to work first, and you'll wait for me at home, okay?"

"Hmm." She also responded in a low voice, and suddenly spoke again, "Ayan ."


"I probably might have missed you a little bit."

After saying that she hung up the phone straight away.

Because a person is quite boring, if you say it is okay to get used to it, but he dominated the life of a person full of her everywhere with his breath, which called her a time is really a little bit of adaptation is not so fast.

Although the phone hung up, but the curvature of the man’s mouth is so brightly floating there.

Kian also noticed the scene, his eyes slightly, Mr. Simpson is smiling? But in the next second Ayan looked at him indifferently, his eyes were cold, and his voice was low and dark: "Isn't it ime to go?"

"Yes, Mr. Simpson ."

Kian hastily hung his head and hurriedly went to open the door to follow Ayan to the dinner.

But Camille, who hung up the phone, didn't dare to look at her phone for a long time, and she didn't know what she was squirming about. After repeating what I said to Ayan several times in my mind, it doesn't seem to be a big problem, right?

Probably because of the phone call, Camille didn't think about it, but fell asleep quickly.

I thought tonight would be different, but I ended up waking up to a nightmare and waking up in the latter part of the night.

Camille, however, was unable to calm and control her emotions and dialed Ayan's phone directly.


The man's low voice was husky.

It was only after hearing his voice that Camille realized what she had done?

Ayan's tone was slightly worried when he didn't hear her speak: "Camille? Are you listening?"

"Camille 272?"


She responded in a low voice that sounded a little muffled and deep. Ayan immediately asked, “What's wrong?"

“I had a nightmare, I didn't tell you, in fact I've been having nightmares since you went away on business, I just woke up from another nightmare, Ayan , I'm a little scared!"

Hearing Camille's murmured voice made Ayan's heart feel uncomfortable.

He was sleeping, but at the moment he is sleepy.

He lifted the covers and got out of bed while whispering to Camille: "Why didn't you tell me? It's okay, it's just a dream, don't be afraid, huh?"

Camille pursed her lips, and she kept telling herself it was just a dream, but she found it impossible to convince herself.

She rarely has nightmares, but the recent spate of nightmares has forced her to feel scared.

Camille asked in a low voice: "Ayan, do you think the dream will come true? I dreamed that the baby and I were ......."

"Camille! Don't talk nonsense.” He interrupted her immediately. Camille is silent, but the mood is never high.

Ayan just hesitated for two or three seconds before whispering, "Don't be afraid, I'll go back now, you can turn on the TV first or go over to Grandma? If you don't want to disturb grandma I'll let mom go over there with you now, okay?"

“No, it's so late now, you don't have to call mom, and you don't have to rush back now, I just ....... I just can't sleep and want to find someone you can talk to, I'll be fine after a while."

"Camille , we are a couple, you don't need to be so polite to me, you can not want to bother mom and grandma, but I am your husband and the father of the baby in your belly, so don't say such things to me, eh?" His words warmed Camille's heart completely.

She was silent, and the call lasted until Ayan arrived at the airport. Throughout, she heard him ask Kian to book him the fastest flight back to Hance City immediately, as there were no direct flights at this time, so he connected and arrived after dawn.

How can she not be moved by this?

Before Ayan got on the plane, the call ended temporarily, and before he hung up, he said in a low, husky voice, "Camille, don't be afraid, wait for me to get back, okay?"

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