My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 157 - Enough is enough

Ayan's deep gaze swept her lightly, and without waiting for him to speak, Eileen spoke up, "Ayan, I want to talk about something related to a year ago.”

He frowned tightly, with his dark eyes turning even darker.

Then he said faintly, "You can eat first."

This was said to Camille, who then turned and walked towards the living room.

Eileen also looked at Camille with a provocative look on her face, as if to say: "Camille, did you see that? I still win, you are a loser! *

Camille stood still and did not move, just watched the two men walk to the living room, as to what they were going to talk about, Camille was not curious, but there was an indescribable feeling in the bottom of his heart.

It was as if a voice was telling her, "See, whenever he chooses, it's Eileen after all.

In the living room, Ayan stood pensively in front of the window, he looked blandly at Eileen and asked, "Go ahead, what do you want to talk about?"

He seemed to have little patience in his attitude.

He was extremely cold to her these days, taking advantage of a business trip and not even willing to answer the phone, Eileen was unsure what he was thinking, but she was afraid that he will be more impatient as the time went on.

Eileen pursed her lips and asked in a low voice, "Ayan , I want to take a set of wedding photos.”

Ayan gave her a faint glance and did not respond.

Eileen took a step closer to him and repeated, "Ayan, I want you to take a set of wedding photos with me. I know you don't want to divorce Camille anymore, and I know you may only have a little bit of guilt left for me, but do you know how much I want to marry you? I've been longing for our wedding ever since you promised to marry me, so can you grant my wish?"

After she finished, she was worried that Ayan would not agree, so she hurriedly said one more sentence: "Don't worry, as long as you agree to accompany me to take a set of wedding photos, I will follow your intention to cooperate with the psychologist's treatment, and this time I also want to make a real goodbye to the past and you completely.” Her words and attitude were very sincere, and her eyes were full of expectant waiting.

But Ayan remained indifferent as water, a handsome face expressionless glance at her, voice light: "Eileen, do you think everything can be solved after I promise you to take this set of wedding photos?"

"Of course, as long as you accompany me to take wedding photos, you can not need to divorce, and my wish to marry you is fulfilled, we are two clear between us, from now on, I will not bother you again, but Ayan , I really wish you can accompany me, but I know such a thought is a luxury.”

She gently bites her lips, her watery eyes are flushed with redness, she tries desperately to control not to let the tears under her eyes flow out, her fair face looks extra pathetic and moving because of her stubbornness.

But Ayan just swept an expressionless glance, without the slightest ripple, and simply said, "Are you really sure you've thought this through?"

"Yes, I've thought about it, so Ayan , will you say yes to me?"

"Since you have already thought about it, why do you need to dwell on the matter of whether or not I agree to take your wedding photos?" "Because it is my obsession to marry you, I ......"

“Eileen, do you think it's appropriate for me to take wedding photos with you while I'm still married to Camille?"

"Why not, Ayan, are you in love with Camille? But she doesn't love you at all. She's only with you because of the elders’ arrangement ......" "That's enough!" Ayan stopped Eileen's words, he narrowed his eyes, his dark eyes with a cold intent stared at Eileen and said, "If you really think clearly, then change other requirements, within my ability I will meet you."

Eileen pursed her lips as she said in a low voice, "Ayan , that's all I ask."

“Then I'm sorry, there's no way I can grant you that request.”


"There's no reason, just no need." His words were cold, and his deep black eyes were indifferent to the extreme.

His indifference caused Eileen to pause slightly.

A sentence without why, just unnecessary, completely let Eileen's emotions out of control.

She pursed her lips and her face was covered in tears as she said, "Ayan, have you been waiting for me to take the initiative and tell you that I won't haunt you anymore? Is it true that as soon as I say that we should draw a clear line and not have any more relationship, you will definitely nod your head yes without hesitation?"

Ayan didn't say anything, just watched her emotional outpouring indifferently.

Eileen said again, "Ayan, why can't you say yes to me? If you don't love Camille, why can't you divorce her and be with me? It's obvious that we met first, and it's obvious that I've done more for you, how can you not want me?"

Eileen was very emotional, she was crying and questioning, but Ayan just looked at her lightly without much ripple or reaction.

His eyes are ZhanZhan deep and dark, a pair of eyes is also gloomy without any gentle, he clear and light open: “Eileen , you are now too emotional, wait for you to calm down after we talk, as for your conditions, if you are willing to change to other, I will do my best to agree with you, but if you insist on this point, then sorry, I can not meet. Eileen became more and more emotional when she saw this, and she ran directly towards Ayan and hugged him: "Ayan, why do you have to be so cruel to me?"

Ayan was slightly stunned, his face was blue and warm, and the next second he raised his hand and pulled her away.

He said coldly, "Eileen, calm down!"

Eileen shook her head, her emotions out of control. She looked up at Ayan and caught a glimpse of Camille coming from the foyer, and the next moment, she jumped right at him, then held his face in her hands and stood on her tiptoes to try to force a kiss.

Ayan tightly frowned at the moment before she came up to avoid, a face gloomy and cold, like a thousand-year-old pool and cold and heavy.

Camille stood in the doorway of the living room, light-colored sweater sleeves pulled up to the elbow, revealing a fair skin, reflecting a very eye-catching comfort, the pair of black and white almond eyes as an outsider looking at them, a face is expressionless to the extreme.

She narrowed her eyes slightly and spoke lightly, "Sorry! I'm sorry to disturb you."

Ayan subconsciously looked over, she stood motionless, eyes slightly curved, as if in a smile, but the smile half did not reach the bottom of the eyes quickly covered by coldness.

Her gaze also lingered for just a second or two before moving away, and when she looked at Eileen, she saw the sneer between her eyebrows, a smile that was full of provocation and declarations of war, but she had no emotion.

Without waiting for a response, Camille said quietly and coolly, "You guys go ahead, I'm going to go eat."

After saying that, she turned around and walked towards the restaurant.

Ayan's eyebrows knitted, eyes obscure, a handsome face warm as if expressionless, just quietly watching her back disappeared from sight. At this point, Eileen reached out and clutched the corner of his shirt and whispered, "Ayan , you see, Camille doesn't love you at all, if she did, she wouldn't be reacting like this, she ......."

"Eileen, stop it! Or do you feel comfortable embarrassing each other?" His eyes were stern, and his cold and stern tone made her completely frozen.

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