My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 192 - Bored to death

Camille exclaims.

"It's me."

A low, husky man's voice rang slowly in her ears.

Camille was relieved: "How did you get back so fast?"

“Didn't I say I'd accompany you to dinner?"

“You let go of me first." He was too close and uncomfortable, especially with those hands directly around her belly, the warmth of his palm clearly felt against her skin.

Camille is very uncomfortable with such close encounters.

She struggled, but Ayan said in a low voice, "Don't move, I'll just hold and do nothing, but I'm not sure if you're going to move around.” Threats.

A blatant threat.

Camille now really feels regretful, and even more silently vowed that in the future, even if you die of heat, you will not take off again.

She was too stiff to move, and Ayan whispered, "I'll only be gone for two or three days, so be good at home, huh?"


"Video with me every night, huh?"


"How else would you tell him a story?" His hand gently covered his abdomen.

Camille wrinkled her brow, "I know, let go of me now."

"You're afraid of me?"


"Since I don't, let me hold you a little longer, huh?"

Camille purses her lips and doesn't say anything.

Ayan then said, "Camille, if you don't say anything, I'll take that as a yes."

Camille found that she couldn't win without talking to him.

This hug lasted for a long time, until Auntie knocked on the door and called for dinner.

She reached out and pushed him, “Can you let go now?"

"What's the rush?"


She was a little upset.

Ayan justified it by saying, "Camille, you're the one who dressed up like this to flirt with me."

"Where did I get that?" She was just sweating to do that.

But Ayan didn't listen at all, because the aunt left directly after she prepared the meal, so there were only two of them in the whole apartment.

Camille was a little confused, she pursed her lips and said, "Ayan , I'm hungry, I want to eat, I'm still pregnant with the baby, I can't be hungry "Well, I know." His voice was a little husky, his arm hooked around her waist wrenching her directly over to face him, the pent-up thirst clear for her to feel, and he whispered, "But I'm even hungrier, huh?"

Camille paused, blushing and unable to speak.

The man's eyes grew deeper and deeper, then he put her directly against the window and started something that had to be done. Camille felt like she was going crazy, from the initial rejection to having to cooperate in the end.

Ayan is so annoying.

Full of only these five words.

At the end of the day, she really felt suffocated and climbed on his shoulder and bit down hard until she had no strength to let go.

After tossing Ayan carried her to a bath, then let her lie down and rest, he himself went outside to heat up the food, and then brought it in for her to eat.

Camille is really hungry, after eating the meal, this just set his face glared at him, and then lift the quilt directly lying down do not want to look at again.

Ayan gently stroked her hair and whispered, "I'm going to the airport, get some rest and call or message me when you wake up, huh?" Camille did not speak.

Ayan didn't go away either, and said in a shallow voice, "Camille , give me a response, okay?"

She remained silent.

He reached out and lifted the covers right off and cupped her face, "Did you hear what I said?"

“I know, I know, Ayan, are you annoyed? Go away quickly, it's annoying!"

She was furious.

Ayan smiled lightly, then re-covered her and got up to leave the bedroom.

After hearing the faint slamming of the door, Camille fell completely asleep on her pillow.

She slept soundly and for a long time, until seven o'clock the next morning.

She opened her eyes, gave birth to a lazy back, lay down without moving, nothing uncomfortable, just a little tired.

There was a message from Ayan on her phone, it was sent after zero o'clock, she slept well and naturally did not return, now she saw it and did not intend to return.

The thought of his excesses last night made her angry.

After Camille got up and washed up, Auntie's breakfast was ready. Camille said to Auntie, "Auntie, he's away on business, so you can prepare meals for me alone for the next two days. "

"Okay." Auntie smiled and served a plate of fruits, then said, "You should eat more fruits now that you are pregnant, so that the baby will have good skin and good eyes later.”



"Good, then leave it all to you to arrange!"

Auntie is very nice and Camille is very polite to her.

After breakfast, Camille went to the office.

Ayan went on a business trip, and she went back to the days when she had just moved in alone.

The company has become busy in the past two days because of her orders, and everyone is scrambling to get rid of the office hours with the rest time to work hard.

This struggle makes Camille feel good from the bottom of her heart. She walked past Preston's office and saw him holding his hand and wringing his temples, so she hesitated and walked in.

"Preston , what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable somewhere?" "Nothing, I didn't sleep well last night and I have a bit of a headache." "So, do you want to go back to rest?"

Camille asks in a low voice, looking at him in a terrible state.

Preston smiled lightly: "Back to rest? How can you go back and get some rest?"

"Molly... again?"

He just smiled a far-fetched smile.

Camille said softly: "Preston, in fact, this way you are both tired, you should take her to see a psychiatrist, some problems still need to be referred to a professional doctor better."

“I've been looking again." Preston responded tersely.

Camille nodded her head and said nothing else, just told him not to push himself when he was tired and that there was nothing going on in the company these days so he could rest a bit more.

Camille has been working on her artwork all day, and since Ayan is out of town, she doesn't need to go to the Simpson Group, so she can just hand it over to Mr. Moss.

When I got home in the evening, it was empty, there was another person, but at the moment only myself was left.

Auntie had already prepared the meal and left, three dishes and one soup, enough to fill her up.

Obviously, they are all favorite dishes, but they have little appetite. Maybe it's just a tired day?

Camille ate, spent some time with her grandmother, and then took a bath and went to bed.

Ayan was probably busy not looking for her, and she didn't want to take the initiative, so she fell asleep with her phone in her hand.

She slept well at first, but tonight, somehow, she was suddenly awakened by a nightmare in the middle of the night.

She woke up and could not calm down for a long time, and did not dare to go back to sleep, covering her head with the quilt, resulting in a night of no rest, and did not go to the office the next day.

Camille didn't dare to sleep by herself, so after breakfast, she ran to her grandmother's side of the couch to catch up on sleep.

I thought it would be better, but she was woken up by her grandmother shouting at her.

She looked at her grandmother in horror and saw blood in her dream, dreamed that someone pushed her off the cliff and she saw the child in her belly .......

She did not dare to continue to think back, but just stared at her grandmother in a daze.

"Cami , did you have a nightmare?"

Grandma said she kept screaming so much that she woke her up. Camille didn't want to worry her grandmother and just smiled lightly: "Maybe I watched too many thrillers last night, so I just had the same dream.”

“You kids, did Ayan not go to bed on time when he was not at home?" "No, I'm just bored."

"Sleep well, or how will the baby grow well?"

Camille just smiled lightly, it was still early, but she was not too willing to go back, just afraid that grandma was worried about her, so she went back with a hard head.

She plays lullabies on her phone in order to sleep soundly.

Lying in bed, eyes closed, just ready to fall asleep, the phone also rang at that moment.

She woke up with a start, opened her eyes and immediately went to check her cell phone, which was called by Ayan.

She breathed a silent sigh of relief and picked up the phone, "Hello?" "What's wrong? Doesn't sound like you're doing well?"

“No, I didn't sleep last night, and I was just getting ready to catch up on my sleep.”

"Didn't sleep well? Because I wasn't home?"

Camille narrowed her eyes and faintly denied, "No, you're overthinking it."

"Really don't miss me?"

"What about you?"

She asked instead of answering.

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